The Horde Descends at BitSummit Drift 2024!

[h3]Welcome back, survivors.[/h3]
Whisper Mountain Outbreak is being showcased with other Toge Productions' games at the BitSummit Drift 2024.
[h2]Come and visit us on Bitsummit 2024 in Kyoto, Japan![/h2]

[h3]Visit Toge Productions at BitSummit Drift 2024![/h3]
Date: Friday, July 19th to Sunday, July 21st, 2024.
Location: International Exhibition Hall Miyako Messe, Kyoto.
Booth Location: 1F, Booth IP-46 (Toge Productions).
Whisper Mountain Outbreak is on BitSummit Drift (2024) under the Toge Productions booth, showcasing the newest update of build v144. The Toge crews are also present to speak with you personally, and we will also bring you some exclusive onsite merchandise that you might be interested in. There is no need to worry for fans from the other side of the continent. We will bring them to other events, such as the upcoming PAX Aus and PAX West.
“Embracing the spirit of ‘BitSummit Drift,’ on 2024 BitSummit symbolizes the swift and dynamic flow of indie gaming.” We are happy to participate in one of the longest-running indie game conventions since 2012 in Kyoto, Japan. The legacy of game development that led to the creation of indie studios also plays a major part. Join us, whether onsite in Kyoto or online, where BitSummit Drift showcases and celebrates the best indie games from Japan and worldwide!
[h3]Whisper Mountain Outbreak Limited Demo is Now Live![/h3]
[h3]More upcoming games we showcase during BitSummit Drift 2024!![/h3]
See you next time at the next rendezvous, survivors.
[h2]Connect to the Survivors Network![/h2]

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