BETA 006 released. Check out what's new!
[h3]BETA 006:[/h3]
- DS Edge page has been updated to start reading the on board internal profile system for DualSense Edge users. This is still being worked on and making adjustments to the profiles will come soon.
- Fixed a crash when disconnecting the controller then navigating to the Controller Page
- Improvements to the usage of Turbo
- Improvments to the usage of D-Pads and D-Pad bindings
- Updated the UI when a new VirtualPad update is available by moving the Next button to the top since some users are unable to see the button due to current window size/screen resolution
- Added option to manually install the VirtualPad driver if an error occurs during installation
- Fixed Window Resize crash
- Fixed controller not reconnecting when already connected via BT and then plugging a cable in to use it in USB mode
- Fixed a crash when navigating to the Controller Page after a controller has been disconnected
- HidHide crash fixes not handling some errors
- Many internal minor improvements and bug fixes across the board