1. AK-xolotl: Together
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  3. 🎉 AK-Xolotl - ONLINE BETA now OPEN🎉

🎉 AK-Xolotl - ONLINE BETA now OPEN🎉

Hi everyone,

We are happy to announce that the Online Beta for AK-Xolotl Together is NOW OPEN for those who want to join and text the new co-op mode! Dive into the chaos with friends and experience the cutest and deadliest axolotl action in multiplayer.

To get started, make sure to join our Discord server for more information, follow the latest progress, and report any bugs you encounter. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve the game!

🔗 https://discord.gg/ak-xolotl

There you will find all the information about how to access the Beta (Build number: 2.0.17269.0.189), and the channels to give your feedback and thoughts
This is a Beta access, this test will not represent the final product state, you may encounter bugs and issues that will be corrected in the final version.

Let's make AK-Xolotl 2gether THE BEST it can be!

⚙️ PATCH NOTES – AK-xolotl

We've just rolled out Patch 2.0.17315.0.176, bringing various bug fixes to improve your gameplay experience. Check out the changes below and dive back into the chaos with fewer issues!
The easiest way to force steam to update is to exit fully the steam client and launching it again.

[h2]🎮 Bugs Fixed – Overall:[/h2]
  • Chests no longer block doors during runs, so you won’t be stuck due to misplaced treasure.
  • The Big Clip item description is now fixed and no longer shows a parameter in Catalan or Polish.
  • Nurturing cost now appears correctly in all languages, not just English.
  • Mine Gast and Killer Calves bosses will now properly transition to phase two as intended.
  • Fixed a black screen issue that occurred when restarting a run after acquiring an item with visual effects.
  • The aiming reticle is now positioned closer to the player when using a gamepad and stays on-screen even when aiming up or down.
  • Buckbone boss’s hitbox no longer persists after being defeated during the spiral bullet attack.

[h2]🎮 Bugs Fixed – Local Co-op:[/h2]
  • Ingredients collected are now correctly brought over after a run.
  • Fixed the coin split after beating a room, ensuring it’s distributed properly between players.
  • Doraditos in shops will now be used by the correct player (no more P2 spending P1’s snacks!).
  • In Black Tea Room, 2 heals can occur (one for each player). We ensured that each player can interact with the Black Tea Room only one time
  • The Nitrogen mod tint is now applied individually to each player, rather than affecting both.
  • Resolved an issue where the Astronaut skin’s orbitals duplicated upon reviving in the transition room.

Thank you for your feedback and continued support! Your reports help us squash those pesky bugs and make AK-xolotl an even better experience.

Happy hunting, and see you at the Pond!