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  3. V0.10.7 - Important bug fixes

V0.10.7 - Important bug fixes

This is mainly an important bug-fix update to address villagers not being able to talk or trade. This did indeed turn out to be a real issue so we thank everyone that brought it to our attention! In fact, it was quite a tricky issue to solve and make work well since conversations involve two villagers and a lot of edge cases between all possible actions - but happy with the results! This is one of the charms of this game, so we also apologise for not noticing this earlier; we've significantly upgraded our testing and debugging processes to implant more resilience into future updates and features! :)

  • Fixed villagers not being able to start conversations
  • Fixed villagers not being able to start trades
  • Fixed villagers getting stuck in conversation due to overlapping actions
  • Villagers can now talk to others whilst they are doing some actions (eg drinking at the tavern), and will walk up to them to do so
  • Fixed villagers getting stuck if you go to sleep and they happened to be talking
  • Fixed villagers remarking during conversation