Update 12.4 Released
Quick main branch update before the Thanksgiving holiday.
[h3] Improvements: [/h3]
[h3] Fixes: [/h3]
[h3] Infinite Mode: [/h3]
[h3] Improvements: [/h3]
- Added motion particles.
- Torpedoes no longer take team damage.
- Improved AI turret targeting.
- Adjusted Sabre camera positioning.
[h3] Fixes: [/h3]
- Fixed a bug causing fighter AI to misjudge its firing angle and hold fire too often.
- Fix for titan flak turrets not dealing damage, reigned in flak turret firing arcs.
- Fix for Mothership heal radius interacting with aiming reticles.
- Fix for break caused by switching ships while in command mode.
[h3] Infinite Mode: [/h3]
- Mining zones: enemy spawn frequency increased from 60 to 40 seconds, jump drive charge time reduced from 240 to 160 seconds.
- Fixed difficulty modifier that would pick enemy waves less aggressively than intended.
- Increased SuperTalon boss damage.
- Fixed missing label for destroy freighters mission.
- Added objective tags to salvage mission.