Unit Showcase
Hello, hello!
We hope you are well. We return with a short WARNO DevBlog today. More news to be followed soon, but at least today’s post features lots of eye candy, though!
Go, go, go!
[h2]WARNO - NORTHAG’s Launch is Close[/h2]
We are on the very final stretch before releasing our much-anticipated WARNO - NORTHAG expansion. This means the team is hard at work squashing bugs, polishing, finetuning, adjusting, and tweaking all manners of expansion-related new features, units, and mechanics. We are also collecting all the latest feedback and comments from our testers and implementing these as we speak.
We hope to share a launch date for WARNO - NORTHAG with you very soon (Eugen trademark). Of course, keep in mind the caveats, as we want to make absolutely sure we’ll be able to deliver.
Keep tight, commanders, it is not very long now.
[h2]Some New Screenshots[/h2]
In the meantime, check out some of the latest screenshots for WARNO - NORTHAG below, featuring some so far undisclosed new models!
Polish ASU-85 airborne assault gun from KORPUS DESANTOWY:

Polish BRDM-1 PSNR-1 radar armored car from 4 DYW. ZMECHANIZOWANA:

A duo of British special forces' LSV recon vehicles from MNAD:

British Westland Scout recon helicopter, also from MNAD:

East-German KPz. T-72MÜV2 MBT from 9. Panzerdivision:

[h2]The new WARNO - NORTHAG expansion[/h2]
In case you have missed one of the many NORTHAG DevBlogs, make sure to read the dedicated forum post for a handy overview of all WARNO - NORTHAG previews!
NORTHAG ... what to expect?
WARNO - NORTHAG is the first major expansion coming to WARNO. World War III hits the North German Plain where the attacking Warsaw Pact needs to overcome the staunch defenses of NATO’s NORTHAG. Under British command, Belgian, Dutch, West German, and American forces battle against the powerful northern formations of the Soviet Group of Forces in Germany, including East German and reinforcing Polish armies. The expansion is planned for later in 2024.
WARNO - NORTHAG will feature:
[h2]Until Next Time[/h2]
Short and sweet, but that’s all. We’ll be back soon!
In the meantime, join the WARNO community. Check the latest news on the Steam News page or visit the Steam Forums. Get together with other players on either the excellent Discord server, Reddit page, YouTube or our Instagram.
See you on the battlefield, commander.

We hope you are well. We return with a short WARNO DevBlog today. More news to be followed soon, but at least today’s post features lots of eye candy, though!
Go, go, go!
[h2]WARNO - NORTHAG’s Launch is Close[/h2]
We are on the very final stretch before releasing our much-anticipated WARNO - NORTHAG expansion. This means the team is hard at work squashing bugs, polishing, finetuning, adjusting, and tweaking all manners of expansion-related new features, units, and mechanics. We are also collecting all the latest feedback and comments from our testers and implementing these as we speak.
We hope to share a launch date for WARNO - NORTHAG with you very soon (Eugen trademark). Of course, keep in mind the caveats, as we want to make absolutely sure we’ll be able to deliver.
Keep tight, commanders, it is not very long now.
[h2]Some New Screenshots[/h2]
In the meantime, check out some of the latest screenshots for WARNO - NORTHAG below, featuring some so far undisclosed new models!
Polish ASU-85 airborne assault gun from KORPUS DESANTOWY:

Polish BRDM-1 PSNR-1 radar armored car from 4 DYW. ZMECHANIZOWANA:

A duo of British special forces' LSV recon vehicles from MNAD:

British Westland Scout recon helicopter, also from MNAD:

East-German KPz. T-72MÜV2 MBT from 9. Panzerdivision:

[h2]The new WARNO - NORTHAG expansion[/h2]
In case you have missed one of the many NORTHAG DevBlogs, make sure to read the dedicated forum post for a handy overview of all WARNO - NORTHAG previews!
NORTHAG ... what to expect?
WARNO - NORTHAG is the first major expansion coming to WARNO. World War III hits the North German Plain where the attacking Warsaw Pact needs to overcome the staunch defenses of NATO’s NORTHAG. Under British command, Belgian, Dutch, West German, and American forces battle against the powerful northern formations of the Soviet Group of Forces in Germany, including East German and reinforcing Polish armies. The expansion is planned for later in 2024.
WARNO - NORTHAG will feature:
- 2 new Army General campaigns.
- 4 new Operations.
- 10 new Divisions, including NATO’s Belgian 16e Pantserdivisie, Dutch 4e Divisie, the British 4th Armoured Division and MultiNational Airborne Division, and the American 9th Infantry (Motorized) Division, while the Warsaw Pact deploys the Soviet 25-ya Tank. Diviziya, the East German 9. Panzerdivision, and the Polish 4 Dywizja Zmechanizowan, 20 Dywizja Pancerna and Grupa Desantowa.
- 3 new playable nations: NATO’s Belgium and the Netherlands, and Warsaw Pact’s Poland.
- New voice acting.
- New units and models.
[h2]Until Next Time[/h2]
Short and sweet, but that’s all. We’ll be back soon!
In the meantime, join the WARNO community. Check the latest news on the Steam News page or visit the Steam Forums. Get together with other players on either the excellent Discord server, Reddit page, YouTube or our Instagram.
See you on the battlefield, commander.