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  3. Demo Update #2 - Workin' on it!

Demo Update #2 - Workin' on it!

Hey everyone!

Wow! What a week, SMii7Y and Nogla both reached out to us - so all of those crews have been uploading wonderful Spanky content to YouTube!! It's been a blast to see everyone play.
[h3]The game crashes a lot!![/h3]
It is very hard to fix a game faster than you can play! But we are working on it!

We acknowledge and apologize for the frustrating crashes people may be experiencing. It seems to be a memory conflict on the server, which then also causes clients to crash. We never saw this in our testing, but with 20,000 unique players there is much more data and playtime for these issues to occur.

We are a 2 person team and we are working very hard to find the root causes and nail them down. All your crash reports do help. We never expected this much engagement so early into our demo. So we appreciate everyone for sticking through this annoying time with us, giving feedback or any form of information that may help.

We will never give up!

  • Disconnecting from sessions will now sometimes give a better reason as to why you disconnected (full lobby, host left etc.)
  • Full lobbies will no longer get notifications of players trying to enter and disconnecting straight away
  • Powerups now have a UI status! This is just a cosmetic change, but may be helpful to give more context to each powerup.
  • Lumbar launch is now a single trigger. No more "hold to charge" as many players wouldn't fully charge and receive a full launch, there is no reason to keep this. Timing and power may still be balancing.
  • Swimming in sandbox is fixed, previously you could not manually float up and would float up very slowly.
  • Transparency of items should be fixed, like a powerup or ghost against the sky or water.
  • Speed wind sound effect should stop playing when you die, sometimes it would get stuck and keep playing after respawning.
  • Fixed negative lobby numbers. Sorry to those affected over the 24hr window!
  • Lumbar launch now triggers in air and water, no annoying canceling with each jump, swim etc.
  • slight adjustments to Atmos to catch on lower layer, more to come.

That's all for now, thank you all so much for playing our demo. Happy spankin'!

HappyHead Team