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  3. Armory Revamp

Armory Revamp

Hello commanders,

It’s good to be back! In today’s DevBlog, we’ll show off a brand-spanking new look for everyone’s favorite menu inside WARNO’s (apart from that victory screen): the Armory.

Keep in mind that this update is still work-in-progress, so some details might change.

Go, go, go!

[h2]Revamped Armory[/h2]
That’s right: we have spent some time on revamping the Armory with a bunch of quality-of-life improvements across the board. It will be more user friendly, show more info, and feature an improved filter functionality.

As you can see in the images above, one of the bigger changes is how the national flags and divisions with their coats of arms are displayed at the top. They are now viewable without having to scroll, making it easier to select or filter between divisions.

The battlegroup’s category tabs have been moved up as well. They are now displayed on a horizontal bar. This shifts the unit cards to the left, giving more space to display the selected unit (and give you more opportunity to scrutinize it heavily). The selected unit’s number in the category is also more clearly displayed.

[h2]Improved Filters[/h2]
One of the main improvements of the new Armory are the updated filters. In the current variant, you could only filter by role. In the new version, you can also filter by unit role, unit trait, weapon traits, and movement type.

The ROLE filter is identical to the filter found in the current Armory. But being more clearly displayed, it will be easier to use.

The TRAITS displays all the special unit traits in WARNO. These are also displayed on the unit card. Pick any number of them to compare units across the game.

Going down the list. The WEAPON lists all traits related to weaponry. These are normally displayed in the weapons stats on the unit card.

The MOVEMENT filter lets you go through all the different ways a unit can move on the battlefield.

With this new option, the whole gamut of cross-filtering across different types of traits, movement, weapons, will make it that much easier to find and compare units across WARNO. A neat functionality to have with the ever-expanding arsenal of units in the game.

We hope to roll out the revamped Armory in the not-too-distant future!

[h2]Nemesis DLCs[/h2] WARNO’s next Nemesis DLCs are chugging along nicely. Just to give you a little overview of what we are working on:

Nemesis #3 - Home Front covers two divisions, far away from the European battlefields, safeguarding their respective alliance’s critical flank. The bear-like fight between NATO’s Alaska-based US 6th Infantry Division (Light) and the Warsaw Pact’s Soviet Crimea-located 157-ya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya is going to be unleashed in the not-too-distant future. As a matter of fact, Nemesis #3 has just entered the second round of testing with a release date that should be announced soon.

Nemesis #4 - Capital Defence was voted into existence by you, the players, in a community-wide vote. This upcoming DLC will feature two formations safeguarding the respective nation’s capital during the Cold War: the UK’s Home Defence Region London and the Soviet 2-ya Tamanskaya Gvardeyskaya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya based in Moscow, USSR. We are actively working on these expansions, which will be released at a still-to-be-determined release date in the future.

[h2]Until Next Week![/h2]
That’s all for this week. We’ll be back soon!

Don’t forget the vibrant WARNO community. Check the latest news on the Steam News page or visit the Steam Forums. Get together with other players on either the excellent Discord server, Reddit page, YouTube or our Instagram.

See you on the battlefield, commander.