BETA 004 released. Check out what's new!
[h3]BETA 004:[/h3]
[h3]BETA 003:[/h3]
- Improved the checking of internet connection when DSX is initializing
- Implemented option to show DSX as the now playing status on Steam. With this on, the playtime will count for DSX and making it easier to write a steam review for users. It's ON by default and can be configured in Settings Page -> Behavior -> Steam Now Playing Status
[h3]BETA 003:[/h3]
- Removed a library that would cause DSX to crash for some users
- Fixed a crash when attempting to access the list of hidden devices in HidHide and provides a solution to solve it for the user as well as fixing another bug for HidHide
- Fixed a crash when DSX attempts to add itself to launch on startup due to access denied for some users
- Enabled more info to be put in logs to help better identify issues when diagnosing
- Updated the attached DSX v2 to version 2.5.0 instead of 2.4.2