2. News


v141373: Patch notes

  • Supply can now be activated partially, for example to resupply only ammo, fuel or repairs.
  • SAM missiles now have the ability to apply a stress effect on units within a 500m radius of them. This effect is applied based on the proximity and power of the missile used. When a missile gets close enough to an aircraft or helicopter, the affected unit will suffer this stress effect. If the affected unit is controlled by a player, a brief yellow visual effect will appear on the unit's label to indicate the psychological impact of the missile.
  • Reinforcement Pack #5: 2 new maps are available, Valley and Factory in 3v3 Conquest. Added Destruction mode for the 4 Northag 3v3 maps (Railway, Stoneware, Valley, and Factory). These 4 maps have also been added to the official 10v10 servers.

[h3]Code fixes[/h3]
  • Fixed information displayed on tank guns when they cannot align
  • Improved display of unowned DLCs, by adding a padlock icon
  • Fixed crash on some towed units
  • Fixed a rare crash that occurred in-game
  • Fixed fatigue tooltip showing wrong number in Army General
  • Fixed display of units that have 4 weapons, in the order of battle in Army General
  • Fixed the display of attack power of units in Army General being 0 when loading a save
  • Fixed defeat animation not playing correctly in skirmish
  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when giving a "Move" order multiple times on a building
  • Fixed the number of ammo displayed for some tank guns not matching the number that could be fired
  • Improved alignment on all units in the game, especially towed weapons (Anti-tank guns, AA guns) to correct problems with units not firing because they are stuck in "alignment"
  • Fixed the result of ranked games as well as ELO points won or lost in the ranking

[h3]Data fixes[/h3]
  • Fixed label for engineers in Nato mode
  • Fixed Mi-8TV Gunship model and weapons
  • Fixed towing animation for some towed units

[h3]Nato forces[/h3]


    • M1047 LAV : Stabilizer decreased 13% to 8%
    • N.G. M1 ABRAMS : Price decreased 210 to 200
    • N.G. M2 BRADLEY IFV : Stabilizer decreased 13% to 8%
    • M2A1 BRADLEY IFV : Stabilizer decreased 13% to 8%
    • M2A2 BRADLEY IFV : Stabilizer decreased 13% to 8%
    • M3A1 BRADLEY CFV : Stabilizer decreased 13% to 8%
    • M3A2 BRADLEY CFV : Stabilizer decreased 13% to 8%
    • M60A3 (TTS) : Base Availability increased 6 to 7
    • UH-1A ACP renamed UH-1H CO
    • AB MP PATROL (M67) : trait Shock added
    • AB MP PATROL : trait Shock added
    • N.G. M2HB 12,7mm : Base Availability increased 9 to 12
    • AB M60 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
    • AERO-M60 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
    • N.G. M60 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4
    • M60 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
    • AB Mk.19 40mm : Health points increased 3 to 4
    • CEWI : Price decreased 40 to 30
    • LRS : weapon M72A3 LAW added
    • MECH. RIFLES (LAW) : Price decreased 55 to 50
    • MECH. RIFLES (DRAGON) : Price decreased 65 to 60
    • SNIPER : Price decreased 40 to 35
    • M2A1 BRADLEY CP : Stabilizer decreased 13% to 8%
    • M2A2 BRADLEY CP : Stabilizer decreased 13% to 8%
    • AB M998 AVENGER : Speed increased 65 km/h to 75 km/h
      [h4]United Kingdom[/h4]

      • MAG 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
      • SNIPER : Price increased 30 to 35
      • FV433 ABBOT : weapon L13A1 added
      • L118 105mm : weapon L19 added

      [h4]Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland)[/h4]

      • M48A2CGA1 : Top Armor increased 1 to 2
      • PZ.BEF. M48A2GA2 : Top Armor increased 1 to 2
      • M48A2GA2 : Top Armor increased 1 to 2
      • PIONIER (CarlG) : Price decreased 65 to 55
      • Fs-MG-3 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4
      • MG-3 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
      • M577GA2 : Front Armor decreased 2 to 1, Side Armor decreased 2 to 1
      • SONDERWAGEN 4 AUFKL. : weapon smoke launcher added


      • AMX-30 B2 : Price increased 130 to 135
      • VAB T20/13 : trait IFV added
      • AANF1 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
      • PARA. AANF1 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
      • RES. AANF1 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4
      • DRAGON-PARAS : weapon Smoke grenade added
      • TIREUR D'ELITE : Price increased 30 to 35
      • P4 PC : Price increased 80 to 85


      • MAG 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4

[h3]Pact forces[/h3]

    [h4]USSR (СССР)[/h4]

    • BMP-3 : Top Armor decreased 2 to 1
    • T-62MK : Speed increased 40 km/h to 50 km/h
    • T-62M : Speed increased 40 km/h to 50 km/h
    • T-62M1 : Speed increased 40 km/h to 50 km/h
    • T-62MDK : Speed increased 40 km/h to 50 km/h
    • T-62MD : Speed increased 40 km/h to 50 km/h
    • T-62MD1 : Speed increased 40 km/h to 50 km/h
    • T-62MV : Price decreased 155 to 150, Speed increased 40 km/h to 50 km/h
    • DSh. PLAMYA 30mm : Health points increased 3 to 4
    • PLAMYA 30mm : Health points increased 3 to 4
    • DESANT. PLAMYA 30mm : Health points increased 3 to 4
    • DSh. PKM : Health points increased 3 to 4
    • PKM 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
    • DESANT. PKM 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
    • MOTOSTRELKI (RPG-22) : Price decreased 40 to 35
    • RT RAZVEDKA : Price decreased 50 to 40
    • O.P. SPETSNAZ : trait Shock added
    • 2A45M Sprut-B : Base Availability increased 6 to 7
    • DESANT. D-44 85mm : Base Availability increased 9 to 10
    • GT-MU-1D : Price decreased 20 to 15
    • LuAZ-967M AGS-17 : Price decreased 50 to 35
    • DESANT. LuAZ-967M AGS-17 : Price decreased 55 to 40
      [h4]German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Demokratische Republik)[/h4]

      • GR.-MG 30mm : Health points increased 3 to 4
      • PKM 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
      • Fs-PKM 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4
      • PaK D-44 85mm : Base Availability increased 9 to 10
      • PaK K-52 85mm : Base Availability increased 9 to 10
      • PaK ZiS-2 57mm : Base Availability increased 12 to 15
      • FASTA-4 : Optics decreased Good to Mediocre, Stealth increased Mediocre to Good
      • LO-1800 FASTA-4 : Optics decreased Good to Mediocre

NORTHAG Coming Soon!

Hello commanders!

Glorious news. The launch for WARNO - NORTHAG, is getting very very close.

As you might have noticed, getting our latest expansion ready for shipment before the year’s end has proved to be a slightly bigger endeavor than previously thought. And we still need to keep a bit of flexibility in giving you a concrete date.

We have been very busy polishing WARNO’s first expansion with the latest feedback up to the last minute and will get it into your hands shortly! And when it comes, the new Reinforcement Pack #5, free to all owners of WARNO, will launch alongside it!

[h2]The new WARNO - NORTHAG expansion[/h2]
We promised to launch WARNO - NORTHAG before the year’s end, and we will. More precisely, we will release it next week. Which day exactly? Well, about that, we rather not commit ourselves that much, still running tests on the version as we speak and crushing last minute's bugs.

WARNO - NORTHAG is the first major expansion coming to WARNO. World War III hits the North German Plain where the attacking Warsaw Pact needs to overcome the staunch defenses of NATO’s NORTHAG. Under British command, Belgian, Dutch, West German, and American forces battle against the powerful northern formations of the Soviet Group of Forces in Germany, including East German and reinforcing Polish armies.


WARNO - NORTHAG will feature:
  • 2 new Army General campaigns.
  • 4 new Operations.
  • 10 new Divisions, including NATO’s Belgian 16e Pantserdivisie, Dutch 4e Divisie, the British 4th Armoured Division and MultiNational Airborne Division, and the American 9th Infantry (Motorized) Division, while the Warsaw Pact deploys the Soviet 25-ya Tank. Diviziya, the East German 9. Panzerdivision, and the Polish 4 Dywizja Zmechanizowan, 20 Dywizja Pancerna and Grupa Desantowa.
  • 3 new playable nations: NATO’s Belgium and the Netherlands (as well as Luxemburg embedded with Belgium), and Warsaw Pact’s Poland.
  • New voice acting.
  • Over 400 new units or models.

In case you have missed one of the many NORTHAG DevBlogs, make sure to read the dedicated forum post for a handy overview of all WARNO - NORTHAG previews!

NORTHAG ... what to expect?

[h2]Reinforcement Pack #5 Launch at the Same Time[/h2]
Next to WARNO - NORTHAG we’ll also launch the free-to-all-owners Reinforcement Pack #5, bringing two new battlefields to WARNO: Valley and Factory (both in 3vs3 and 10vs10).


We detailed both maps in their own DevBlogs. Read more here about Valley, setting out to challenge players with a combo of rivers, mountains, and a central plain with scattered woods and defensive points. Detailed descriptions of Factory can be checked here.

There is more: we are also releasing some new variants of existing maps including Destruction and 10vs10 versions of the existing Stoneware and Railway.

[h2]Until Next Time[/h2]
Not long now, commanders. We’ll be back very soon!

In the meantime, join the WARNO community. Check the latest news on the Steam News page or visit the Steam Forums. Get together with other players on either the excellent Discord server, Reddit page, YouTube or our Instagram.

See you on the battlefield, commander.

Unit Showcase

Hello, hello!

We hope you are well. We return with a short WARNO DevBlog today. More news to be followed soon, but at least today’s post features lots of eye candy, though!

Go, go, go!

[h2]WARNO - NORTHAG’s Launch is Close[/h2]
We are on the very final stretch before releasing our much-anticipated WARNO - NORTHAG expansion. This means the team is hard at work squashing bugs, polishing, finetuning, adjusting, and tweaking all manners of expansion-related new features, units, and mechanics. We are also collecting all the latest feedback and comments from our testers and implementing these as we speak.


We hope to share a launch date for WARNO - NORTHAG with you very soon (Eugen trademark). Of course, keep in mind the caveats, as we want to make absolutely sure we’ll be able to deliver.

Keep tight, commanders, it is not very long now.

[h2]Some New Screenshots[/h2]
In the meantime, check out some of the latest screenshots for WARNO - NORTHAG below, featuring some so far undisclosed new models!

Polish ASU-85 airborne assault gun from KORPUS DESANTOWY:

Polish BRDM-1 PSNR-1 radar armored car from 4 DYW. ZMECHANIZOWANA:

A duo of British special forces' LSV recon vehicles from MNAD:

British Westland Scout recon helicopter, also from MNAD:

East-German KPz. T-72MÜV2 MBT from 9. Panzerdivision:

[h2]The new WARNO - NORTHAG expansion[/h2]
In case you have missed one of the many NORTHAG DevBlogs, make sure to read the dedicated forum post for a handy overview of all WARNO - NORTHAG previews!

NORTHAG ... what to expect?

WARNO - NORTHAG is the first major expansion coming to WARNO. World War III hits the North German Plain where the attacking Warsaw Pact needs to overcome the staunch defenses of NATO’s NORTHAG. Under British command, Belgian, Dutch, West German, and American forces battle against the powerful northern formations of the Soviet Group of Forces in Germany, including East German and reinforcing Polish armies. The expansion is planned for later in 2024.

WARNO - NORTHAG will feature:

  • 2 new Army General campaigns.
  • 4 new Operations.
  • 10 new Divisions, including NATO’s Belgian 16e Pantserdivisie, Dutch 4e Divisie, the British 4th Armoured Division and MultiNational Airborne Division, and the American 9th Infantry (Motorized) Division, while the Warsaw Pact deploys the Soviet 25-ya Tank. Diviziya, the East German 9. Panzerdivision, and the Polish 4 Dywizja Zmechanizowan, 20 Dywizja Pancerna and Grupa Desantowa.
  • 3 new playable nations: NATO’s Belgium and the Netherlands, and Warsaw Pact’s Poland.
  • New voice acting.
  • New units and models.

[h2]Until Next Time[/h2]
Short and sweet, but that’s all. We’ll be back soon!

In the meantime, join the WARNO community. Check the latest news on the Steam News page or visit the Steam Forums. Get together with other players on either the excellent Discord server, Reddit page, YouTube or our Instagram.

See you on the battlefield, commander.

v139445: Hot fix

[h3]Code fixes[/h3]
  • Fixed a critical error when launching the game.
  • Fixed multiplayer crash caused by aircraft
  • Fixed crash on some towed units

[h3]Nato forces[/h3]


    • COMMANDOS DE L'AIR : trait Airborne added, Added Forward Deployment trait, veterancy bonus fix

[h3]Pact forces[/h3]

    [h4]USSR (СССР)[/h4]

    • DSh. MOT. RAZVEDKA : Price decreased 90 to 50


      • DESANT. PULEMETCHIKI : base Veterancy decreased from XP2 to XP1

      [h4]German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Demokratische Republik)[/h4]

      • All Mi-24D [AT 1] & [AT 2] : number of card set to 1, availability per card set to 2

Free Map Albion Out Now!

Surprise, commanders!

We interrupt our regular DevBlog broadcast with a thunderbolt drop of a brand-new map as part of the Reinforcement Pack #4, available for free now!

Let’s welcome to the stage the (popularly requested) Albion map. You guessed it: this new battlefield is a direct companion piece to the Nemesis #2 - Plateau d’Albion mini-expansion, and free to all owners of WARNO!


[h2]A Companion Piece[/h2]
Here’s the story. After the release of WARNO’s Nemesis #2 - Plateau d'Albion, we received countless requests from the community to make a map inspired by the mini-expansion. Mmh, we thought, not a bad idea. So, rolling up our sleeves, we went to work double-time to deliver an authentic map that pays tribute to this iconic Cold War French nuclear missile silo base (under imminent attack by Soviet VDV forces in WARNO’s 1989). The free map is part of the Reinforcement Pack #4.

To bring this unique battlefield to life, we extensively studied military archives, crafting the new WARNO map using various historical pictures and visuals. We hope that the in-game end result of a recreated Base Aérienne 200 (BA 200) on the Plateau d’Albion in southeastern France does justice to the real-life example.

The Albion Plateau was once home to one of France’s most important nuclear missile launch bases. Built in the 1960s to bolster the country’s land-based nuclear deterrence, the military complex housed a vast network of silos, control buildings, bunkers, and military zones. At the height of the Cold War, this base symbolized France’s military power and nuclear deterrence strategy in a supreme manner.

[h2]Albion in WARNO[/h2]
The new Albion map is a 2v2 battlefield with a host of updated visual assets that really bring out that well-guarded-secretive-military-base touch. First up are the nuclear missile launch zones with silos, control buildings, and ventilation shafts. All are faithfully reproduced to enhance the feel of an authentic military installation.

The surrounding terrain and scenery are inspired by the countryside in southern France. A true homage to the Provençal landscape, we’ve reworked the vegetation to capture the local feel, including lavender fields! Perfect for a “mini-vacation” (before heading to a ferocious World War III battle!).

Albion features a host of fortified military zones with well-placed bunkers and extensive military installations.

[h2]A Strategic Design Overview[/h2]
From a level design perspective, Albion’s main focus was on recreating the nuclear launch zones, the military base (split between command facilities and barracks), as well as the various munitions and weapon depots. To ensure a balanced gameplay experience, we repositioned specific historical elements, such as the launch areas.

We need to give special thanks to Didier “Capcom” Capdevila and the site capcomespace.net, the encyclopedia of space, for their rich archive of text and photos. These were invaluable in our research and made the creation of Albion possible!

Let us know what you think of Albion. We can’t hear to wait for your feedback while battling to avoid (or perhaps hasten) nuclear armageddon!

[h2]New Soundtracks[/h2]
Next to this new map, we are also releasing two sweet new soundtracks for WARNO’s playlist.

The first one is “When Night Comes”, by Oriol Sirinathsingh, will hit that 80s pulsating synthwave just about right.

The second one is “For Honor And Country!”, composed specifically for WARNO by Eugen members Sebastien Alaiwan "Ace17" and Panzer. You can already get a taste for the track here:

[previewyoutube](insérer vidéo *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yO8nVcZk6Q*)[/previewyoutube]

[h2]The new WARNO - NORTHAG expansion[/h2]
You might wonder what’s happening with WARNO - NORTHAG, the first major expansion to hit our World War III battle simulator’s shores. Not to worry, its release is imminent, but we just need a bit more time to tweak and adjust the expansion’s host of new units, divisions, Army General campaigns, and Operations.

In case you have missed one of the many NORTHAG DevBlogs, check the dedicated forum post for all the detailed previews for WARNO - NORTHAG!

NORTHAG ... what to expect?

WARNO - NORTHAG is the first major expansion coming to WARNO. World War III hits the North German Plain where the attacking Warsaw Pact needs to overcome the staunch defenses of NATO’s NORTHAG. Under British command, Belgian, Dutch, West German, and American forces battle against the powerful northern formations of the Soviet Group of Forces in Germany, including East German and reinforcing Polish armies. The expansion is planned for later in 2024.


WARNO - NORTHAG will feature:

  • 2 new Army General campaigns.
  • 4 new Operations.
  • 10 new Divisions, including NATO’s Belgian 16e Pantserdivisie, Dutch 4e Divisie, the British 4th Armoured Division and MultiNational Airborne Division, and the American 9th Infantry (Motorized) Division, while the Warsaw Pact deploys the Soviet 25-ya Tank. Diviziya, the East German 9. Panzerdivision, and the Polish 4 Dywizja Zmechanizowan, 20 Dywizja Pancerna and Grupa Desantowa.
  • 3 new playable nations: NATO’s Belgium and the Netherlands, and Warsaw Pact’s Poland.
  • New voice acting.
  • New units and models.

[h2]Until Next Time[/h2]
We’ll be back soon!

In the meantime, join the WARNO community. Check the latest news on the Steam News page or visit the Steam Forums. Get together with other players on either the excellent Discord server, Reddit page, YouTube or our Instagram.

See you on the battlefield, commander.