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DSX News

BETA 008 released. Check out what's new!

[h3]BETA 008:[/h3]
  • Introduced two additional toggle options for the Low Battery Flash feature: 'Light Bar Flash' and 'Player LED Flash.' Now you have the flexibility to choose which components of the LED system will flash, including the Light Bar, Player LED, and Mic LED.
  • Updated the placement of the Home Page Controller Status UI.
  • In the DSX Logs Page, you can now easily view the logs folder and share the entire logs folder in a compressed format (.zip) for convenient troubleshooting with developers on Discord.
  • Implemented Enhanced Classic Rumble (formerly known as 'Enable Improved Rumble' in v2), now adjustable in the Haptics/Rumble page.
  • Navigation buttons are now hidden for certain pages when no compatible controllers are connected to DSX.
  • Resolved the issue of Player/Mic LED brightness not taking effect.
  • Resolved the Native Mode LED not applying when reconnecting a controller.
  • Resolved the issue with Adaptive Trigger mode Multiple Position Vibration Frequency not updating for R2.
  • Fixed Player LEDs for older DualSenses and the DS Edge, ensuring they apply correctly.
  • Adjusted the handling of controller connections and communications.

BETA 007 released. Check out what's new!

[h3]BETA 007:[/h3]
  • Fixed a crash related to idle disconnect
  • Fixed Controller Profile Switching overriding other profiles
  • More error handling and improvements to logs
  • Added delay between switching emulation modes so that they aren't spammed
  • Implemented Green Screen Effect in Controller Page for Streamers to show Controller inputs easier
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements

BETA 006 released. Check out what's new!

[h3]BETA 006:[/h3]
  • DS Edge page has been updated to start reading the on board internal profile system for DualSense Edge users. This is still being worked on and making adjustments to the profiles will come soon.
  • Fixed a crash when disconnecting the controller then navigating to the Controller Page
  • Improvements to the usage of Turbo
  • Improvments to the usage of D-Pads and D-Pad bindings
  • Updated the UI when a new VirtualPad update is available by moving the Next button to the top since some users are unable to see the button due to current window size/screen resolution
  • Added option to manually install the VirtualPad driver if an error occurs during installation
  • Fixed Window Resize crash
  • Fixed controller not reconnecting when already connected via BT and then plugging a cable in to use it in USB mode
  • Fixed a crash when navigating to the Controller Page after a controller has been disconnected
  • HidHide crash fixes not handling some errors
  • Many internal minor improvements and bug fixes across the board

BETA 005 released. Check out what's new!

[h3]BETA 005:[/h3]
  • Implemented Automatic Idle Shut Off which only works for controllers connected via Bluetooth, with the same options from v2. It can be configured by going to Controller Page -> General Settings -> Automatic Idle Shut Off
  • Fixed Microphone not working for DualSense variant controllers while the controller is connected via USB.
  • Fixed Right Trigger Feedback Mode slider not updating it's text value.

BETA 004 released. Check out what's new!

[h3]BETA 004:[/h3]
  • Improved the checking of internet connection when DSX is initializing
  • Implemented option to show DSX as the now playing status on Steam. With this on, the playtime will count for DSX and making it easier to write a steam review for users. It's ON by default and can be configured in Settings Page -> Behavior -> Steam Now Playing Status
Previous Beta Patch notes:

[h3]BETA 003:[/h3]
  • Removed a library that would cause DSX to crash for some users
  • Fixed a crash when attempting to access the list of hidden devices in HidHide and provides a solution to solve it for the user as well as fixing another bug for HidHide
  • Fixed a crash when DSX attempts to add itself to launch on startup due to access denied for some users
  • Enabled more info to be put in logs to help better identify issues when diagnosing
  • Updated the attached DSX v2 to version 2.5.0 instead of 2.4.2