2. News


New Battlefield: Cliff

Hello commanders,

Ready for another WARNO battlefield? In today’s DevBlog, we’ll introduce Cliff, our second new coastal map (after Kreid).

Let’s look at how Cliff is shaping up.

[h2]A New Battlefield [/h2]
Both the new Cliff and the preceding Kreid are inspired by the landscapes of northern Germany.

Cliff is a 4x3 map, divided into four main lanes; each providing their own unique tactical options and challenges.

The first lane is the so-called “urban” option. Infantry can entrench themselves in a number of buildings. Expect plenty of close-quarters combat.

Next up we have a plains lane; an open area favoring fast moving armored units and long-range engagements.

The third lane is an elevated zone, offering a dominant position for artillery. Defensive positions are also plentiful.

And lastly, the coastal zone with a vast stretch of the sea. This is a key sector for air and amphibious units.

Depending on these lanes, players will need to adapt their strategy and force allocation. Cliff was specifically made so that commanders of different kinds of battlegroups would be needed to take advantage of all the new battlefields' varied environments.

[h2]A Creative Community Showcase[/h2]
Next to showing our new Cliff map, we also wanted to highlight some pretty amazing talent in our community. Specifically Jar985, who created the Urban Shores map. Also set along the northern German coastline, this community battlefield is a great example of some incredible creativity of our map-making players. Check it out here!

Players like Jar985 make full use of WARNO’s map editor. We love to see all the amazing things coming out of that mod-making tool. Make sure to take a look at all the incredible stuff coming out of the WARNO Steam Workshop.

We aim to improve the map editor on a continuous basis. Apart from that, we can’t wait to hear what you guys think of Cliff.

[h2]Until Next Week![/h2]
That’s all for this week. We’ll be back soon!

Don’t forget the vibrant WARNO community. Check the latest news on the Steam News page or visit the Steam Forums. Get together with other players on either the excellent Discord server, Reddit page, YouTube or our Instagram.

See you on the battlefield, commander.

Armory Revamp

Hello commanders,

It’s good to be back! In today’s DevBlog, we’ll show off a brand-spanking new look for everyone’s favorite menu inside WARNO’s (apart from that victory screen): the Armory.

Keep in mind that this update is still work-in-progress, so some details might change.

Go, go, go!

[h2]Revamped Armory[/h2]
That’s right: we have spent some time on revamping the Armory with a bunch of quality-of-life improvements across the board. It will be more user friendly, show more info, and feature an improved filter functionality.

As you can see in the images above, one of the bigger changes is how the national flags and divisions with their coats of arms are displayed at the top. They are now viewable without having to scroll, making it easier to select or filter between divisions.

The battlegroup’s category tabs have been moved up as well. They are now displayed on a horizontal bar. This shifts the unit cards to the left, giving more space to display the selected unit (and give you more opportunity to scrutinize it heavily). The selected unit’s number in the category is also more clearly displayed.

[h2]Improved Filters[/h2]
One of the main improvements of the new Armory are the updated filters. In the current variant, you could only filter by role. In the new version, you can also filter by unit role, unit trait, weapon traits, and movement type.

The ROLE filter is identical to the filter found in the current Armory. But being more clearly displayed, it will be easier to use.

The TRAITS displays all the special unit traits in WARNO. These are also displayed on the unit card. Pick any number of them to compare units across the game.

Going down the list. The WEAPON lists all traits related to weaponry. These are normally displayed in the weapons stats on the unit card.

The MOVEMENT filter lets you go through all the different ways a unit can move on the battlefield.

With this new option, the whole gamut of cross-filtering across different types of traits, movement, weapons, will make it that much easier to find and compare units across WARNO. A neat functionality to have with the ever-expanding arsenal of units in the game.

We hope to roll out the revamped Armory in the not-too-distant future!

[h2]Nemesis DLCs[/h2] WARNO’s next Nemesis DLCs are chugging along nicely. Just to give you a little overview of what we are working on:

Nemesis #3 - Home Front covers two divisions, far away from the European battlefields, safeguarding their respective alliance’s critical flank. The bear-like fight between NATO’s Alaska-based US 6th Infantry Division (Light) and the Warsaw Pact’s Soviet Crimea-located 157-ya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya is going to be unleashed in the not-too-distant future. As a matter of fact, Nemesis #3 has just entered the second round of testing with a release date that should be announced soon.

Nemesis #4 - Capital Defence was voted into existence by you, the players, in a community-wide vote. This upcoming DLC will feature two formations safeguarding the respective nation’s capital during the Cold War: the UK’s Home Defence Region London and the Soviet 2-ya Tamanskaya Gvardeyskaya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya based in Moscow, USSR. We are actively working on these expansions, which will be released at a still-to-be-determined release date in the future.

[h2]Until Next Week![/h2]
That’s all for this week. We’ll be back soon!

Don’t forget the vibrant WARNO community. Check the latest news on the Steam News page or visit the Steam Forums. Get together with other players on either the excellent Discord server, Reddit page, YouTube or our Instagram.

See you on the battlefield, commander.

Ranked Season 2 Starts Now!

Commander, the wait is over! Ranked Season 2 begins today!

All stats and ranks will be reset, allowing everyone to start fresh for this new season.

Season 2 will introduce an expanded map pool, adding to the original six battlefields. This means a total of 11 maps in rotation. The new additions are:

  • Death Row 2vs2
  • TwoWays 2vs2
  • MountRiver 1vs1 DUEL
  • Chemical 1vs1
  • Kreide 1vs1

Move out, Commander! Jump in, explore the new map pool, and climb the leaderboard as high as you can!

Nemesis #3 - Home Front - Pact Preview

Hello commanders,

We are back with our second Nemesis #3 - Home Front Warsaw Pact preview. In today’s DevBlog, we’ll cast our eye on the Soviet 157-ya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya.

In case you’ve missed it: Nemesis #3 - Home Front covers two divisions, far away from the European battlefields, safeguarding their respective alliance’s critical flank. It’s polar bears versus brown bears - no war bears, though. NATO’s Alaska-based US 6th Infantry Division (Light) was previewed in last week’s DevBlog here.

Without further ado…

[h2]Warsaw Pact’s 157-ya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya[/h2]
The ever-important Crimea is the next “flank” we are visiting, with the Soviet 157-ya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya being our Nemesis division of choice. Unlike many other Soviet Army formations, this particular battlegroup didn’t trace its lineage to World War II. It was only activated in the Crimean Oblast in 1969, seeing no action during its Cold War history. In the final years, the division was converted into a training formation and then pretty much devolved into a weapon storage unit. After the Soviet Union’s dissolution, the 157-ya MSD was merged with the Ukrainian armed forces.

However, in our timeline, this will not happen. In WARNO’s 1989, the 157-ya MSD is part of the Soviet Army’s 32nd Army Corps, which controlled all troops in the vitally important Crimea. These forces guarded against enemy landings or raids from the Black Sea, protecting the critical Soviet Navy’s infrastructure and naval bases.

The 157-ya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya was a mobilization division with a small cadre of professional soldiers. The majority of its manpower came from reservists who, in times of conflict, would be recalled and man the (older) equipment kept in storage on the heavily defended peninsula. As such, the 157-ya MSD will be the first Soviet reserve division in WARNO.

Some attachments will beef up the formation. Including:
  • Personnel from the nearby 711th Territorial Training Center.
  • Assets from the Soviet Navy’s Black Sea Fleet, including various vehicles and weaponry, in varying stages of active testing prior to being pressed into service.
  • An eclectic mix of stored equipment. If we know one thing, the Soviet Army never threw anything away, however obsolete.

[h2]157-ya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya in WARNO[/h2]
What can you expect from the 157-ya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya? New units are highlighted in bold and italic.

  • A good category. The division is on home turf. This means on the supply side, the usual FOB, URAL-4320, and KRAZ-225B supply trucks, as well as the heavy-lift MI-6A supply helo.
  • On the command side, the classic BELOZOR jeep, as well as the (new) BTR-40B and BTR-152S wheeled armored command vehicles. These latter two units trade speed for HP.

  • A very good category for the 157-ya MSD with plenty of diversity.
  • A small core of professional MOTOSTRELKI squads, coming in either BMP-1P or BTR-60PB (one card each), plus a command version.
  • The usual array of weapon support teams: FAGOT, KONKURS, and PKM. Being a reserve division aimed at defense, several heavier units are also deployable, including the new DShK 12,7mm in a dual ground and AA (tripod) mode.
  • A sizable quantity of the division’s force will be made up of the new REZERVISTI, all with the Disheartened trait and their own special models. These reservist soldiers come in several flavors:
    • REZERVISTI KOM.: 7-man command squad with AK-74, one PKM, and RPG-7VM. They come in either URAL trucks or [BTR-152K APC (used in other Warsaw Pact armies, but first time to be featured in a Soviet Army division).
    • REZERVISTI: 7-man rifle squad with AK-74, one RPK-74, and RPG-7VM. They have the same transport options as the preceding unit.
    • PARTIZANI: despite the name, not sneaky resistance fighters. Instead, this is a common Soviet nickname for finding the second-rate recruit when you scrape the barrel. Badly equipped, badly motivated, and barely trained. In WARNO, the PARTIZANI are 10-man rifle squads with AKM, one World War 2-vintage DPM and one M91/30 PU Mosin sniper rifle (both new weapons), and an RPG-2. They deploy in URAL trucks.
    • REZ. SAPERI: an 8-man engineer squad with AKM, one WW2 vintage DPM and satchel charges. Likewise deployable in URAL trucks.
    • REZ. SAPERI (LPO): an 8-man assault engineer squad with a mix of World War 2 PPS-43 (new) and AKMs, plus an LPO-50 flamethrower. Likewise, in a URAL.
    • REZ. MAKSIM 7,62mm: Hiram Maxim's good ol' "Nazi Killer" machine gun from 1910 (modified 1941) was still held in Soviet storage in great numbers in 1989.
    • REZ. B-11 107mm: an older and bigger recoilless rifle and the predecessor to the SPG-9. It is roughly similar to the American M40A1, although with a bit less AP.
    • REZ. OKHRANA: a 5-man squad with four PPS-43 (new) and one DPM, they were mostly railroad guards looking for saboteur or other suspicious-looking folk. They come with the Security trait and patrol in their UAZ-3151.
  • To keep the rabble in line, the division can count on KOMENDATURA and ZAGRADOTRYAD military police squads.
  • Mirroring the USMC SECURITY squads from the Nemesis opposing US 6th Infantry Division (Light), the new OKHRANA VMF provides on-the-ground security for Sevastopol’s important naval facilities. These are 14-man strong squads fielding AK-74 and RPK-74s, deploying with the Security trait and brand-new black-cladded Soviet naval infantry models.

  • A good, healthy category with lots of varied options. Artillery is mostly composed of older pieces, however.
  • These include mortars such as B14 82mm and older PM-43 120mm (in WARNO service with other Warsaw Pact nations but first time in the Soviet Army).
  • The ubiquitous towed D-30 122mm howitzer.
  • Some equipment already in use by other Warsaw Pact nations but not by the Soviet Army. These are the D-1 152mm howitzer and BM-24M MLRS.
  • The local Crimean defenders could also strengthen their firepower with some dusty equipment drawn from deep storage, especially World War 2 artillery.
    • The BS-3 100mm was still used in 1989 as a field gun, retaining some decent AT capabilities.
    • The super-heavy B-4M 203mm and Br-5M 280mm can both be considered AVRE material, thanks to their direct HE fire capacity.
    • The Crimea was also the Soviet Navy’s testing ground for new weapons, such as the A-222 BEREG coastal defense artillery. Designed to strike enemy ships loitering at sea, the modern 130mm gun could easily be turned into a ground-fire self-propelled gun with a long range and high rate of fire, but lacking AP shells or smoke.

  • An average category as the 157-ya MSD relied mostly on the T-54B and T-55A, including command variants, the first time these tanks models appear in a Soviet Army division in WARNO.
  • The division could also count on the new T-55A Obr. 81, a variant with a smoke launcher and better laser rangefinder (resulting in a tank gun range of 2100m).
  • Another new variant is the T-55AM1 (and the AM1K command variant), which is a hybrid featuring T-55A's armor with T-55AM2's improved gun.
  • Support vehicles include the BRDM-2 MALYUTKA-P and the TO-55 flamethrower tank.
  • A new piece of equipment is the KSM-65 100mm mobile coastal gun, which can be turned into a decent towed AT gun with a good RoF.
  • And at last, the cherry on the cake. The Crimea held a number of World War 2 vintage IS-2M (Iosif Stalin) tanks. Most were used as static pillboxes, but we considered that in our March to War, quite a few would have been brought back into running order by cannibalizing the part of whatever tanks remained.

  • So far away from the frontline, the division’s recon assets weren’t a priority. This means standard RAZEVDKA and BRM-1K.
  • The battlegroup also receives the (new but old) BTR-40A armored car with ZPU-2 AA machine guns.
  • The new REZ. RAZVEDKA unit is a 7-man recon squad identical to REZERVISTI infantry and riding to battle in URAL trucks and the BTR-40 APC.
  • And lastly, the USSR ordered eight K-1 light helicopters from the Indian HAL company. After one crashed during a test flight, more order were canceled. The delivered machines, known as K-1 CHETAK, were assigned to the Black Sea Fleet and used as training helicopters. This light helo has been featured in other WARNO nations, but under a different name altogether. Did we mention that the K-1 was, in fact, a license-produced ALOUETTE III? Informally, they were known as “Frenchmen” helicopters. So, a French rotorcraft in service with the Soviet armed forces… who would have thought?

  • Average, with the division’s organic AA being mediocre. This is offset by the plentiful army and coastal AA defenses to repel any airborne assaults.
  • Divisional AA includes the light (new) STRELA-3, regular ZU-23-2 and URAL-4320 ZPU-4.
  • Army-level AA includes the AZP S-60 57mm and 2K11M3 KRUG-M3 (both units the first time they are featured in a Soviet division).
  • Coastal artillery provides the super-heavy (new) KS-30 130mm AA gun.

  • Pretty dismal. There was no dedicated attack helicopter squadron nearby, so the only rotary wing support would have been provided by the trusty Mi-8 hastily equipped with weapons.
  • This means you’ll deploy the MI-8MT [RKT2] and the MI-8TV, the latter similar in configuration to its East German counterpart, although here equipped with Falanga-P missiles.

  • A good category for the 157-ya MSD with close air support provided by SU-25 in RKT2, AT, CLU and HE roles.
  • And air superiority done by MiG-23ML [AA], and new SU-15TM "Flagon" interceptors with two different configurations of R-98MR and R-98MT missiles.
  • The Crimean peninsula was also the testing ground for the future navalized variant of the Su-27, the new SU-27K (the post-Cold War Su-33), although in-game bearing its then prototype designation of T-10K-3.

The 157-ya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya is a defensive reservist division relying on strong infantry, artillery, and air support. While armor is present, its plentiful infantry and mix of old (and some very new) units form the backbone of the division’s firepower.

[h2]Until Next Week![/h2]
That’s all for this week. We hope to bring you more news - especially on when Nemesis #3 launches - soon!

Don’t forget the vibrant WARNO community. Check the latest news on the Steam News page or visit the Steam Forums. Get together with other players on either the excellent Discord server, Reddit page, YouTube or our Instagram.

See you on the battlefield, commander.

Nemesis #3 - Home Front - NATO Preview

Hello commanders,

Hope you are well. With all the recent Nemesis #4 hullabaloo, it is easy to forget that we haven’t lifted the lid on the already-in-production Nemesis #3. Well, that moment has come in today’s DevBlog. Let’s check out, in-depth, the upcoming Nemesis #3 - Home Front.

The Nemesis’ theme is two divisions, far away from the European battlefields, safeguarding their respective alliance’s critical flank. First up is NATO with the Alaska-based US 6th Infantry Division (Light).

Let’s roll!

[h2]NATO’s 6th Infantry Division (Light)[/h2]
The 6th Infantry Division (Light) had one primary mission in the late Cold War: protect Alaska. The formation was active during World War I and II but deactivated in 1968. The 6th Infantry was reactivated in 1986 and designated as the US Army’s primary Arctic Warfare division. In this role, it had to defend Alaska from enemy raids or infiltration missions beyond the “Ice Curtain,” stretching across Bering Straight and separating the Soviet Union from the United States.

Under Secretary of the Navy John Lehman’s influence, the division was shifted from being purely defensive to being more offensive. In case of war, the 6th Infantry was envisioned as taking the fight to a (potentially) lightly defended Soviet Far East, backed by heavy carried-based air support. The division’s expansion was canceled in the light of the latest political developments in 1989, but in WARNO’s March to War, the 6th Infantry will see its in-game arsenal reflect this intended beefing up according to Lehman’s Doctrine.

In peacetime, the 6th Infantry Division (Light) only featured four light infantry battalions distributed across two brigades. In turn, each battalion had one company specifically trained as paratroopers. In times of war, all four companies could be regrouped and expanded with reservists to form two additional paratrooper battalions.

The 6th Infantry would be further reinforced by:

  • The US Army Reserve’s 205th Infantry Brigade (Light) forming the division's third brigade.
  • Three battalions from the 297th Infantry Regiment (Mechanized) (aka Alaskan Scouts) from the Alaska National Guard.
  • Not officially attached in real life, but we chose to augment the 6th Infantry with the 73rd Infantry Brigade (Separate) from the Ohio National Guard. These would be garrisoning the Aleutian Islands in the middle of the Bering Strait in times of conflict.

The 6th Infantry will be roughly fifty percent US Army or Army Reserve (the latter being considered regulars with a locked veterancy) and fifty percent National Guard. One key feature of this battlegroup was that it had no organic tank support (not a single one). This is the main reason why we attached the Ohio National Guard brigade: this formation had a company of recon M48A5. In WARNO, this armor will not be available in the TANK tab but instead in the REC section.

Lastly, some US Navy and Air Force elements will also lend some support to this battlegroup.

  • USAF security troops protecting local air force bases against enemy saboteurs and raids.
  • USMC security forces doing the same for the major navy installations in Alaska, including nuclear ordnance depots.
  • The Navy SEALs had a training center in Alaska.
  • US Navy land and carrier-based aircrafts.

[h2]NATO’s 6th Infantry Division (Light) in WARNO[/h2]
What can you expect from the 6th Infantry Division (Light) in-game? New units are highlighted in bold and italic.

  • Good category as the division is playing home advantage.
  • Supplies include a FOB, M35 trucks, UH-1H HUEY, as well as the new CH-54B TARHE heavy supply helicopter.
  • Command vehicles featured are M1025 HUMVEE, M577, and UH-1H CO.

  • A very good category, with the division featuring a healthy mix of all kinds of interesting infantry options.
  • The main type of grunt will be LIGHT RIFLES, including command, recoilless rifle and AT-4 variants. These are all regulars with usual veterancy choices, while the LAW and Vyper represent US Army Reserve units with locked veterancy. The FGR-17 Vyper was a light AT weapon meant to replace the M72 LAW. It was an improvement over the latter in the 1980s, but after the production of several thousand examples, the contract was canceled. Existing stocks were transferred to the USAR for training: a great opportunity to be used in actual WARNO war conditions. These squads can deploy in M1038 HUMVEE or UH-1H HUEY.
  • Due to the small complement of paratroopers in the division, it can field a handful of AIRBORNE squads in "vanilla," Dragon, and leader variants - one card each.
  • The National Guard provides N.G. RIFLES squads in LAW, Dragon, and leader versions. These being the only mechanized forces, they can deploy in M35 trucks or N.G. M113A1 APCs.
  • The division could also count on a small ENGINEER detachment, once again in “vanilla,” Flash, and leader variant, all in M151 or M35.
  • Infantry support weapons include the usual M60, M2HB, Mk.19, M40A1, I-TOW, TOW-2, and TOW-2A in various regular, National Guard or even Airborne variants.

Although that's quite a diverse array of infantry, most of these units have been featured in WARNO in one way or another. So what’s really new?

  • USMC SECURITY are the US Marines Corps' units tasked with defending, or retaking if need be, the US Navy’s nuclear weapon depots. These are 7-man strong squads with M16, M21 scoped rifle, AT-4, and smoke grenades. Furthermore, they have Shock trait (being CQB specialists), Security (as, you know, being security forces) and Resolute (for being naval infantry). They ride to battle in M1038 HUMVEE or their unit-specific DRAGOON 300 (clearly a counterfeit VAB, no doubt about it) featuring the Security trait.
  • USAF SECURITY PATROL are 4-man teams with Colt Commandos, a Stinger MANPAD and the Security and Military Police traits. These teams provide airfield security with short anti-air defense. These teams come in either regular M998 HUMVEE, M1038 HUMVEE MP or the new PEACEKEEPER wheeled APC with the Military Police trait.
  • USAF SECURITY are larger 13-man squads with M16, two M249, and one M60A3, plus the Military Police trait.
  • NAVY SEAL. You might not have heard of these, as they are super obscure and completely not one of the United States’ premier elite special forces. They come as 9-man soldiers with Colt Commandos, no less than four M60E3 light machine-gun, AT-4, and Satchel, plus the Special Forces, Shock and Airborne traits.

  • Rather mediocre, but the absence of heavy-hitting artillery is the same issue that plagues all light divisions.
  • This means you’ll get M29 81mm and M30 107mm mortars.
  • Plus the M101 105mm (new to a US division, but previously featured in other NATO formations) and some more modern (new) M119 105mm, as well as a few M198 155mm towed howitzers. All are towed by M35 trucks. An added feature is that the first two light pieces can also be transported by helicopter, being done so by the new CH-54B TARHE (carrier version).

  • Another average category. Once again, no tanks here, only tank destroyers.
  • The 6th Infantry can deploy N.G. M151A2 I-TOW and N.G. M901 ITV.
  • M1025 HUMVEE TOW-2 from the light brigades.

  • A good category with very good options. The classics are all represented, including SCOUTS, LRS, and OH-58C SCOUT.
  • The new PATHFINDERS units are USAR airborne recon attached to the Ohio National Guard brigade.
  • Also, as previously mentioned, the division’s sole armor support will be found here: the new N.G. M48A5 ACAV.
  • Based in Alaska, the USAF’s 18th Tactical Fighter Squadron provides the new OA-10A, which is basically a recon A-10 without the ability to fire missiles, instead carrying a ton of HE and smoke rockets (the latter to mark targets IRL).
  • Lastly, the Alaskan Scouts are featured with new infantry models and the Reservist traits:
    • The new ALASKAN SNIPER, a 2-man team with M16A1 and a Remington 700 hunting rifle.
    • ALASKAN SCOUTS as a 4-man recon team with M16A1 and M60.
    • ALASKAN CAV. SCOUTS as 8-man squads with M16A1, two M60s, and one M67 RCL.
    • The above recon units can come either in soft-skin transports, the UH-1H HUEY or N.G. M113A1. This latter vehicle even gets an extra variant: the new N.G. M113A1 ACAV with the recoilless rifle replaced by an extra M60.

  • Rather bad with pricey slots and no new options.
  • The division deploys with the standard N.G. STINGER and STINGER MANPAD teams, M157A1 VADS 20mm towed AA gun, and I-HAWK.

  • Average with - strangely enough - the divisional squadron’s regular army pilots deploying the older AH-1S COBRA. This is the real AH-1S, which explains why we updated the naming for the in-game namesake not too long ago.
  • Plus some reservist-operated AH-1F HOG and AH-1F TOWCOBRA.

  • The 6th Infantry can count on some strong air support, with the division benefiting from air cover from the USAF, ANG, and USN squadrons.
  • This means regular USAF A-10A [AT] and F-15C EAGLE [AA2].
  • The ANG brings a new unit, the A-7D CORSAIR, in various roles: RKT, CLU, HE, and AT.
  • And the US Navy deploys with the new A-6E INTRUDER (NPLM and SEAD) and EA-6B PROWLER (EW/SEAD).

The 6th Infantry Divison (Light) can bring a whole array of different infantry to the battlefield, backed by powerful recon and air tabs. The battlegroup, due to its light nature, lacks heavy supporting arms.

[h2]Nemesis #4 - Capital Defence[/h2]
Of course, we still have our community-voted Nemesis #4.3 - Capital Defence. This new DLC features two formations safeguarding their respective nation’s capital during the Cold War: the UK’s Home Defence Region London and the Soviet 2-ya Tamanskaya Gvardeyskaya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya or the 2nd Guards Tamanskaya Motorized Rifle Division based in Moscow, USSR.

Find more details in this DevBlog.

Nemesis 4.3 - Capital Defence has now entered the design and production pipeline. A release is planned for later this year, but keep in mind that this is not a fixed date. Meanwhile, in case you were wondering, the other two Nemesis options will return to Eugen’s ideas box and - for now at least - shelved. Perhaps we will dust off the ideas for a run-off vote later down the line or cannibalize some divisions for other offerings. Time will tell.

[h2]Until Next Week![/h2]
Before we leave, with Nemesis #3 we’ll also be updating the infantry unit cards, improving their realism and quality. Take a sneak peek below!

We’ll be back next week with our second Nemesis #3 - Home Front preview.

Don’t forget the vibrant WARNO community. Check the latest news on the Steam News page or visit the Steam Forums. Get together with other players on either the excellent Discord server, Reddit page, YouTube or our Instagram.

See you on the battlefield, commander.