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  3. RDBK Studios - BisectHosting

RDBK Studios - BisectHosting

We are excited to announce our partnership with BisectHosting!


BH has been an integral part of the development process for many years now, providing us with servers for everyone to play on and as such we will be working with them on Renowns launch to bring servers online across the entire world so everyone can experience Renown with great ping!

We have always been heavily in support of community run servers, allowing our players to alter the game to their liking and their communities. If you are interested in setting up a server of your own when Renown launches we have added a #Server-Hosting Channel with links to their website.

Renown Server Hosting

We also had a great interview with their team which you can check out here
Huge thanks to BH for everything they have done for us and continue to do!

We have also had a great roadmap graphic whipped up that outlines some of the planned features and content updates as Renown hits early access (Stage 0) . We hope to have some of stage 0’s tasks ticked off before EA release.