v141373: Patch notes
[h3]Code fixes[/h3]
[h3]Data fixes[/h3]
[h3]Nato forces[/h3]
[h3]Pact forces[/h3]
- Supply can now be activated partially, for example to resupply only ammo, fuel or repairs.
- SAM missiles now have the ability to apply a stress effect on units within a 500m radius of them. This effect is applied based on the proximity and power of the missile used. When a missile gets close enough to an aircraft or helicopter, the affected unit will suffer this stress effect. If the affected unit is controlled by a player, a brief yellow visual effect will appear on the unit's label to indicate the psychological impact of the missile.
- Reinforcement Pack #5: 2 new maps are available, Valley and Factory in 3v3 Conquest. Added Destruction mode for the 4 Northag 3v3 maps (Railway, Stoneware, Valley, and Factory). These 4 maps have also been added to the official 10v10 servers.
[h3]Code fixes[/h3]
- Fixed information displayed on tank guns when they cannot align
- Improved display of unowned DLCs, by adding a padlock icon
- Fixed crash on some towed units
- Fixed a rare crash that occurred in-game
- Fixed fatigue tooltip showing wrong number in Army General
- Fixed display of units that have 4 weapons, in the order of battle in Army General
- Fixed the display of attack power of units in Army General being 0 when loading a save
- Fixed defeat animation not playing correctly in skirmish
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when giving a "Move" order multiple times on a building
- Fixed the number of ammo displayed for some tank guns not matching the number that could be fired
- Improved alignment on all units in the game, especially towed weapons (Anti-tank guns, AA guns) to correct problems with units not firing because they are stuck in "alignment"
- Fixed the result of ranked games as well as ELO points won or lost in the ranking
[h3]Data fixes[/h3]
- Fixed label for engineers in Nato mode
- Fixed Mi-8TV Gunship model and weapons
- Fixed towing animation for some towed units
[h3]Nato forces[/h3]
- M1047 LAV : Stabilizer decreased 13% to 8%
- N.G. M1 ABRAMS : Price decreased 210 to 200
- N.G. M2 BRADLEY IFV : Stabilizer decreased 13% to 8%
- M2A1 BRADLEY IFV : Stabilizer decreased 13% to 8%
- M2A2 BRADLEY IFV : Stabilizer decreased 13% to 8%
- M3A1 BRADLEY CFV : Stabilizer decreased 13% to 8%
- M3A2 BRADLEY CFV : Stabilizer decreased 13% to 8%
- M60A3 (TTS) : Base Availability increased 6 to 7
- UH-1A ACP renamed UH-1H CO
- AB MP PATROL (M67) : trait Shock added
- AB MP PATROL : trait Shock added
- N.G. M2HB 12,7mm : Base Availability increased 9 to 12
- AB M60 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
- AERO-M60 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
- N.G. M60 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4
- M60 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
- AB Mk.19 40mm : Health points increased 3 to 4
- CEWI : Price decreased 40 to 30
- LRS : weapon M72A3 LAW added
- MECH. RIFLES (LAW) : Price decreased 55 to 50
- MECH. RIFLES (DRAGON) : Price decreased 65 to 60
- SNIPER : Price decreased 40 to 35
- M2A1 BRADLEY CP : Stabilizer decreased 13% to 8%
- M2A2 BRADLEY CP : Stabilizer decreased 13% to 8%
- AB M998 AVENGER : Speed increased 65 km/h to 75 km/h
[h4]United Kingdom[/h4]- MAG 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
- SNIPER : Price increased 30 to 35
- FV433 ABBOT : weapon L13A1 added
- L118 105mm : weapon L19 added
[h4]Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland)[/h4]- M48A2CGA1 : Top Armor increased 1 to 2
- PZ.BEF. M48A2GA2 : Top Armor increased 1 to 2
- M48A2GA2 : Top Armor increased 1 to 2
- PIONIER (CarlG) : Price decreased 65 to 55
- Fs-MG-3 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4
- MG-3 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
- M577GA2 : Front Armor decreased 2 to 1, Side Armor decreased 2 to 1
- SONDERWAGEN 4 AUFKL. : weapon smoke launcher added
[h4]France[/h4]- AMX-30 B2 : Price increased 130 to 135
- VAB T20/13 : trait IFV added
- AANF1 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
- PARA. AANF1 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
- RES. AANF1 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4
- DRAGON-PARAS : weapon Smoke grenade added
- TIREUR D'ELITE : Price increased 30 to 35
- P4 PC : Price increased 80 to 85
[h4]Belgium[/h4]- MAG 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4
- MAG 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
[h3]Pact forces[/h3]
- BMP-3 : Top Armor decreased 2 to 1
- T-62MK : Speed increased 40 km/h to 50 km/h
- T-62M : Speed increased 40 km/h to 50 km/h
- T-62M1 : Speed increased 40 km/h to 50 km/h
- T-62MDK : Speed increased 40 km/h to 50 km/h
- T-62MD : Speed increased 40 km/h to 50 km/h
- T-62MD1 : Speed increased 40 km/h to 50 km/h
- T-62MV : Price decreased 155 to 150, Speed increased 40 km/h to 50 km/h
- DSh. PLAMYA 30mm : Health points increased 3 to 4
- PLAMYA 30mm : Health points increased 3 to 4
- DESANT. PLAMYA 30mm : Health points increased 3 to 4
- DSh. PKM : Health points increased 3 to 4
- PKM 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
- DESANT. PKM 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
- MOTOSTRELKI (RPG-22) : Price decreased 40 to 35
- RT RAZVEDKA : Price decreased 50 to 40
- O.P. SPETSNAZ : trait Shock added
- 2A45M Sprut-B : Base Availability increased 6 to 7
- DESANT. D-44 85mm : Base Availability increased 9 to 10
- GT-MU-1D : Price decreased 20 to 15
- LuAZ-967M AGS-17 : Price decreased 50 to 35
- DESANT. LuAZ-967M AGS-17 : Price decreased 55 to 40
[h4]German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Demokratische Republik)[/h4]- GR.-MG 30mm : Health points increased 3 to 4
- PKM 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4, Base Availability increased 9 to 12
- Fs-PKM 7,62mm : Health points increased 3 to 4
- PaK D-44 85mm : Base Availability increased 9 to 10
- PaK K-52 85mm : Base Availability increased 9 to 10
- PaK ZiS-2 57mm : Base Availability increased 12 to 15
- FASTA-4 : Optics decreased Good to Mediocre, Stealth increased Mediocre to Good
- LO-1800 FASTA-4 : Optics decreased Good to Mediocre
- GR.-MG 30mm : Health points increased 3 to 4
[h4]USSR (СССР)[/h4]