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  3. Hotfix: Patch Notes — March 6, 2025

Hotfix: Patch Notes — March 6, 2025

Attention, Pilots! The following hotfix will be deployed for War Robots: Frontiers following a short period of maintenance on March 6, 2025.
  • Improved the overall sound in the game:
    • Default music volume is now set to 80.
    • SFX plays when a player’s Robot despawns upon calling their Titan.
    • In the Hangar, Common Pilots' VO volume is now equal to Legendary Pilots.
    • Balanced the sound of various weapons.
    • Improved sound notification systems.
    • Improved the weapon reload SFX for most weapons.
    • Fixed impact SFX for Gozer, Lighter, and Incinerator Weapons.
    • Improved the sound clarity of the Combat Assistant. A small delay has been added when Gear is activated or another important action is triggered. Overlapping sounds of the Pilots’ VO and Gear activations should no longer occur.
    • Added voice lines for Pilots:
      • Legendary Pilots received 3–5 additional voice lines when spawning in and 2 additional voice lines when eliminating enemies.
      • Common pilots received 2–3 additional voice lines when spawning in.
  • Changes have been made to Matchmaking:
    • Crews consisting of a low-level leader and high-level players would previously result in matches against low-level players. If a high-level player is now part of the Crew, the Crew is matched against higher-level players.
  • When crafting or upgrading an item, the item now stays selected in the Warehouse and Workshop after exiting the crafting menu.
  • The Gear Power Level parameter from the Details screen has been removed and replaced with the following parameters:
    • Cooldown for the Core Gear.
    • Cooldown and number of uses for Cycle Gear.
    • Required Charge to activate Supply Gear.
  • Removed the Countdown timer from the last tab in the Post Combat statistics. The screen will no longer automatically close.
  • The following bindings have been set for gamepads for pop-up notifications:
    • Xbox: B for Cancel/Close, A for Apply/OK/Proceed
    • PS: O for Cancel/Close, X for Apply/Ok/Proceed
  • Robot Spawn VFX has been adjusted.
  • The button “Weight and Energy” has been removed from the Workshop.
  • Added a Robot Class Filter when going through the Workshop Tutorial.
  • Item stacks in the Workshop are now sorted from highest to lowest level.
[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
  • Fixed a bug where Gear Modules would clip into the Robot Model in the Workshop.
  • Fixed a bug where Gear Modules were displayed for Titans in the Workshop.
  • Fixed a bug where Ares’ Core Gear “Wrath” in combination with “Infinite Ammo” could affect the rates of fire of certain weapons, allowing them to shoot much quicker than intended.
  • Fixed a bug where purchased Factory Builds could not be converted to Custom Builds.
  • Fixed a bug where the in-game tutorial may not progress beyond the Workshop when playing with a gamepad.
  • Fixed a bug where converting a Factory Build to a Custom Build would block further tutorials.
  • Fixed a bug where players may run into invisible walls on the map “Fissure”.
  • Fixed a bug where players may get stuck when walking close to walls on the map “Terminus”.
  • Fixed a bug where players may run into invisible walls on the map “Terminus”.
  • Fixed a bug where the effects of the Gear “Scrambler” would remain active after the duration expired.
  • Fixed a bug where pressing Spacebar and LMB in quick succession while in Spectator mode, players could become stuck in the Spectator mode and be unable to respawn.
  • Fixed a bug where kills and assists after dying did not add Honor.
  • Fixed a bug where Robot Preview cameras in the Workshop when editing Modules would behave abnormally when rotating the camera.
  • Fixed a bug where projectile VFX for the weapon “Scatter” would not be displayed when playing on low graphic settings.
  • Fixed a bug where AI opponents could use Modules and Weapons that are not yet available to players.
  • Fixed a bug where Cyclops’ Core Gear “Death Ray” was too bright on the map “Terminus”.
  • Fixed a bug where the Battle Pass banner did not disappear from the Store after purchasing it.
  • Fixed a bug where a loading icon would be displayed indefinitely when applying a global Decal, resetting changes, or saving a Wrap.
  • Fixed a bug where the button “Build a New Robot” was available when the Custom Build limit had been reached.
  • Fixed a bug where players were shown an empty error message when trying to create a new Custom Build after reaching the Custom Build limit. Players will now be warned that no further Custom Builds can be created.
  • Fixed a bug where the central Robot in the Hangar was not centered.
  • Fixed a bug where upgrade tips were displayed on Common Pilots. Common Pilots cannot be upgraded.
  • Fixed a bug where the Account Rank-Up animation in the Post Combat screen could be played multiple times when switching between the Battle Pass page to the Post Combat screen.
  • Fixed a bug where the UI would display an active Shield over the Robot Health Segments provided by the Pilot Talent “Backup Plan” even after it expired.
  • Fixed a bug where projectiles of the weapon “Noricum” would collide with invisible walls on the map “Terminus”.
  • Fixed a bug where some road signs on the map “Catalyst” were indestructible.
  • Fixed a bug where Pilots did not receive any lighting when displayed in Robot Builds in the Shop.
  • Fixed a bug where Faction and Class icons were not displayed for modules and weapons in the Store.
  • Fixed a bug where the Pre-Game camera may spawn below the ground.
[h2]Technical Fixes[/h2][h3]Crashes[/h3]
  • Fixed a crash that could occur during battles.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when quickly switching from Low to Epic graphics settings.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur with certain Gear.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the Gear “Blast Wave”
[h2]Balancing Changes[/h2][h3]Robots[/h3]
  • Reduced Armor of Shoulder Modules from 51,480 to 48,400.
  • Reduced Shield Cooldown Reduction value from 19% to 17%.
  • Increased Armor of Shoulder Modules from 51,700 to 75,900.
  • Reduced Shields of Shoulder Modules from 22,193 to 21,560.
  • Reduced Shield Regeneration from 3,773 to 2,695.
  • Reduced Shield Cooldown Reduction value from 27% to 25%.
  • Reduced the Rate of Fire from 60 to 24 rpm.
  • Reduced the Rate of Fire from 60 to 24 rpm.
  • Reduced the Rate of Fire from 60 to 30 rpm.
  • Increased the maximum speed of Vortex Missiles in their launch phase by 300%.
Sprint Reactor
  • Now provides a flat amount for bonus Speed and Acceleration, instead of a percentage. At its highest level, it now increases Speed by 1750 (63 km/h) over 8 seconds.
Shield Regeneration
  • Now repairs 3% of the max. Armor per second instead of a flat value of 3350 armor.
Quick Repair
  • Now repairs 4% of the max. Armor per second instead of a flat value of 4320 armor.
Energy Wall
  • Increased Cooldown from 20 seconds to 24 seconds.
Repair Drone
  • This Gear now snaps to Robots.
Iron Rain
  • This Gear now snaps to Robots.
Blast Wave
  • This Gear now snaps to Robots.
  • This Gear now snaps to Robots.


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