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Ultra Mega Cats News

Win Ultra Mega Cats copy! - CONTEST

We have a big update for the Ultra Mega Cats demo and... a Contest!

We've decided to celebrate the release of the new demo version and give you some gifts! These will be three copies of our game and $50 Steam gift cards.

What do you need to do? Just have fun playing the demo and take a screenshot to share with us on our Facebook or X. What should be in the screenshot? Whatever you want! There are no rules, show us what you find interesting, and we will choose three entries to reward.


The contest takes place under the post on our X and Facebook.

Take a screenshot that you find interesting and send it under the contest post.

The three best screenshots, which we will choose by voting in the studio, will receive a copy of Ultra Mega Cats and a $50 Steam code!


You can play the new Ultra Mega Cats demo!

The past few weeks have been very busy for us. After releasing the demo, we started reading your feedback and began making improvements to the game. The changes cover practically everything, from bugs to balance, all to ensure the best possible experience for you. Here are some of the changes:

  • Mouse sensitivity options
  • VSync support
  • AI logic modification
  • Rat King tweaks
  • New default aspects for players
  • BB-KAT skills tweaks (skill reloading time, shield penetration, roll speed)
  • Chest fixes
  • BB-KAT and kagero have 2 mods active
  • Lovered amount of enemies on demo maps
  • Increased HP level of RatKing and Rat packs
  • And a lot of bugfixes

As you can see, there are quite a few changes, many of which concern our beloved BB-KAT. From now on, playing with it will be much more enjoyable.

Of course, this is not the end of the improvements. We are continually making updates, and thanks to your feedback, Ultra Mega Cats will keep getting better! Now, we invite you to try out the new demo. If this is your first time, we have prepared a control guide for you:

[h2]PS Controller[/h2]

[h2]XBOX Controller[/h2]

[h2]Mouse + Keyboard [/h2]

Devlog #4 - The demo has arrived!

[h2]It’s DEMOlition time![/h2]

Who let the cats out?! We did! It’s time to change theory into practice! Today we are ultra-mega excited to show you the effects of our work with the Ultra Mega Cats demo, which is live NOW! Before you go all in, let’s take a minute to prepare for wreaking furrious havoc and read what awaits you inside.

[h2]The demo contents[/h2]

You can play the demo solo or invite a friend to spread mayhem together in a 2-player co-op mode. There are two pawesome characters for you to control, grow overpowered, and try to complete a test run in our first biome, Machineland (you can read more about it here). The demo version of Machineland consists of five rooms, swarming with enemies, and a final fight with one of our dreadful bosses - the disturbing Rat King.

Please note that the demo could be challenging (especially playing solo) but we will tweak the game's difficulty based on your feedback.

[h2]Meet the heroes[/h2]
KAGERO is the deadliest assassin among all cats. She is a fast-moving, elusive bow-shooting and katana-wielding ninja, whose body has been enhanced with advanced cyber implants. The purrfect damage dealer! You can learn Kagero’s backstory in her reveal trailer.

Kagero skillset breakdown:

Clawdacity: Fury-like energy meter. Killing enemies and receiving damage generates this resource. Once full, Kagero can enter Moewverdive, which boosts all stats.

Kinetic Bow: Shoots an arrow from the bow. The longer you hold a button, the farther the arrow flies and the more damage it deals.

Slash: Kagero dashes forward, attacking enemies, with Katana dealing small amounts of damage to everyone on her way and dealing more damage to enemies in front of her.

Stealth: Kagero becomes invisible and leaves a few spikes behind that can damage enemies. Each second, you regenerate a small amount of Health.

Dash: Dashes in the direction of movement, dodging all incoming damage.

Meowverdrive: Kagero enters an overcharged state, granting her more movement speed, damage, incoming damage reduction, and cooldown reduction. Upon activation, it also resets all ongoing cooldowns. It can be activated only when the Clawdacity meter is full and, once activated, cannot be stopped or canceled. The Clawdacity meter is set to zero upon activation and doesn't regenerate until Moewverdrive is over.

Move Ability
Double Jump: Kagero can jump a second time while in mid-air. This second jump can be performed before landing and is only 50% as high as the main one.

BBkat is our second hero. Don’t get fooled by his cute, innocent looks - he is the demolition kitten! He loves to play, especially the game called “wreaking havoc with flurries of rockets and machine gunfire while staying perfectly safe inside my heavily armored battle mech”. As a tank, he can take a lot of damage and won’t even notice!

BBKat skillset breakdown:

Fortification: Have an additional Shield attribute that protects Baby Cat from incoming damage. Once depleted, the regular Health pool is exposed to attacks.

Machine gun: Automatic heat-based weapon. Shooting generates heat; once it reaches the threshold, the weapon is unusable for a short period and needs to cool down.

Rocket Launcher: Launches a rocket that detonates on contact with an enemy.

Snare Field: Deploys a field of mouse traps around the character. Once the enemy comes close, it clamps on him, dealing damage and rooting for a short duration.

Purr-tection Shield: Creates a holographic barrier in front of Baby Cat and sends it forward. The shield blocks all projectiles and enemies. It has its health pool - once depleted, the shield is destroyed.

Roll: Transforms you into a ball for a short time. While in a ball form, it regenerates your shield, taunts all nearby enemies, and nullifies incoming damage, but your speed is greatly reduced. Using this ability a second time cancels it, and the cooldown is applied.

Move Ability
Jetpack: Soar in the air and smash the enemies from above for as long as the fuel lasts!

[h2]Progress to the ultra-mega level[/h2]

Remember our Aspect System, the way for our Ultra Mega Cats to practically ascend to godhood? You’ll test it on the run! In the demo, two powerful Cat Gods will lend you their powers: Cheetah, the Incarnate of Swiftness, and Jaguar, the Incarnate of Stealth. That means you’ll get critically dangerous and quick! Let’s learn a bit more about the Aspects. They are divided into three groups:
  • Slotted Aspects can be inserted into predefined slots, one at a time. Upon encountering an Aspect that would go into an occupied slot, the player can swap the old one with the new one. If the chosen Aspect swapped another one in an already occupied slot, its level would be one higher than initially.

  • Passive Aspects are always active and don’t occupy any particular slot. There are no limits (at the moment) on how many passive abilities you can have. Their power is rather subtle, but boy, can they stack!

  • Ultra Aspects are passive, too but as scarce as they are powerful. Since their power is usually game-changing, they are limited to a maximum of 2 per run, and at the moment, they can’t be replaced.

Besides the Coalition Chests with the Aspects inside, upon finishing a room you will also find the Power-Up Chests with more typical rewards, such as shop discounts, HP restoration, Aspects alterations, and various upgrades.

Finally, we will give you a taste of the long progression system, a way to upgrade your Cats not just for the duration of the run, but permanently. In the demo, Kagero and Baby Cat have been pre-equipped with some starting M.O.D.S. that influence their play style. In the full version of Ultra Mega Cats, you will be able to change the M.O.D.S. and get even more absurdly and diversly overpowered!


We want you to quickly achieve mastery in controlling your cats, so we've prepared control schemes for you. Thanks to this, you'll be able to handle arenas without any problems.

[h2]Feedback is king[/h2]

Enough talking, let’s start playing! We hope you’ll have a great time in the Ultra Mega Cats demo and can’t wait to hear from you. Was it pawesome? Or is there room for improvement? Your feedback is crucial. Share your thoughts on the Steam Community Page or our Discord!

Demo is now out during Steam Replayability Festival!

[h3]📣🎮 Exciting News Alert! 🎮📣[/h3]

Attention all gamers and feline enthusiasts! The highly anticipated demo version of "Ultra Mega Cats" has just been released on Steam, and players can now embark on a purrfectly thrilling adventure during the Steam Replayability Festival!

🐾 Dive into the whimsical world of "Ultra Mega Cats," where fluffy companions show their combat prowess and epic battles await. In this action-packed game, players will take on the role of mighty cat character, each with their own unique abilities and personalities.

🎮 The demo version offers a taste of the full game's adrenaline-fueled gameplay, allowing players to experience the game with two characters both solo and in online co-op!

🌟 Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a newcomer to the world of indie gaming, "Ultra Mega Cats" promises hours of fun and replayability. With its charming visuals, engaging gameplay mechanics, and lovable characters, it's a paw-sitively delightful experience for players of all ages.

🎉 And what better time to test out the demo version than during the Steam Replayability Festival? From now until the end of the festival, players can download the demo for free and join in on the fun-filled festivities.

🛠️ We are also eager to hear your feedback after playing the demo so that we can tailor the game for our community as possible as we can! Should you encounter any bug or other issue, we would appreciate if you could report it on Steam Discussion forum of the game or directly in our Discord :)

[h3]🤝 If you are looking for a companion to play together, our Discord server is a perfect place for that!
With a dozen of dedicated voice channels and game oriented chat, You will have every opportunity to discuss and play the game with our community![/h3]

Devlog #3

Fur, spice, and everything nice… Those were the ingredients chosen to create the
perfect little kitten. But at Unseen Silence, we also totally deliberately added an
extra ingredient to the concoction—absurd amounts of power! Thus, the Ultra
Mega Cats were born, and today, we will take a closer look at their ultra-mega powers
and the gameplay they constitute.


For the common house cat, spreading mayhem and destruction is simply inherent. It
is not a bug, it is a feature. To bring it to the ultra-mega level, you need some
additional steps:
  • Endow each cat with a unique set of combat and movement abilities
  • Let them make progress, evolve, and upgrade themselves in a variety of ways
  • Put them in some extremely able hands (Yeah, that’s you! Right?)

Then, apply the cherry on top—the Aspects System, our secret ingredient that makes
the Ultra Mega Cats truly overpowered and keeps the game ever-fresh and exciting
each run. But first… let’s pay a due tribute to the gods.


It is said that in the beginning, there was chaos. But chaos, like a knocked-over fern
or a broken mug, doesn’t create itself. Indeed, all evidence points out that in the
beginning, there had to be cats. The Ancient Cats, beings embodying the greatest
features of the felines.
  • Cheetah, the Incarnate of Swiftness
  • Jaguar, the Incarnate of Stealth
  • Lion, the Incarnate of Strength
  • Tiger, the Incarnate of Fury
  • [The Mysterious Fifth Cat]

The gods created the cat race in their image and likeness and made a heaven for
them to live in. The Ancient Cats could also bless the regular cats with their powers,
making them their champions. The Ultra Mega Cats. You can already see where this
is going, right?

After the terrible attack of other animals, some of the feline gods got imprisoned,
and the regular cats were enslaved. It is now the quest of a few remaining cats to
fight for their freedom.


The Aspects are the temporary gods' blessings. Boons, that fill your cat with divine powers to help them get through the dynamically generated rooms that build a biome. They are designed to bring different kinds of overpower to life and support the playstyle that fits you best. Because the Aspects only last for the duration of the run, each game becomes a new experience, garnished with just the right amount of exciting randomness we all love. 🎰

During the run, you will encounter many opportunities to empower your cat's skillset with new skills and possibilities. The Aspects would be found in the Coalition Chests - the Coalition is a family of Aspects coming from the same Ancient Cat and named after them. Each Coalition consists of 10 Aspects with 3 different rarity levels. What’s more, each Aspect can be further upgraded, creating tons of opportunities and options to tinker with. Just pick and mix the Coalitions however you like, and combine the Aspects into amazing builds!

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the Aspects we’ve prepared:

Electricheetah buffs Primary attacks with a chance to emit Lighting Bolts! You can truly transform your cat into a God of Thunder and Rock N Roll.

Call of The Wind is the Ancient Jaguar’s Banner Aura which spawns a Banner in the spot of the first defeated enemy in each room that grants an amazing Dodge Bonus to every friendly character in a 20m radius.

Paws of Rage on the other hand (or paw) not only gives Primary attacks extra Critical Chance, but also grants a chance to spawn Milk Bottles. What did you expect, nectar? It’s feline gods! Milk Bottles provide a powerful bonus of resetting all cooldowns for friendly characters. Refreshing!

As you progress through the biomes and free more Ancient Cats, new sets of Aspects become available. It means more unique builds and even more ways of having fun to discover!

How do you like our Aspects System? Will you devote yourself to one Coalition and turn its powers up to absurd levels or create a dangerous mix of few? Or maybe you will be lucky enough to find the rare and legendary versions? We can’t wait for your creativity to break in! 🤯