0.8.44b Strengthen armored cars and other adjustments!
Hey, Commanders! How’s it going? Today, I’m bringing you the 0.8.44b update announcement! This update is full of exciting new content, so make sure to check it out~
[h3][Small Difficulty Adjustments][/h3]
[h3][Buffs to some weaker armored cars][/h3]

This update has a lot of new content, doesn’t it? Hehe, if you like these changes, hop into the game and give it a try!
If you have any suggestions, feel free to let us know in the discord community~~
(This is a Beta update. Please participate in testing by right-clicking on the game in Steam, selecting "Properties" - "Betas" - "Beta Participation"!)
Also, in just a few days, on the 18th, it’ll be the 1st anniversary of our game’s release! We’ll be revealing some new stuff, so stay tuned!~~
- Full AP belt for the Lvkv m43 has been added! It has a penetration of 9 and a damage of 1, making your anti-aircraft gun even stronger!
- Kugelblitz has been moved from rank 7 to rank 8! It was just too powerful, but on the bright side, if you bought it earlier, you’ve saved some money~~
- Fixed the invisible enemy bug, no more enemies with the latest optical camouflage!
- Fixed the bug where dummies in the garage would have their stats increased based on the player’s vehicle rank.
- Fixed the bug where field guns would be launched into the air by their own recoil!
- Fixed the issue with HE shells not applying penetration, so now the poor White Tiger boss is stronger again!
[h3][Small Difficulty Adjustments][/h3]
- Enemy machine guns and autocannons will no longer track targets!
- AI multi turret tanks can now use their sub turrets to shoot, after all, it’s a game named after them!
- Fixed the bug where AI sub weapons would only shoot once when the main weapon fires.
[h3][Buffs to some weaker armored cars][/h3]
- So-Mo: On game start, Gain 1 random Rank 3 ally Medium Tank.
- Morris LRC: On game start, Gain 1 random Rank 3 ally Heavy Tank.
- Sd.Kfz.231: On game start, Gain 1 random Rank 3 ally Tank Destroyer.
- Sd.Kfz.250/9 Effect Modification: On game start, Gain 1 random Rank 5 ally SPG.

This update has a lot of new content, doesn’t it? Hehe, if you like these changes, hop into the game and give it a try!
If you have any suggestions, feel free to let us know in the discord community~~
(This is a Beta update. Please participate in testing by right-clicking on the game in Steam, selecting "Properties" - "Betas" - "Beta Participation"!)
Also, in just a few days, on the 18th, it’ll be the 1st anniversary of our game’s release! We’ll be revealing some new stuff, so stay tuned!~~