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Ultra Mega Cats News

Ultra Mega Cats unveil new trailer at Winter Games Expo!

[h3]We are happy to release a new exciting trailer with Roger Clark at this year's Winter Games Expo hosted by the OTK network.

Join us in celebration of new exciting Indie Games announcements, developer interviews and gameplay footages.

Let us know your thoughts about new team member of our Mega Cats roster ;) [/h3]

[h3]Watch the showcase here:[/h3]

[h3]or here:[/h3]


Ultra Mega Cats - TwitchCon San Diego!

Another week, another adventure! This time our cats traveled to beautiful San Diego, where TwitchCon is just beginning!

It’s going to be a weekend full of fun and amazing people. Content creators from all over the world are coming to San Diego to enjoy time with their viewers and relax in the geeky atmosphere—and of course, our cats fit right in!


Ultra Mega Cats can be found at booth 2923 where we invite everyone looking for some excitement. We're waiting for you with the latest demo of our game, where you can check out the newest updates and share your thoughts on UMC. We can’t wait to see you, and... Kagero will be there too ;)

Ultra Mega Cats - Boomstock!

Do you miss the days when games were all about pure fun? Then Boomstock is made just for you!

Boomstock is a special event created for those who want to relive that "retro" vibe taking you back to a time when it was all about enjoying pure action and admiring classic-style games.
You'll find tons of amazing titles here, including our upcoming Ultra Mega Cats, which is getting closer to release!


With the refreshed trailer, we get a sneak peek at how Ultra Mega Cats is changing.
We are constantly working on the game, making changes to improve your gaming experience.
Since the beginning of production, the graphics, gameplay and our cats have been evolving.
We'll show you even more soon, but for now, take a look at BBKat to see how the game has progressed.

Are you a content creator and want to try out Ultra Mega Cats? Join our campaign on Lurkit and have fun with our kitties!

Ultra Mega Cats are going to PAX!

[h2]Our cats have decided that they've been spending a lot of time in the office lately, so they could use a little trip. That's why they've decided to fly out to PAX West![/h2]

The upcoming weekend is a celebration of gaming in Seattle, PAX is one of the biggest events in the world, and Ultra Mega Cats will have its place there. To celebrate our presence at this event, we've prepared an all-new gameplay trailer for you!

It's going to be an incredible weekend! If you're planning a trip to Seattle and attending PAX, be sure to visit our booth at number 1125. You'll have the chance to play the latest demo of Ultra Mega Cats, ask us questions about the game, or just chat about cats (the real ones—we love cats). We look forward to seeing you there!

A new demo version will be available at the event! Two playable characters await you, the agile Kagero and the armoured BBKat with completely different play styles. You'll be able to test yourself by blasting through hordes of enemies, and a final battle with the rat king who awaits you at the end. The game has changed a lot since the last demo. We've improved the shooting and movement for even more satisfying, plus the cats look marvellous!. Be sure to stop by if you're in Seattle this weekend.

Devlog #5 - Together For Cats!

[h2]Virtual cats in our game can fight for themselves, but real cats often need help.[/h2]

At Fallen Leaf, we have not only people who work on video games but also cat lovers. During the planning stage for our next game, many team members mentioned wanting to create a game where the main characters are these adorable animals. That's how the idea for Ultra Mega Cats came about.

Creating the game is one thing, but we also want to use our work to do something beneficial for real cats, who face various issues such as illness, hunger, and abandonment. We know people who are addressing these problems, and we would like to join their efforts.

In our country, there are cafes that, in addition to serving coffee (and other treats), also take care of cats. They do this in various ways: feeding, sheltering abandoned animals, providing medical care, or assisting with adoptions. These are places where people can enjoy the company of cats while drinking their coffee and offer help if they wish.

We found several places to which we gave gadgets related to our game, so they could distribute them among their customers and encourage support for these places. If you are in Poland, it's worth dropping by for a coffee with our friends:

However, we wanted to do more while creating Ultra Mega Cats, so we came up with the idea of a charity stream. As the game's creators, we would encourage support for the "Puszatek" foundation by giving away copies of our game to viewers.

"Puszatek" is an amazing foundation that collaborates with over a hundred shelters across Poland. Their efforts cover practically everything: supporting shelters in improving conditions for the cats, organizing food and material drives, and encouraging people to adopt cats.

We are eager to help the foundation and thought that raising awareness about their work and gathering funds for their beneficiaries would be incredibly helpful. We are in contact with Puszatek and will provide more details soon.

If you want to learn more about them, be sure to check out their website: Puszatek