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  3. Hunt Together Update | Fixes And Changes #1

Hunt Together Update | Fixes And Changes #1

Greetings Hunters!

In this smaller update we improved ambient audios, added finished map images, a new shouldering offset for gun stock users & other fixes! You also get a proper Steam name in multiplayer if you’re launching the game using Virtual Desktop. Enjoy the update and happy hunting!

  • Changed multiplayer backup player namings to more generic, Player [number], instead of old backup names when couldn’t receive the Steam account name
  • Player joined/left notification appears now on the mobile tracker and can be closed by pressing the button or waiting some time
  • Made the sun more visible in the sky
  • Increased and balanced ambient audio volume
  • Added a “Shouldering Offset” setting into the “Stabilization” settings that defines how far from the shoulder the stabilization will activate
  • Bulgarian map image updated to its final version
  • Trophy lodge map image updated to its final version
  • Fixed an issue where the dropped backpack ends up on wrong location in multiplayer during the fast travel
  • Fixed an issue where the Steam account name wasn’t received as a player name in game when launching through Virtual Desktop
  • Fixed LOD distances of several objects

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