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  3. Map Spotlight: Terminus

Map Spotlight: Terminus

Each battlefield in War Robots: Frontiers is unique, with their own pitfalls and perks. Terminus is no different. 
This spaceport and cargo handling facility sits atop a frozen asteroid and connects the Wild Ten to the Solar System via Warp technology. Whoever controls Terminus controls the flow of goods, and decides who goes in and out.

Once a safe haven, Terminus is now a battleground. Warring Dominions are battling for control of high-value sites, and the critical supply port of Terminus is caught in the crossfire. 

With new supplies cut off, clever mechanics on Tortuga have found ways to rebuild broken War Robots, and Pilots ready themselves for a new fight. 

This asteroid is full of dense tunnels and open avenues. Terminus’ energy barriers block projectiles but allow War Robots to pass, allowing for clever tactical plays and an escape route for your team to regroup and restrategize. 

All types of combat are possible on Terminus, from short-range skirmishes to medium-range takedowns. Super-long sightlines also offer ample sniping opportunities. 

Featuring upper and lower levels, there are also max height bars indicating if a Titan can pass through, meaning there are some safe spaces from the eyes of these iron giants. 

Pick your Drop Team carefully, and bring only the best of the best to tackle this map. Drop into Terminus today, and take down foes on the biggest spaceport in the Wild Ten.

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