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Heard of the Story? News

V0.10.8 - Seasonal Food, Rabbits, and Durability Indicator

[h2]❄️ Seasonal food items[/h2]

We wanted to iterate on seasons and their effects, so in this update, we focused a little on the food side of things. Overall, we've made merchants bring season-specific items as well as introducing new cooking recipes and purchasable items to vary the seasonal range. Now, you may find merchants serving vegetables during spring and summer, meanwhile nuts, fish, and their related recipes during autumn and winter. Finally, we also updated merchants to always bring at least one type of food with them to help encourage this culinary art!
[h2]🐇 Rabbits[/h2]

After almost a couple of years of teasing these little rascals, they've finally made it into the game. Note that they are a little bit shy! :)
[h2]🪓 Durability indicator[/h2]

Also much requested was a durability indicator for tools, so this update finally brings it to those items! Additionally:
  • Also shows for other villagers when you're trading
  • Used items are now discounted in trades
  • During trading, we've also added the price of an item into the tooltip underneath the name

[h2]🐞 Other bug fixes and improvements[/h2]
  • Added some new sound effects to market stalls and trades
  • Fixed new villagers migrating into your town even if their house is not finished
  • Fixed merchants not bringing tools for completed buildings
  • Fixed merchants being able to bring monuments
  • Fixed wheat not inspiring the idea of flour milling
  • Picking up redcurrants will now also give cooking ideas
  • Fixed cows so they only eat food from your hand, not also your pockets

V0.10.7 - Important bug fixes

This is mainly an important bug-fix update to address villagers not being able to talk or trade. This did indeed turn out to be a real issue so we thank everyone that brought it to our attention! In fact, it was quite a tricky issue to solve and make work well since conversations involve two villagers and a lot of edge cases between all possible actions - but happy with the results! This is one of the charms of this game, so we also apologise for not noticing this earlier; we've significantly upgraded our testing and debugging processes to implant more resilience into future updates and features! :)

  • Fixed villagers not being able to start conversations
  • Fixed villagers not being able to start trades
  • Fixed villagers getting stuck in conversation due to overlapping actions
  • Villagers can now talk to others whilst they are doing some actions (eg drinking at the tavern), and will walk up to them to do so
  • Fixed villagers getting stuck if you go to sleep and they happened to be talking
  • Fixed villagers remarking during conversation

V0.10.6 - Addressing Steam Lag & Bug Fixes

Important note: we've recently confirmed that the latest Steam client update causes slower loading, saving, occasional in-game lag and sometimes glitches. Please see this post for details and how to avoid this issue for the best experience. Edit: This has now been resolved, thanks Steam! :)

  • Changed all flowers to slowly re-grow
  • Fixed windows in house roofs not lighting up when villagers are inside to sleep
  • Fixed camera being wrongly positioned when not talking to a villager head-on
  • Fixed out-of-season vegetation from previous saves not also being destroyed
  • Fixed villagers stopping one step too early to finish building goals
  • Fixed villagers giving up on goals if their tools break and due to being oblivious to their crafting skills. Now they'll try to obtain the tool they need and continue
  • Fixed game crash when destroying an uninhabited house
  • Fixed time progressing during the loading screen, sometimes causing premature saves
  • Fixed not being able to click on the same recipe when re-opening crafting
  • Fixed changing crafting page not correctly updating the requirements and craft button if using the mouse
  • Fixed out-dated settings hint
  • Added an option to re-bind screenshot mode
  • Fixed some interactions with screenshot mode
  • Cleaned up the 'save and ...' flow by fixing buttons, adding a text hint, and waiting on save completion before progression

V0.10.5 - Bug Fixes

Happy New Year everyone! To kick off 2025, we have just a small patch to fix a few things :)

  • Made villagers feel better after crying to prevent them from continually doing so
  • Fixed merchants sticking to browsing only one market stall
  • Fixed vegetation on and around buildings not being destroyed when it’s not in season
  • Fixed out-of-bounds inventory items causing the game to soft-lock during loading
  • Fixed being able to navigate the main menu banner options while in the settings

V0.10.4 - Building Destruction

Working our way through the most requested features, we have finally added the ability to destroy completed buildings! There were various bits and pieces involved for this, like making sure to remove remnant garden objects villagers previously had behind houses, getting them out of buildings before destroying them, and many more small things. In addition, there are various ways that villagers can react whenever you destroy a building - don’t displease them too much!

This now means that you are able to upgrade your town over time by destroying old buildings and replacing them with bigger and better ones. As mentioned in the discussions, we will of course also be working on a real upgrade feature :)

[h2]🪳 Bug fixes[/h2]
  • We also spent a fair bit of time on fixing various issues relating to villagers sometimes just stopping moving. You may have noticed that especially if you played the game for a while, more and more villagers would sometimes just hang around doing nothing. Hopefully this should be fixed in the vast majority of cases now - let us know if you still see anyone lazying around!
  • Fixed immigration being limited to 25 villagers
  • Fixed sometimes showing wrong interaction indicators and interactions when two objects would overlap
  • Made stone colours more consistent with the general colour scheme
  • Added a special dirt effect when digging with the shovel
  • Improved the quality of some UI textures