[h2]A Note About Ranked Rollover[/h2]
Today’s patch release unintentionally caused the current Ranked season to end, and a new one to begin. (We’re apparently in one of the timelines we weren’t able to foresee.) We’ve been investigating the issue and, while we’ve identified the cause, it’s not something that we’d be able to undo without additional complications. Because of this, we’ve decided to allow the premature rollover to stand, and the new Ranked season to play out as normal, starting today and ending on April 1st. Apologies to those affected!
[h2]New Features![/h2]
[h3]Player Stats[/h3]
By popular demand, game stats are coming to
Dune: Imperium! Going forward, you can track your win rate with each leader, your favorite alliance, average conflicts won, and much more!
(Adding historical play data is a work in progress.)[h3]Game History[/h3]
Ever wanted to keep better track of your past matches? You can now view your last 20 games, including details like your placement, VP, rounds, spice, and chosen leader.
[h3]Additional Animation Speed Settings[/h3]
Expanded to include five speed options, ranging from a new slower-than-default setting up to 4x speed.
[h3]Ranked Play Improvements[/h3]
- Your current stars are now displayed on your ranked badge on the ranked play landing page.
- Star gain and loss prompts now include details about the referenced game, such as start time and opponent names.
[h3]Rise of Ix Tech Improvements[/h3]
- Added spice and Tech Negotiator counts to the tech offer tooltip.
- You can now tooltip an enemy’s tech count to see which tech they own.
- Each tech stack in the offer now indicates how many tech are available.
- Various polish improvements to tech highlights and mouse-over states.
[h2]Bug fixes[/h2]
- Undoing an action that topdecks a card now returns the card to its previous spot.
- Refocus can be played either before or after each deferred card draw.
- A Disposal Facility button ability appears on the Reveal prompt.
- Improved AI's discard behavior to ensure it more consistently discards lower value cards.
- Improved timing logic for AI using Glimpse the Path.
- Ranking up or down at season turnover now plays SFX.
- Added some missing localized strings related to Ranked play.
- Undoing an action no longer undoes an earned Achievement.
- Muad'Dib and Kwisatz Haderach now properly unlock when their criteria are met.
- Android achievements now yield XP.
[h3]Action Log[/h3]
- Tech Negotiation's action log entries now have an appropriate icon.
- Action log entries for Invasion Ship discards now fit within their text box.
- Restricted Ordnance shows bonus strength in the Action Log only when a player has a High Council Seat.
- The Take a Seat rules mod now shows a Restricted Ordnance icon.
- Epic Mode games in the lobby directory now display an identifying icon.
- Card art properly displays in the animation for cards that trash themselves.
- The animations for Double Cross now play in the order indicated by the card's text.
- Recalling a Freighter now plays its own animation.
- Fixed a case where playing one's last Tech Tile and then undoing that play didn't restore the VFX to indicate they have 1 or more Techs in hand.
- Recalling a freighter from the 2nd or 3rd place now plays a single opponent leader stinger, not two.
- Sonic Snoopers now has a top-level ability button over the player's local HUD.
- Improved button layout and sizing on the Reveal prompt.
- The tab order for a player's expanded HUD and the tab order for an opponent's expanded HUD now use the same order
- When acquiring cards during the Reveal phase, the acquire area is moved to a more accessible position on the right.
- Fixed pagination arrows in the player info modal that were obstructing some content in Tessia's expanded HUD.
- Fixed a case where adding 2+ cards to the top of one's deck with Spaceport produced blank thumbnails in the Imperium Row preview sidebar.
- In the Waste Not skirmish modifier, Fremen Cards in the sidebar Imperium Preview Row show a trash acquire effect icon.
- Control marker tooltips now include information for Dreadnoughts and their owners.
- Dragging a card to the Imperium Row acquire area now uses an undo cursor.
- Conflict Results for the heroic challenge Neutral Shipping Conglomerate no longer display VP earned when a player fails to have a dreadnought in combat.
- Imperium Row will show only different-cost cards during setup when the Diversity Initiative rules mod is active.
- Rapid Mobilization hints only when a player has troops, not just dreadnoughts, in their garrison.
- Fixed an assortment of visual issues on mobile layouts, particularly for tablet and widescreen phones.
- Tablet users will now see the Skip Replay button
- iOS years should get push notifications, so long as they're not disabled in the OS
- The password box on the Create Game screen completely fills its frame.
- Adding friends from the playmat now shows a properly sized confirmation prompt.
- Players can now chat on the Create Game screen.
- Usernames and timestamps no longer overlap on the in-game chat preview.
- Entering the online play menu no longer flashes Ranked information
- Entering a lobby game password after the game creator has left the game no longer freezes the client.
- Fixed some buttons in the tutorial to attach properly to Rabban's prompts.
- Fixed some Rise of Ix tutorial pointers intruding on the buttons to which they pointed.
- Fixed an assortment of localization errors.
- Improved kudos messaging for users earning a skirmish badge at end of season.
- On Steam Deck, Ilesa's One Step Ahead hanger is now fully on-screen.
- Fixed positioning and highlights for some gamepad buttons.
[h2]Known issues[/h2]
- After this update, there are potentially issues involving saved games disappearing; updating your client should fix this, but if it doesn’t please contact us at [email protected] with your device info and client version to help us investigate.
- Ranked Season was rolled several days ahead of time, resulting in users getting reset sooner than expected.
- Clicking on/Selecting your discard pile, erroneously opens a view of your deck.
- When you recall your freighter and gain troops and are at or near the supply limit, you do not see a warning that it will not grant you the expected number of troops
- The Tech Negotiation Persuasion tooltip in Reveal Action Log entry provides no meaningful information
- Player does not get a Masterstroke warning when Treachery troops are added after deploy
- AI will not choose to recall at level 1 on Shipping Track when gaining spice could get them a strong Tech tile
- Stinger does not display for discarded card in Skirmish with Desperate Measures rules modifier
- Action log does not correctly reflect number of Tech Negotiators gained when troop supply is empty
- Players are not warned when attempting to gain Tech Negotiators if they do not have enough troops in the supply
- Troops gained from purchasing Invasion Ships take too long to go into garrison due to individual VFX
- Unexpected Terrain does not list the number of remaining Conflict I cards
- Other players appear offline when 2+ players resume an async game at the exact same time
- When Tessia's Careful Observation Bonus 1 is triggered via winning combat, ability button appears that can be selected to no effect
- Saving after player ends their turn in vs. AI resumes the player before they ended their turn
- Tech Swords for Restricted Ordinance are displaying incorrectly in action log
As always, if you run into trouble or need help, drop us a line at
[email protected] so can see what’s up. And if you haven’t, be sure to join our player community on Discord!
Thanks for playing
Dune: Imperium!