1. Ultra Mega Cats
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  3. Devlog #3

Devlog #3

Fur, spice, and everything nice… Those were the ingredients chosen to create the
perfect little kitten. But at Unseen Silence, we also totally deliberately added an
extra ingredient to the concoction—absurd amounts of power! Thus, the Ultra
Mega Cats were born, and today, we will take a closer look at their ultra-mega powers
and the gameplay they constitute.


For the common house cat, spreading mayhem and destruction is simply inherent. It
is not a bug, it is a feature. To bring it to the ultra-mega level, you need some
additional steps:
  • Endow each cat with a unique set of combat and movement abilities
  • Let them make progress, evolve, and upgrade themselves in a variety of ways
  • Put them in some extremely able hands (Yeah, that’s you! Right?)

Then, apply the cherry on top—the Aspects System, our secret ingredient that makes
the Ultra Mega Cats truly overpowered and keeps the game ever-fresh and exciting
each run. But first… let’s pay a due tribute to the gods.


It is said that in the beginning, there was chaos. But chaos, like a knocked-over fern
or a broken mug, doesn’t create itself. Indeed, all evidence points out that in the
beginning, there had to be cats. The Ancient Cats, beings embodying the greatest
features of the felines.
  • Cheetah, the Incarnate of Swiftness
  • Jaguar, the Incarnate of Stealth
  • Lion, the Incarnate of Strength
  • Tiger, the Incarnate of Fury
  • [The Mysterious Fifth Cat]

The gods created the cat race in their image and likeness and made a heaven for
them to live in. The Ancient Cats could also bless the regular cats with their powers,
making them their champions. The Ultra Mega Cats. You can already see where this
is going, right?

After the terrible attack of other animals, some of the feline gods got imprisoned,
and the regular cats were enslaved. It is now the quest of a few remaining cats to
fight for their freedom.


The Aspects are the temporary gods' blessings. Boons, that fill your cat with divine powers to help them get through the dynamically generated rooms that build a biome. They are designed to bring different kinds of overpower to life and support the playstyle that fits you best. Because the Aspects only last for the duration of the run, each game becomes a new experience, garnished with just the right amount of exciting randomness we all love. 🎰

During the run, you will encounter many opportunities to empower your cat's skillset with new skills and possibilities. The Aspects would be found in the Coalition Chests - the Coalition is a family of Aspects coming from the same Ancient Cat and named after them. Each Coalition consists of 10 Aspects with 3 different rarity levels. What’s more, each Aspect can be further upgraded, creating tons of opportunities and options to tinker with. Just pick and mix the Coalitions however you like, and combine the Aspects into amazing builds!

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the Aspects we’ve prepared:

Electricheetah buffs Primary attacks with a chance to emit Lighting Bolts! You can truly transform your cat into a God of Thunder and Rock N Roll.

Call of The Wind is the Ancient Jaguar’s Banner Aura which spawns a Banner in the spot of the first defeated enemy in each room that grants an amazing Dodge Bonus to every friendly character in a 20m radius.

Paws of Rage on the other hand (or paw) not only gives Primary attacks extra Critical Chance, but also grants a chance to spawn Milk Bottles. What did you expect, nectar? It’s feline gods! Milk Bottles provide a powerful bonus of resetting all cooldowns for friendly characters. Refreshing!

As you progress through the biomes and free more Ancient Cats, new sets of Aspects become available. It means more unique builds and even more ways of having fun to discover!

How do you like our Aspects System? Will you devote yourself to one Coalition and turn its powers up to absurd levels or create a dangerous mix of few? Or maybe you will be lucky enough to find the rare and legendary versions? We can’t wait for your creativity to break in! 🤯