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Creator Spotlight: Predator

Every War Robots: Frontiers content creator is unique, and we want to shine a light on them and their fantastic footage. Welcome to the first Creator Spotlight with Predator

You may know Predator already—he’s active on YouTube and has his own Discord server dedicated to all things War Robots. 

We caught up with Predator and grilled him about everything from his channel name, to invaluable advice for new War Robots players, to his silly sign-offs.


Q: How long have you been streaming and creating content?

A: Since 2016. I started watching gaming content online and thought “why not upload some of my own gameplay?”

Q: How long have you been playing video games and what is your favorite genre? Do you remember the first video game you ever played?

A: I’ve been playing games for probably 17 years. My earliest memories of playing video games were on my Nintendo Game Boy Advance. I think I can remember playing Pokémon-related games on it. I was always really into single-player games because I didn't have any ‘online’ subscriptions until much later. 

Q: What inspired your channel name ‘Predator’? 

A: The movie franchise! When I was younger my Dad showed me the Predator and Alien movies and I instantly thought it was the coolest thing ever. Then when I started playing games, I used that as my gamer tag.

Q: What made you want to start creating content for War Robots: Frontiers, and what do you like most about the game?

A: I’ve played War Robots since 2016 and the first battle I played in War Robots: Frontiers was pretty shocking (in a good way). I’ve played a lot of different styles of mech games, but I’ve honestly never seen a PvP mech game with this level of realism and detail. My favorite part about the game currently is how the game looks and the endless build options.

Q: You’ve tested a lot of Builds on your channel—which is your favorite and why?

A: The first one that comes to mind is the 5x Orkan Siren hybrid. There's nothing more fun to me than locking down an enemy mech with freeze, then unloading 5 Orkan rockets!

Q: Do you have a favorite game mode?

A: Currently, I really like Warp Rush. The idea of beacons isn't that exciting in theory, but in battle, it adds so much more strategy and excitement—having to think about enemy bots, the time, and the beacon bar. 

Q: What advice would you give to new players joining War Robots: Frontiers?

A: I would definitely start learning about different builds and what's most effective for what you want to do. Also just playing a lot of battles really helps you understand abilities and how the Robots move—which is a huge advantage, especially when it comes to managing fuel!


Q: Are you into the Mech genre or did you just vibe with War Robots: Frontiers as a standalone game?

A: I have gotten into the Mech genre more recently. It started with War Robots in 2016, but since then I’ve tried other PvP mech games and single-player mech games on PC. 

Q: What do you do when you’re not gaming—do you have any other hobbies?

A: I’ve always been into keeping exotic animals and reptiles so I enjoy doing that. As well as going to the gym!

Q: How have you felt watching the game evolve throughout Early Access?

A: It’s been really cool to see the game throughout Early Access and how responsive the devs have been. From update to update, there have been a lot of improvements and when players highly request certain changes or improvements—it has happened. 

Q: You usually end your videos by saying random words like “See you next time, Water Puppies, Rainbows” What inspired your sign-off?

A: Haha! Funnily enough, when I started using a face cam for War Robots videos years ago, I didn’t know what to say when ending the video so I just started blabbing about the first thing that came to my mind—and that often involved random foods!

You can get in touch with Predator via Discord, and catch him on his YouTube channel to check out all his latest videos.

The Wild Ten needs more Pilots like you to join the fight. If you stream or make videos for War Robots: Frontiers, then you need to join the next evolution of the MY.GAMES Content Creator Program!
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