Hello Soldiers, today we are stoked to bring you a huge content update to The Light Brigade --
Memories of War. The update brings two new unlockable classes, new weapons, new tactical items, new hand-crafted areas, game modes and a ton of improvements and fixes.
Let's dive in.
"Memories of War" Trailer (2 min):[previewyoutube][/previewyoutube]
Full Devlog Video (13 min):[previewyoutube][/previewyoutube]
New Unlockable Class: The Breacher[/h3]
Get up close and person to deliver devastating damage with the pump-action
Winchester 1897 (our most requested gun by far). This shotgun behaves like the real thing, so go full slam-firing mode for taking down the toughest Obsidian Soldiers.

New Unlockable Class: The Engineer[/h3]
The new tactical class,
Engineer, comes with the steady and reliable
MP35 submachine gun. Also, the engineer class can take command of its pilotable
Skyhawk battle-drone. Deploy it to distract your enemies as you mow them down with your MP35. Use your pouch-mounted joystick to manually reposition your companion on the battlefield.

New Tactical Items[/h3]
We've added a ton of new tactical items that you can acquire to add more interesting variety to your runs. The new tactical loot box can be found in stages with a variety of new consumable and equip-able items, giving you much more tactical choices for dealing with tough situations.
- Boost Syringes: power up mid battle with a powerful injection. Ah, that's the stuff!
- Canteen: holds multiple charges and heals on each drink, keep your health topped up
- Defense Helmet: wear this to block a single gunshot of any kind, helmets save lives
- Smokable Cigar: take a break and relax, or go kill with _style_
- Flare Guns: summon allies forces to aid you during battle
- and much more, including rare variants with more special features!

New Areas[/h3]
The new
Lost Memories battlegrounds are hand-crafted stages that you will encounter during your runs. These stages are mixed in between the procedural stages to provide the player with even more variety.
New Firing Range[/h3]
The new firing range is accessible from the Temple HQ, and is a great place to practice aiming and trying out new weapons. There are score and time target challenges, as well as free-shooting. Go here to get gud.
New Custom Runs[/h3]
The new Sacred Memories shrine has been added for late-game challenges. Custom your own personalized run by selecting from a series of custom runs presets each with their own run modifications and challenges. Difficult and challenging runs, good luck!
New Class Shrine[/h3]
The new class selection shrine makes it easier to select and change classes, and looks much cleaner! We've added this to allow for more unlockable classes in the future.
New Legendary Tarot Card[/h3]
Find the new ultra-rare legendary tarot card and enjoy a brand new power, or maybe too much power.

Finally, a mountain of fixes, tweaks and optimizations across the board. You can check the full changelist below or dive right in. Good luck on the battlefield, and as always, reach out to us through the steam forums, discord (link) or reddit (link) with feedback or suggestions!
PS. These build notes can also be found here:
Update Notes[h2]Full Changelist:[/h2]
(v472 - v505)
- feature: added boost damage syringe
- feature: added breacher class
- feature: added cam shake on strong rifle shots
- feature: added canteen to restore health + rare variants
- feature: added cigar, cigar box, golden cigar
- feature: added firing range
- feature: added flare gun tool
- feature: added hammer control to weapons (colt 1911, mauser, mp35)
- feature: added health overload syringe
- feature: added laser dot as player-usable loot
- feature: added loot non-controllable drone
- feature: added lost memories zones
- feature: added mp35 weapon
- feature: added new class change station
- feature: added new engineer class
- feature: added new helmet item + rare variant
- feature: added new rare legendary card
- feature: added new sacred memories shrine
- feature: added new tactical items loot crate
- feature: added quest save handling when battery below 5% to not lose save file
- feature: added skyhawk drone
- feature: added some idle soldiers to temple
- feature: added some more lore chat to temple soldiers
- feature: added tier 2 and tier 3 falconers
- feature: added walther p38 pistol
- feature: added winchester 1897 shotgun
- change: added cigar to pistolier loadout
- change: added gameplay tip for pray at loadout table
- change: added more xr info to system menu
- change: adjust ammo insert slide before snap
- change: adjusted inventory wobble to be less wild
- change: adjusted loot distribution to be more clustered
- change: bug report require description to submit (PC)
- change: change cpu/gpu level request to be more future-proof on quest
- change: changed boss 2 scene to lebes underpass
- change: changed default eye tracked foveated rendering level on quest pro
- change: changed npc requesting medkit to request ammo
- change: cleanup class info panel
- change: cleanup loot prefabs for faster loading
- change: cleanup old test code from stage generator
- change: dynamically adjust storefront windows to avoid colliding
- change: improve magazine grab position for guns with long mags
- change: improve sound positioning for player gunshots
- change: increase sun run to 50x stages
- change: increase lod range slightly overall on quest
- change: increase M3 damage and falloff slightly
- change: increased enemy lod range significantly
- change: lower shadow sound intensity
- change: make enemy loot return to kill position if it falls off
- change: minor throw velocity improvements
- change: no more full heal from stone hearts
- change: optimize campfire prefab
- change: optimize cauldron prefab
- change: optimize enemy loot bubble
- change: optimize exit portal prefab
- change: optimize gibbet stage deco
- change: optimize many stage statues / set pieces
- change: optimize necropolis cliffs
- change: optimize some forest entryways
- change: optimize some mountain entryways
- change: optimize some necropolis entryways
- change: optimize tutorial ghost controller meshes
- change: optimize various texture compression settings
- change: optimize wooden docks
- change: reduced bird explosion noise
- change: reduced some overly intense forest fog variants
- change: replace loadout table banner icon
- change: stabilize grab rotation on secondary-only rifle hold
- change: tweak lods for furnace
- change: tweak lods in necropolis terrain
- change: unlock all classes if any rank is over 20
- change: various lod adjustments in many places
- change: various memory optimizations
- fix: fixed ally kills not giving souls
- fix: fixed alt grab icon hover logic
- fix: fixed ashen mountain entrance culling issues
- fix: fixed bear trap lod range
- fix: fixed bosses being crystalized
- fix: fixed camera shake inconsistency on quest
- fix: fixed class icon inconsistencies in various places
- fix: fixed colt ammo wrong lod mesh
- fix: fixed countless localization bugs
- fix: fixed crystalized falconer bird handling
- fix: fixed dead soldiers sometimes not showing when they should
- fix: fixed dead soldiers sometimes showing when they shouldnt
- fix: fixed decoys triggering team kill
- fix: fixed enemy spawn nodes logic issues
- fix: fixed enemy to use weapon attachment data properly
- fix: fixed exit door portal crystal culling
- fix: fixed forest stage using wrong entrance
- fix: fixed gewehr tier 3 material issue
- fix: fixed glow on pistol inventory slot
- fix: fixed gun ammo ui on VG1-5
- fix: fixed gun offset setting saving wrong
- fix: fixed heal on outpost crystal
- fix: fixed holo sight collider shape
- fix: fixed hypno enemies triggering team kill
- fix: fixed kar98k tier 3 material issue
- fix: fixed laser dot sight collider shape
- fix: fixed lingering soldier name labels
- fix: fixed low memory state not logging issues
- fix: fixed m3 bolt behavior being incorrect
- fix: fixed M3 fix chamber visual
- fix: fixed many incorrect hard coded entities in stages
- fix: fixed missing lods on entry and exit doors
- fix: fixed nambu ammo shadow and motion vectors wrong position
- fix: fixed nambu collider position
- fix: fixed player ghost and emblem culling out of sync
- fix: fixed power field collision issues
- fix: fixed recoil slightly higher than intended on quest
- fix: fixed red dot sight collider shape
- fix: fixed render issue on class info panel on quest
- fix: fixed rifle bolt slide state between stages
- fix: fixed settings preset button spam pressing
- fix: fixed shoulder store item going to infinite position
- fix: fixed soldiers never reloading
- fix: fixed some barrel colliders
- fix: fixed some barrel store descriptions
- fix: fixed some edge cases in the give-item soldier
- fix: fixed some enemy type spawn choice logic bugs
- fix: fixed some eye-tracked foveated rendering permission request handling on quest (pro)
- fix: fixed some grab point not handling gun rotation setting
- fix: fixed some internal scene startup ordering issues
- fix: fixed some loot rotation issues
- fix: fixed some render issues on dialog box on quest
- fix: fixed some stage edge navmesh bounds calculations
- fix: fixed some temple unlock issues upon temple return
- fix: fixed some unwanted auto-rotation on chests and shrines
- fix: fixed soul lantern lod range
- fix: fixed sprite compression on many assets
- fix: fixed target enemy count calculation in some stages
- fix: fixed various cant-shoot blinking icon logic
- fix: fixed various lod cull ranges in forest
- fix: fixed various small crystals lod settings
- fix: fixed various world name popup bugs
- fix: fixed weapon barrel attachment falling through floor
- fix: fixed wrong enviro particles in stages
- fix: fixed wrong M3 crystal position
- fix: fixed wrong range check on enemy crystalize priority
- fix: fixed wrong shadow on donation box
- fix: fixed wrong shell casings on colt 1911
- fix: fixed wrong shell casings on Gewehr-43
- fix: fixed wrong shell casings on M3
- fix: fixed wrong throw velocity when controller was tilted
- fix: improve gun ammo ui positioning logic
- fix: improve performance in necropolis stages
- fix: improve player ghost performance
- fix: improve sniper laser sight visual direction
- fix: optimize most weapon prefabs loading time
- fix: prayer collects coins from table now
Any questions/feedback, hit us up on our