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  3. Dune: Imperium Digital Patch 2.2.4

Dune: Imperium Digital Patch 2.2.4

Todayโ€™s Dune: Imperium Digital patch continues to address gameplay issues and visual bugs identified by the player community.

  • The list of active games in the lobby now distinguishes each active game by game mode rather than showing all of them as Ranked
  • Players starting a new skirmish are now prompted to continue a saved game or make a new "attempt".
  • The missing cursor for Mac players on 4K displays should now be visible again.
  • Animation speed for advancing on the Influence track should now work with speed settings.
  • Going forward, Game History for new games now shows results only once for each Asynchronous match, not twice. Weโ€™re working on a clean-up for past data.

[h3]Known issues[/h3]
  • ๐Ÿ†• Desync can occur when two Users reconnect around the same time
  • ๐Ÿ†• Cursor on 4K displays is too small.
  • ๐Ÿ†• Prompts: Rise of Ix Tech Negotiators from Ix-Guild Compact reveal ability are not optional.
  • ๐Ÿ†• Tiles are being darkened in the tech offer outside of the modal to purchase them.
  • ๐Ÿ†• Playing Test of Humanity or Reverend Mother Mohiam to a Bene Gesserit space doesn't allow user to gain influence before making opponents discard.
  • ๐Ÿ†• HUD Elements can overlap in a 1280 x 2800 resolution
  • When you recall your freighter and gain troops and are at or near the supply limit, you do not see a warning that it will not grant you the expected number of troops.
  • Tech Negotiation Persuasion tooltip in Reveal Action Log entry is superfluous.
  • Baron Harkonnen players do not get a Masterstroke warning when Treachery troops are added after deployment.
  • AI will not choose to recall at level 1 on Shipping Track when gaining spice could get them a strong Tech tile.
  • Stinger does not display for discarded cards in Skirmish with the Desperate Measures rules modifier.
  • Action log does not correctly reflect the number of Tech Negotiators gained when troop supply is empty.
  • Players are not warned when gaining Tech Negotiators if they do not have enough troops in the supply.
  • Troops gained from purchasing Invasion Ships take too long to go into garrison due to individual VFX.
  • Unexpected Terrain does not list the number of remaining Conflict I cards.
  • Other players appear offline when 2+ players resume an async game at the exact same time.
  • When Tessia's first Careful Observation bonus is triggered via winning combat, an ability button appears that can be selected to no effect.
  • Saving after the player ends their turn in vs. AI resumes the player before they end their turn.
  • Swords for Restricted Ordinance display incorrectly in the action log.
  • Ranked timer does not display hour intervals.
  • Mobile keyboard is missing the language selection button.

As always, if you run into trouble or need help, drop us a line at [email protected] so we can help. And if you havenโ€™t, be sure to join our player community on Discord!

Thanks for playing Dune: Imperium!