1. Evolution Tag 2 Playtest
  2. News
  3. v0.27 Patch Notes

v0.27 Patch Notes

[h3]NEW UNITS:[/h3]
Dwarf Warrior - https://youtu.be/JVi5bY_5lLU?si=g731Gbo135V_XyZr
Corrupted Dragon - https://youtu.be/W3SyCsUfJ64?si=xgQtVtK3sgQIem6s
Added a new evolution path including 2 new units for undead berserker - Speedy Skeleton and Elite Skeleton Warrior

[h3]New Items:[/h3]
Added new tier 4 item Bloodthirster which heals user every 7 attacks and deals % of target's max HP.
Added new tier 4 item Dragon Shield which gives 35% chance to resist stuns/freezes, and bonus AD/AP based on magic resist.
Added new tier 2 item for passive healing

[h3]General Changes:[/h3]
Added localization for Korean and a dropdown menu to switch between English and Korean.
Increased passive gold per second for all players

[h3]Unit Changes:[/h3]
Paladin Tank Upgrade Max HP Increased by 250
Wind archer wind arrows (Q) now properly gives armor pen and boosted range bonus from 125 -> 500
Wind archer Gust knockback slightly increased
All dragons now deal less damage to minions and buildings when breathing fire
Undead Berserker spin attack now has sounds and special effects when hitting units
For Builders, replaced annoying voice line with a different one whenever a basic building is complete.
Adjusted stats of several undead units

[h3]Bug Fixes / Technical Stuff:[/h3]
Skillshot projectile abilities final location now vertically travels to height of cursor location
Optimized mastersmith bolster ability when used multiple times on same unit
Fixed bug in Survival Mode where the skeletons in level 23 had a summon duration of 60 seconds.
The fountain in RPG mode can no longer be destroyed
Raised max concurrent sounds from 32 to 128 to fix issue where sounds not playing.
Improved flexibility of ability system and support for more advanced on hit effects.
Fixed squished in game UI for resolutions where vertical height is higher than normal
Potentially fixed issue where in rare cases game fails to start
Added loading UI after starting a new game with some debug info
Fixed bug where skillshot projectiles with special handling such as knockbacks could cause error
Fixed bugs relating to high ping in lobby and possibly fixed bug where sometimes player name shows up blank when joining new lobby
Fixed bug where ice wizard snow minions spell could damage allies when exploding
Several other minor bug fixes

[h3]Possible Issues:[/h3]
When player leaves while their unit is about to die, the game may perma freeze for all other players.
UI bug where quitting RPG map may briefly show stats failed to load error.