1. The Light Brigade
  2. News
  3. Update 1.1 - Sights & Settings

Update 1.1 - Sights & Settings

Hello Soldiers, today we have a new update with some much-requested changes.

[h3]Critical Fixes[/h3]

  • Fixed a critical bug breaking save files when hitting end-run during daily run in some cases

[h3]Notable Changes[/h3]

  • Added user-customizable iron sights and reticle colors - tweak these in the game settings for your personal preference
  • Improved red dot sight two have two depth markers, making accurate aiming possible again
  • Improved sniper inventory layouts - sniper ammo in the middle for easier left or right hand usage, or whether reloading with main or off-hand
  • Improved pistolier inventory layouts - added extra inventory pouch and extra wand slot, to balance out some of it's weakness compared to other classes
  • Reduce wobble on 1H pistol aiming - quality of life for pistol class
  • Reduced rushing behavior of enemies - particularly on harder difficulties the enemies tended to rush far too close, and had too much health to deal with, it should now be more of a close-range firefight than a face rush


Please let us know if you have any issues or feedback, and you can find us on discord, twitter, reddit or just post in the steam forums!

Full changelist and details can be found here: https://funktroniclabs.notion.site/Update-1-1-Extra-Fix-Settings-07a7b9fed1724d7b81e3fda8d3a65437