V0.10.6 - Addressing Steam Lag & Bug Fixes
Important note: we've recently confirmed that the latest Steam client update causes slower loading, saving, occasional in-game lag and sometimes glitches. Please see this post for details and how to avoid this issue for the best experience. Edit: This has now been resolved, thanks Steam! :)
- Changed all flowers to slowly re-grow
- Fixed windows in house roofs not lighting up when villagers are inside to sleep
- Fixed camera being wrongly positioned when not talking to a villager head-on
- Fixed out-of-season vegetation from previous saves not also being destroyed
- Fixed villagers stopping one step too early to finish building goals
- Fixed villagers giving up on goals if their tools break and due to being oblivious to their crafting skills. Now they'll try to obtain the tool they need and continue
- Fixed game crash when destroying an uninhabited house
- Fixed time progressing during the loading screen, sometimes causing premature saves
- Fixed not being able to click on the same recipe when re-opening crafting
- Fixed changing crafting page not correctly updating the requirements and craft button if using the mouse
- Fixed out-dated settings hint
- Added an option to re-bind screenshot mode
- Fixed some interactions with screenshot mode
- Cleaned up the 'save and ...' flow by fixing buttons, adding a text hint, and waiting on save completion before progression