【Advanced Difficulty System】: Now, before starting the game, you can choose from five available difficulty levels based on the type of vehicle you select. After completing difficulty 5 with several vehicles, you can unlock an amazing hidden vehicle!
Currently, only the advanced difficulty for light tanks and their hidden vehicle are available. Other vehicle types' advanced difficulties and hidden vehicles will be added soon~
Our challenges for light tanks are: flanking, patrolling, and map knowledge. Below are the advanced difficulty for light tanks:
1. Enemy Vehicles Front Armor +10
2. Player Vehicle Crew resistance -100%
3. Enemy Vehicles Mobility +50%
4. Enemy Vehicles Aim speed +50%
5. Add minefields to the maps
【Faction Selection System】: Now, at the beginning of the game, you can choose the faction for both yourself and the enemy, no longer tied to your vehicle! If you choose "Neutral," your faction will randomly change at the end of each mission!

【New Vehicle "Typ 245/10"】: A pretty interesting experimental light tank. It's 5.5 cm autocannon was originally designed to take down bombers. But it seems even Dr. Porsche couldn't resist the temptation of using an anti-aircraft weapon against ground targets.

• The 37mm gun on the Panzer III now has a penetration value increased from 4 to 5, which is more historical.
• Mines can no longer be stacked in the same spot and will be triggered by HE shells and other explosives.
• Fixed a bug where crew resistance stats would display over 90%.
• Also fixed the bug where the poor commissar's speech would occasionally be interrupted!
We've been thinking about this advanced difficulty system for over a year, drawing inspiration from various roguelike game difficulty designs, and combining it with the characteristics of armored vehicles to finally settle on this format. We almost thought it would never be finished!
Anyway, hope you like it~
(This is a Beta update. Please participate in testing by right-clicking on the game in Steam, selecting "Properties" - "Betas" - "Beta Participation"!)