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  3. Devlog #5 - Together For Cats!

Devlog #5 - Together For Cats!

[h2]Virtual cats in our game can fight for themselves, but real cats often need help.[/h2]

At Fallen Leaf, we have not only people who work on video games but also cat lovers. During the planning stage for our next game, many team members mentioned wanting to create a game where the main characters are these adorable animals. That's how the idea for Ultra Mega Cats came about.

Creating the game is one thing, but we also want to use our work to do something beneficial for real cats, who face various issues such as illness, hunger, and abandonment. We know people who are addressing these problems, and we would like to join their efforts.

In our country, there are cafes that, in addition to serving coffee (and other treats), also take care of cats. They do this in various ways: feeding, sheltering abandoned animals, providing medical care, or assisting with adoptions. These are places where people can enjoy the company of cats while drinking their coffee and offer help if they wish.

We found several places to which we gave gadgets related to our game, so they could distribute them among their customers and encourage support for these places. If you are in Poland, it's worth dropping by for a coffee with our friends:

However, we wanted to do more while creating Ultra Mega Cats, so we came up with the idea of a charity stream. As the game's creators, we would encourage support for the "Puszatek" foundation by giving away copies of our game to viewers.

"Puszatek" is an amazing foundation that collaborates with over a hundred shelters across Poland. Their efforts cover practically everything: supporting shelters in improving conditions for the cats, organizing food and material drives, and encouraging people to adopt cats.

We are eager to help the foundation and thought that raising awareness about their work and gathering funds for their beneficiaries would be incredibly helpful. We are in contact with Puszatek and will provide more details soon.

If you want to learn more about them, be sure to check out their website: Puszatek