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HEART of CROWN Online News

『HoC Online』Ver1.4.9Patch Notes・Supply Replacement

[h2]Fixes & Adjustments[/h2]
・Fixed an issue where settings on the first page of the Config screen could still be adjusted after navigating to the second page.
・The total inheritance points in the Field Information UI can now be toggled between values that include and exclude negative points. Clicking within the frame will switch between the two.

[h2]Replaced the supply for both online matches.[/h2]

This time, the rotation will feature reprinted supplies, and these 8 supplies will have an increased appearance rate in Ranked Matches.
The next rotation is scheduled for March 21th.

『HEART of CROWN Online』Supply Rotation & Development Report⑧

Greetings to all the influential figures of the empire!

Starting from 10:00 AM (JST) on March 14th, we will be updating the supply and ROM.

[h2]Development Report⑧[/h2]
Here is a progress update on currently developing and planned features.

[h3]New Single-Player Mode①[/h3]
The new single-player mode, Noble Mode, which was test-played during the recent live broadcast, is progressing smoothly in development.
We aim to announce its release schedule within this month, so please stay tuned!

[h3]New Single-Player Mode②[/h3]
This mode will further explore the world of Heart of Crown, offering a deeper dive into its lore.
The story will unfold in a different way compared to Heart of Crown PC.

We will share updates on the release schedule as well as development previews, including in-game screens, as soon as they are ready.
Stay tuned for more details!

[h3]Next Expansion: Northern Enchantress[/h3]
As mentioned in Development Report⑤, we are still in discussions with the original publisher, FLIPFLOPs, regarding Northern Enchantress Second Edition.

We will share any updates as soon as there are new developments, so please stay tuned!

『HoC Online』Ver1.4.8Patch Notes・Supply Replacement

[h2]Fixes & Adjustments[/h2]
・Adjusted the position of the Field Confirmation button to make it easier to use emotes after a match ends.
・Updated the item selection UI in MyPage, allowing up to 8 emote slots to be set.
・Added the following settings to Config.
  • An option to disable animations when selecting card effects.
  • A feature that automatically resolves the effect when Cavalry is used consecutively, and the two revealed cards are the same as in the previous instance.

[h2]Replaced the supply for both online matches.[/h2]

In Ranked Matches, these 8 supplies will have an increased appearance rate.
The next rotation is scheduled for March 14th.

『HEART of CROWN Online』Supply Rotation & Second Ranked Match Data Release

Greetings to all the influential figures of the empire!

Starting from 10:00 AM (JST) on March 7th, we will be updating the supply and ROM.

[h2]Second Ranked Match Data Release[/h2]
The data from the second Ranked Match season, as introduced in the recent official live broadcast, has been released.

We plan to continue releasing data regularly, so stay tuned!

『HEART of CROWN Online』Ver1.4.7Patch Notes

[h2]Fixes & Adjustments[/h2]
・Updated the Store banner to the latest version.
*This update does not affect or change the items available for sale in the store.