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Renown News

RDBK Studios - BisectHosting

We are excited to announce our partnership with BisectHosting!


BH has been an integral part of the development process for many years now, providing us with servers for everyone to play on and as such we will be working with them on Renowns launch to bring servers online across the entire world so everyone can experience Renown with great ping!

We have always been heavily in support of community run servers, allowing our players to alter the game to their liking and their communities. If you are interested in setting up a server of your own when Renown launches we have added a #Server-Hosting Channel with links to their website.

Renown Server Hosting

We also had a great interview with their team which you can check out here
Huge thanks to BH for everything they have done for us and continue to do!

We have also had a great roadmap graphic whipped up that outlines some of the planned features and content updates as Renown hits early access (Stage 0) . We hope to have some of stage 0’s tasks ticked off before EA release.

Alpha 1.5.5

Material fixes
Fixed an issue where the inventory wouldn't close
Added gameplay settings debug back into the menu
Sallet material fix
Fixed placement of small external walls
Buffed tool damage
Increased cost of bricks
Crafting sorts by highest tier first
Fixed being able to demolish merchants and loot
Reduced backwards movement slightly
Fixed animal collisions
Algara map improvements
Added more NPC camps
Bow and fist animation fixes
Crafting menu uses R to open now
Added crafting skin preset support to crafting menu
Chat bubble never shows for yourself now
Added buy and sell sounds for vendors
Disabled support pieces
Fixed ladder detectection
Research menu fixes
Fixed map markers not working
Added Map cameras to all the maps
Removed Polearms from loot tables
You can toggle chat messages off from players now
Added the ability to send direct messages /dm ID or name
Added the ability for admins to remotely dm players
Admins can global mute players now
Changed player markers for party members to a blue marker
Sleepers in the Winterhold castle should be killed correctly now
Added map icons
Added more props to some of the POIs
Tutorial bug fixes
Fixed up Encyclopedia
Upgrading buildings now checks if a player will be overlapping (no more getting stuck in external walls)
One hander animation fixes
Fixed issues with maintenance costs
Fixed issue with Fist combos

Alpha 1.5.2

Alpha 1.5.2

Added new crossbow reload anim
Fixed gambeson weighing
Server session fixes
New Greataxe out of combat animations
AI can update teams
Updated lighting on all maps
Fixed issues with Party markers
Tutorial only shows up in survival mode now
Fixed issues with dropped item replication
Fixed external wall placement
Added Party leader support
Improved Party UI
Fist running animation fix
Added new longsword bash anim
Updated Main Menu
Fixed skin colors being bugged
Added Global smelting multiplier
Added Gathering multipliers for Raid mode
Fixed Chase mechanic
Fixed banner not being detected in raid mode unless it was loaded from a save
Raid mode players always spawn with clothes now
Fixed doors not autoclosing in Raid mode during sieges
Scoreboard has a team color indicator
Updated animal roaming behavior
Added a Gathering phase barrier to RRaid-Small_p
Added better attenuation to all animals
Max ping shows in server details now
Fixed issues with Inventory changes not registering for UI events
Increased crafting cost of arrows
Fixed Camera perspective not working
Fixed Bench inventory size
Removed armor template menu
Bandit Raid Loadout tweaked
Fixed issues with locks in Raid mode
Fixed up Last Team Standing not working
Reduced movement acceleration
Added Item Blacklists for Starting Loadouts in Arcade gamemodes
Added a setting for auto placing locks if they are in your inventory
New Crafting Menu
Lowered Banner Render range
Fixed Building menu not updating resource count
Fixed Hauberk Weighing
Polished up Emote animations
Fixed Melee system not working for NPCs
Polished up Peaceful mode animation
Added Loot Balloons
Bear overhaul
Parties now work in all gamemodes
Ally markers disappear on death now
Muted players can't invite you to a party now
Fixed Scoreboard menu archor not working
New Scoreboard UI
There is an notification when you drop an item on the ground now
Added Building limit to Banners
Petards can now misfire
Petards can no longer be stacked in the same spot quickly
Projectiles affect buildings properly with ownership checks
Added a Windows Icon to the game
Better server reboot handling when EOS fails
Fixed Settings UI scaling on different resolutions
Updated Drop Equipped Weapon Input
Updated Emote Menu
Animals can be parried now
Trees now respawn and are persistent when they are chopped down
Added server RCON support
Fixed issues with weapon swapping
Fixed not being able to spawn in Survival
Updated Credits menu
Algara Isle graphical touchups
New Animation system for Combat
Fixed Inventory UI scaling issues
Archery Aiming total rework
Optimized Items on the ground and projectiles
Fixed Crafting multiplier not working on queued stacks of crafts

Happy New Year from the Renown team - An Update from Mr.Z

Mr. Z here, today we’ll be going over some quick updates on where we’ve been lately.

As stated before we’re all coming back from the new year's vacations so work has been slow as of late.
Now we’re mostly back in gear and the updates have begun again with Patch 1.4.8 having been released a few days ago.

During the break I opted to get some work done on Raid mode and get it up to par, I’ve always enjoyed playing it and wanted to make some much needed improvements to it. Now we have a map that has 4 teams. Progression is substantially faster with good loot scattered around the center of the map.

You can leave gold coins in your team’s banner and buy loadouts from the banner directly. There's a few other new features, but all in all, Raid mode has never been more fast paced to play so we’re restarting our weekly Raid mode playtests in each region. Raid mode is a really fun way to experience the gameplay loop quickly so I encourage people to join our playtests on the weekend.

Another thing we’ve been up to lately is replacing all the animations in the game with new motion captured animations. It's been a slow process but the difference in quality speaks for itself. Lots of locomotion animations have been implemented already.

Soon, the swing animations for the combat will be getting revamped. Anyone who thought of holding off on practicing the combat system should get ready to get practice soon as the final animations get implemented over the coming months.

Ultimately, our goal with Renown is to reach a stable EA release in June this year. One of the best ways we’ve been able to improve the game’s stability is by holding large public demos of the game and getting as many people playing as possible.

To that end our highest priority goal currently is preparing the game for an open beta. The main things holding us back are some server performance issues that make playing the game with a very high player count extremely unstable.
Specifically, we have some issues with the building system that require a rewrite, also we need to upgrade the engine to UE5.5 for some needed optimizations.

We’ll be keeping people posted on when the open beta is coming, so make sure to subscribe to our announcements channel in our official discord and our steam page. It's likely we’ll do stress tests as well to see how the new optimizations hold up, so if you’re a backer stay tuned for those as well.

On behalf of RDBK I wish everyone a happy new year and hope to see you all playing the game later this year on launch day.

What we've been up to and news on a new open demo!

This is a fairly short update to let you know we’re still working hard, and a little of what we’ve been up to.

We’ll also go over our current plans for re-opening for a public demo in the near future.

What has the team been up to?
Currently we’re taking the time to address core issues which we’d have been unable to tend to, without the support from the crowdfund.

One major area is the Animation Overhaul.

KZ and Delta have been working hard on the locomotion sets which is what you physically see as characters walk, run and turn.

For the last couple of months this has effectively been going full time. The attached Gifs directly show this work.

Mr.Z needed to travel for a few weeks but used personal funds to purchase a laptop so he could keep support going for the project while away.

Given he’s back, the team is currently starting on Combat Animations.

Mr. Z has also been hard at work doing fixes and various other optimisations, leading us back to another Open Demo.

A lot of other work going on, has been distinctly less “sexy” but is none the less very important.
Without getting into too much boring detail;

· Anti-cheat Systems will greatly help with cheaters and toxic players.
· All players will have access to VOIP due to the removal of the Xsolla Launcher.
· Bugs with Epic Online Services and servers disappearing are under investigation.
· Improvements to the Tech Tree and other key UI work.
· Required work for eventual backer skins distribution and implementation.

We’ve been able to bring Moxie back on the team for Programming support thanks to the Crowdfund.

He’s been working on the Steam Skin Integration, and currently is fixing up the new player tutorial.

What’s going on regarding another open demo?
We’re just getting back to a place, that another Open Demo is about due to really stress test out the recent changes.

Firstly, we would like to apologize for any testers put off by the lower population on servers and lack of organized events.

As mentioned, the crowdfund has allowed us to address some really important areas.

However, it’s hard to drive a car, when the engine is in pieces on the shop floor.

If we’re able to stress test a lot of the changes and fixes, it provides the exact data we need to keep improving the base experience in the game.

It should be noted we’re not expecting all these new changes to work perfectly.
Veteran players will know to expect issues, but for our newer backers, please don’t be worried if the demo is a bit wild.

If things go badly, it provides us invaluable information.

If things go well, then we’re another step closer to Early Access.

Either way, it should hopefully be a fun time and expect to see a boom in populated servers while the events ongoing.

There's still a couple more things we want to change and optimize, but we’ll be putting out news regarding said Open Demo over the coming weeks.

On behalf of the entire Renown team, I’d like to say another huge thank you for another year of amazing support and encouragement for this project.
We truly couldn’t do it without you, and we’re really excited about what Renown could become this year.

As always, till next time.