1. Evolution Tag 2 Playtest
  2. News
  3. v0.25


[h3]New Hero for the Undead Team![/h3]
  • Hydra - can be built as AP or tank. Can push enemies around with it's massive size and water spells.
  • Evolution Path: Evil Turnip -> Lizion -> Lizel -> Liziant -> Warrior of the Deep -> Hydra -> Hydra UU

[h3]UI Changes:[/h3]
  • You can now still control your main character while selecting an enemy or ally. The other unit's stats/inventory will be displayed while the main character's abilities and evolution options will remain shown.
  • Main character will now automatically be selected in addition to any enemy or ally selection.
  • Shop menu can now be toggled with "P" hotkey
  • Esc hotkey now also closes the shop if it is currently open.
  • Updated default camera zoom to max

[h3]Survival Mode:[/h3]
  • Lowered giant bear armor and HP
  • Goat Damage reduced 2->1 and attack speed increased sightly
  • Turtle thorns armor damage reduced 3->2 and armor reduced by 10
  • Wraith (Level 20) can now cast black hole and CDR changed from 40% -> 50%. Cast frequency increased by approx 25%
  • Added slight HP regeneration to human base towards the later levels
  • Added 3 additional levels. These should be much more challenging and require 2+ people.
  • Starting from levels 20+, levels award much more lumber for perks and next level only starts when the boss is defeated.

[h3]Monster Tag:[/h3]
  • Note: this map currently seems to have fps issues :(
  • EXPERIMENTAL: Navigation tile size reduced from 19->5 so it might have a pretty bad impact on performance
  • The reason for above change is at higher tile sizes, the building grid doesn't quite match up
  • Completely reworked the custom monster tag AI.
  • When monsters can't reach you, they will now attack whatever is closest instead of trying to get closer to you first
  • While above isn't ideal, monsters no longer get stuck/jitter and pathing is much smoother
  • Removed cage at beginning of game
  • First monsters now spawn after 30 seconds
  • Scaled down dwarf warrior, walls, and grumb slightly. Scaled up basic tower slightly.
  • Added a stone block base under each building to look better on ramps
  • Rotated tower to show door
  • Hero's attacks now deal damage instantly instead of waiting for animation to finish
  • Added 2 new monsters: Zilzork, Cyclope
  • Added 3 new buildings: stone block, poison tower, lightning tower, base
  • Adjusted spawn times for each monster and removed periodic creep level up
  • Added 3 new abilities for dwarf warrior. Can get R ability at level 3
  • Fixed bug if monster has very slightly more movement speed than builder it can't attack
  • Further increased movement speed of all units
  • Disabled periodic gold income for monster tag
  • Fixed bug where navigating to edge of map may not have circle of vision centered over the unit properly

[h3]Bug Fixes / Optimizations:[/h3]
  • Reworked and optimized AI for creeps that actively hunt enemies. Affects both classic and survival mode.
  • Fixed bug where enemies with slow animations would occasionally cancel their attacks/spells midcast when hunting.
  • Fixed bug where ghosting could walk through buildings/trees
  • Fixed a bug where unit could get stuck if ability cancelled manually
  • Fixed bug where projectiles and dying units were preventing building
  • Improved accuracy of building placement (which tiles you can build on)
  • 2x2 buildings collision now 7% smaller
  • Lowered volume of level up
  • Increased damage text size
  • Made a few optimizations especially in edge case scenarios but building may feel a bit more buggy. May revert this later.
  • Fixed bug where wind archer rapid fire ability would fire from the wrong location when knocked back
  • Fixed bug for "on next attack" spells where evolving or dying while spell is active would cause SFX to not appear again
  • Fixed bug where damage number text would not show properly if too many attacks hit the target at same time.
  • Fixed bug where using hold position could allow units to attack over cliffs
  • Fixed bug where ranged auto attacks and homing projectiles would target underneath buildings
  • Fixed bug where deflecting certain projectiles would make the projectiles invisible
  • Fixed bug where projectiles were affecting navigation
  • Various minor optimization
  • Fixed navigation issues around ring of trees/rocks at beginning for classic mode

[h3]Stat changes:[/h3]
  • Disabled movement acceleration for most units so changing direction will not slow you down
  • Wraith now has permanent ghosting (can move through units)
  • Buffed black hole spell slightly and reduced cooldown
  • Slightly buffed Gust ability