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War Robots: Frontiers News

Maintenance – 13/03/2025

War Robots: Frontiers servers are scheduled to enter maintenance at the following time:
  • Maintenance Time: 13/03/2025 at 09:00 UTC
  • Estimated Downtime: 2 hours

The game servers will be inaccessible during this time. Keep an eye on our official social channels and Discord for further updates, and to find out when War Robots: Frontiers servers are live again.

Thank you for your patience!

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Hotfix Patch Notes — March 13, 2025

Attention, Pilots! The following hotfix will be deployed for War Robots: Frontiers following a short period of maintenance on March 13, 2025.
[h2]Game Adjustments[/h2][h3]Progression[/h3]
  • Increased the amount of Credits, Experience, and Pilot Experience awarded per match. On average, the amount gained has increased by +50%.
Developer Note: We received feedback from players that progression felt too slow. After reviewing the data, we agree and have made the above changes to improve how progression feels.
[h3]Game Modes[/h3]
  • Last Robot Standing & Team Deathmatch: Increased the outgoing damage by 50% for 10 seconds after spawning.
  • Team Deathmatch: Reduced the respawn cooldown from 270s to 150s.
  • Warp Rush: Reduced the incoming damage by 40% for 10 seconds after spawning.
  • Added further clarification for Hero Pilot Talents in-game:
    • 1 Talent is available per rank.
[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2][h3]General[/h3]
  • Maps: Fixed a bug where pipes were no longer displayed after a certain distance on Fissure.
  • Maps: Fixed a bug that allowed players to get on top of the central wall on Terminus.
  • Achievement/Trophy: Fixed a bug where players were unable to progress through the requirements for the Achievement/Trophy “Me and My Crew”. Players need to win 100 battles while being part of a Crew.
[h3]Weapons & Gear[/h3]
  • Orochi — Echo Barrage (Core Gear): Fixed an issue where the silhouettes of War Robots highlighted by Recon Mode (Cycle Gear) would disappear when using Orochi’s Core Gear and Recon Mode back-to-back.
  • Raven — Steel Feathers (Core Gear): Fixed a bug where Steel Feathers would fire only 2 projectiles instead of the intended 8.
  • Tusk: Fixed a bug where the weapon’s projectiles did not have bullet drop.
  • Fixed a bug where players were unable to create a new War Robot Build when a selected Pilot was already assigned to another War Robot Build. These now display as in-use if the Pilot is utilized in another War Robot Build. Players are now provided with copies of “not owned” Pilots in the Workshop to assign to their Builds.
[h2]Technical Fixes[/h2][h3]General Technical Issues[/h3]
  • Fixed a bug where players received an “Item transfer failed” warning in the Inventory when sending multiple Premium Account days, resulting in its loss. All players affected by this will have the correct Premium Account days returned to their Inventory.
  • Fixed unusual Spawn VFX when the upscaling modes “DLSS”, “FSR3”, or “FSR1” were active.
  • Added missing localization for Quick Repair (Supply Gear) and Nanite Repair (Cycle Gear).
  • Fixed a bug where players with Premium Account did not receive additional Jobs and were unable to replace additional Jobs.
  • Improved stability on PlayStation 4.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur before spawning into a match.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when switching graphic presets from Medium to Low.


Get more of the latest news like this by following the game on X and Facebook and joining the official Discord server

Need help? Contact our Support team to report any issues you’re facing on the Wild Ten.
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Rank Up in Leagues!

Explore a new way to play War Robots: Frontiers with Leagues! If battling on the Wild Ten, completing Jobs, and earning rewards via the Battle Pass isn’t satisfying your competitive streak, then it’s time to play for League Points, Pilot. 

Leagues pit you against other players in your skill bracket and geographical region as you rank up to the highest level during a Season by earning League Points in your matches. 
[h3]Leagues: How To Play[/h3]
Once you reach Level 7, Leagues will unlock and you’ll begin in Bronze

All the information about Leagues is available in the "Progress" tab. 

Next, click on the League itself (in this case, Bronze) where you can see the full list of Leagues. Scroll through it and click on each one to view the current rewards.

[h3]League Brackets[/h3]
Rise up through the ranks from Bronze to Noachium, taking on tougher battles as you progress:
  • Bronze (0–300 League Points)
  • Silver (250–600 League Points)
  • Gold (500–1,000 League Points)
  • Platinum (900–1,400 League Points)
  • Emerald (1,300–1,900 League Points)
  • Diamond (1,800–2,500 League Points)
  • Noachium (2,400+ League Points)

At the start of a new Season, all players are reset to the minimum threshold of their current League. Players who did not participate in the previous Season may also be demoted to a lower League.

[h3]League Points: What Are They, And How Do I Earn Them?[/h3]
League Points are points you earn as you play, based on individual battle performance, factoring in Impact Points (the points earned throughout a match and shown at the end), and team results.

Defeats may deduct League Points, but a strong individual performance can mitigate these losses. Players cannot drop below 0 League Points.

Each league has a League Downfall Threshold—a threshold where dropping below it results in demotion.
[h3]Leagues Rewards[/h3]
Earn rewards based on your highest-achieved League at the end of the Season. During a Season, you’ll also receive extra rewards for maintaining your League.

Higher Leagues means better rewards, so bring your A-game to each battle for cosmetics including Stickers, Decals, Paints, and Wraps.

What are you waiting for, Pilot? Jump into the cockpit today, and take on Leagues!

[hr][/hr]Download War Robots: Frontiers for free today:

                            PlayStation®5PlayStation®4Xbox Series X|S™Xbox One™

                                                          SteamMY.GAMES Launcher

Stay tuned to our official DiscordX, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok channels, and join the War Robots: Frontiers subreddit for all the latest news and updates.

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Under The Wire Battle Pass: Level Up & Unlock 35+ Rewards!

Elite Pilots deserve elite rewards. You can start earning them today with the Under The Wire Battle Pass!

The Battle Pass is your ticket to the hottest gear on the Wild Ten. Play to earn XP and Battle Tokens, level up your Pass, and exchange your Battle Tokens for new content.

Season 1: Blockade will feature two Battle Passes: Under The Wire (March 11–April 22) and Smuggler’s Run (starting April 22), with Free and Gold versions available for both.

[h2]Under The Wire Battle Pass[/h2]
The Under The Wire Battle Pass can be found via the main menu. It features the new War Robot—Cyclops—and 35+ other galactic rewards, including Salvage, Credits, Premium Account, unique cosmetics, and battle gear!

Battle Passes are only available for a limited time during Seasons. New Shipments of rewards will become available while the Battle Pass is active. You need to complete the Battle Pass while it’s available to unlock everything it has to offer!
  • Battle Pass (Free): Progress without spending a penny! Battle Tokens can be earned through battles and used to level up your Pass. You won’t be able to unlock every reward from all Shipments unless you upgrade to Battle Pass Gold.
  • Battle Pass Gold (200 WarpReals): Upgrade to Battle Pass Gold to earn enough Battle Tokens to obtain every item from the Battle Pass.

[h3]Shipment 1 (Unlocks March 11)[/h3]
  • Cyclops (War Robot):
    • 1x Torso Module
    • 1x Chassis Module
  • The Great Wave Decal
  • King Sticker
  • Stratosphere Paint
  • Vermillion Paint
  • Dirt Wear & Tear
  • 3x Gemini Weapon
  • Credits 
  • Salvage 
  • Premium Account
[h3]Shipment 2 (Unlocks March 18)[/h3]
There is no Battle Token requirement to unlock this Shipment.
  • Bloodmoon Paint
  • Catalyst Light Paint
  • Blink Supply Gear
  • 3x Gemini Weapons
  • Spectrum Biome Decal
  • "Valkryie" Vaughn (Common Pilot)
  • Loud And Clear Sticker
  • Credits 
  • Salvage 
  • Premium Account
[h3]Shipment 3 (Unlocks March 25)[/h3]
Spend 210 Battle Tokens to unlock this Shipment.
  • Cyclops (War Robot):
    • 2x Shoulder Modules
    • 1x Chassis Module
  • Homing Missile Cycle Gear
  • Blink Supply Gear
  • 2x Gemini Weapons
  • Regal Gray Paint
  • Martian Paint
  • Fire Lion Decal
  • Moss Wear & Tear
  • Starship Sticker
  • Freecon Trooper Sticker
  • Credits
[h3]Under The Wire Twitch Drops (March 11–24)[/h3]
Watch select Drop-enabled War Robots: Frontiers Twitch streams between March 11 (16:00 CET) and March 24 (09:00 CET) to earn the following rewards: 
Watch for:
Twitch Drop:

30 minutes

1,500 Credits

1 hour

Raven (Chassis Module)

2 hours

2x Raven (Shoulder Module) 

3 hours

"Watch The Watcher" (Sticker)

4 hours

Raven (Torso Module)

6 hours

4x Gozer (Weapon) 

8 hours

"Bullwork" Liu (Common Pilot)

10 hours

Plum (Paint)

12 hours

Blast Wave (Supply Gear)

Check out all the information about ongoing Twitch Drops here.
[h3]New Hero Pilot: Idy “King” Demerost[/h3]
"They say no good deed goes unpunished, and I'm living proof of this. I was maimed when I saved a man's life and for this, they called me "king". I came back from war with a phantom limb for my trouble. We Pilots have a code of honor—to us, a job is a job, and when we work, we do not take sides, but you must know how the Devil comes to find you when you're down. I had hit rock bottom, and in a shameful moment of weakness I let myself believe an illusion: my body restored, wealth, a crew. All this and more was promised to me, but I fear the choice I have made will cost me everything."

Freecon Hero Pilot Idy “King” Demerost is now available in the Store!

[hr][/hr]Download War Robots: Frontiers for free today:

                            PlayStation®5PlayStation®4Xbox Series X|S™Xbox One™

                                                          SteamMY.GAMES Launcher

Stay tuned to our official DiscordX, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok channels, and join the War Robots: Frontiers subreddit for all the latest news and updates.

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Map Spotlight: Terminus

Each battlefield in War Robots: Frontiers is unique, with their own pitfalls and perks. Terminus is no different. 
This spaceport and cargo handling facility sits atop a frozen asteroid and connects the Wild Ten to the Solar System via Warp technology. Whoever controls Terminus controls the flow of goods, and decides who goes in and out.

Once a safe haven, Terminus is now a battleground. Warring Dominions are battling for control of high-value sites, and the critical supply port of Terminus is caught in the crossfire. 

With new supplies cut off, clever mechanics on Tortuga have found ways to rebuild broken War Robots, and Pilots ready themselves for a new fight. 

This asteroid is full of dense tunnels and open avenues. Terminus’ energy barriers block projectiles but allow War Robots to pass, allowing for clever tactical plays and an escape route for your team to regroup and restrategize. 

All types of combat are possible on Terminus, from short-range skirmishes to medium-range takedowns. Super-long sightlines also offer ample sniping opportunities. 

Featuring upper and lower levels, there are also max height bars indicating if a Titan can pass through, meaning there are some safe spaces from the eyes of these iron giants. 

Pick your Drop Team carefully, and bring only the best of the best to tackle this map. Drop into Terminus today, and take down foes on the biggest spaceport in the Wild Ten.

Download War Robots: Frontiers for free today:

                            PlayStation®5PlayStation®4Xbox Series X|S™Xbox One™

                                                          SteamMY.GAMES Launcher

Stay tuned to our official DiscordX, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok channels, and join the War Robots: Frontiers subreddit for all the latest news and updates.

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