1. HEART of CROWN Online
  2. News
  3. 『HoC Online』Ver1.4.8Patch Notes・Supply Replacement

『HoC Online』Ver1.4.8Patch Notes・Supply Replacement

[h2]Fixes & Adjustments[/h2]
・Adjusted the position of the Field Confirmation button to make it easier to use emotes after a match ends.
・Updated the item selection UI in MyPage, allowing up to 8 emote slots to be set.
・Added the following settings to Config.
  • An option to disable animations when selecting card effects.
  • A feature that automatically resolves the effect when Cavalry is used consecutively, and the two revealed cards are the same as in the previous instance.

[h2]Replaced the supply for both online matches.[/h2]

In Ranked Matches, these 8 supplies will have an increased appearance rate.
The next rotation is scheduled for March 14th.