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AK-xolotl: Together News

PATCH NOTES 2.2.1 + Online Beta Patch #12🚨

Hey Pond residents! Hey pond residents!

We’ve just rolled out the Build 2.2.18185.0.24, QoL updates and fixed issues. Dive into the details below and check out the exciting balance changes we've made—your gameplay just got a whole lot better! A quick note, this patch ONLY applies to PC players, consoles will be updated later with all of these fixes.


  • Alternate Bosses: We added alternate versions of the bosses to the pool of each biome.

    • There is a chance that it appears, once you defeat their normal version.
    • Enemies with alternate versions: Pond Pincer 🦀 , Hell'o Kitty 😾 , Sock it Snake 🐍 , Mine Gast 👻 & Tea Rex 🦖

[h2]🛠️ Bug Fixes:[/h2]

  • Fixed Issues when playing in Spanish, Axolotl Cards were shown in english.
  • Fixed Softlock when selecting a weapon from Boss Chest.
  • Fixed Issue when selecting a weapon in a Weapon Chest or a Challenge chest all interaction gets disabled.
  • [Local Co-Op] Fixed Crocopapa & Mothergator stopped moving when killing a player.
  • [Local Co-Op] Pause button now works on Boss Rooms
  • [Local Co-Op] A Player can NOT longer consume both heals of the Black Tea Room (Just one per player)

🎮 Online Patch #12:
Beta Build: 2.2.18493.0.24
[h2]⬆️ Online Updates: [/h2]

  • Ping Display: The HUD now shows a Connection Status during online games.
  • Implemented the "Steam invite" feature

[h2]🛠️ Online Bug Fixes:[/h2]

  • Sock it Snake and Buck-Bone spiral attacks are no longer invisible for Player 2
  • Fixed some issues with the Annihilator weapon
  • Sock it Snake venom attack VFX now disappear properly for player 2
  • Fixed Issue where for P2 all weapons auto shoot
  • When P2 disconnects mid-run now kicks P1 and not provokes a Black Screen
  • Pause now works on Boss Rooms
  • Reduced the “Pause Menu Cooldown(Used for button spam control)
  • Fixed issue where P2 could only shoot to the right
  • Fixed Issue where a revived player showed full HP instead of only Base HP when revived
  • P1 now can see it’s regen animation on the Hub after losing a run
  • Fixed multiple issues with Data_3MG01 item
  • Fixed visual issues with Telekinesis Items against enemy bullets.
  • Base weapons no longer disappear when swapping to a chest weapon.
  • Fixed issue where spamming the buy button will not drop the items but only spend money
  • Players can no longer change rooms while a player is interacting with a chest
  • Fixed issue where melee weapons don't destroy bullets on P2 screen
  • Fixed some character extreme shakes on client side.
  • Fixed multiple issues that cause loss of interaction capacity.
  • Fixed visual bug P2 where Soap item bubble didn’t disappear after getting hit
  • Fixed Crocopapa & Mothergator stopped moving when killing a player.
  • P2 weapons are no longer flipped when revived
  • A Player can NOT longer consume both heals of the Black Tea Room (Just one per player)
  • Damage / Getting hurt VFX Limited to the player who got hurt.
  • Combo bar now appears for both players
  • Limited the vibration feedback on controller to only the affected players
  • Improved controller support on the online lobby UI
  • P2 will no longer see an additional base Axolotl on the pen

[h3]Sync issues Fixed:[/h3]

  • Fixed Desynchronization from the Duck Egg and Feather Items
  • Fixed Quackling item desynchronization
  • Fix Orbital Sync that caused HP discrepancies
  • Fixed weapon chest drops desync
  • Fixed the drop superposition order discrepancies

[h2]🛑 Known Issues:[/h2]

  • There are minor visual issues on Minty Pinccini
  • When changing Aim Assist mid-run, the change will not be intermediately applied but will be applied on the next run.
  • [Online] When changing online sessions not fully reset their skins / Skin properties
  • [Online] Orbitals are not applying status effects

To access the Beta, make sure to join our Discord server for more information, follow the latest progress, and report any bugs you encounter. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve the game!

🔗 https://discord.gg/ak-xolotl

There you will find all the information about how to access the Beta, and the channels to give your feedback and thoughts.
This is a Beta access, this test will not represent the final product state, you may encounter bugs and issues that will be corrected in the final version.

Thank you for your feedback and continued support! Your reports help us squash those pesky bugs and make AK-xolotl an even better experience.

Happy hunting, and see you at the Pond!

Steam Couch Co-op Fest: AK-xolotl 50% Off!

We’re thrilled to be part of Steam Couch Co-op Fest! Gear up, take aim, and unleash chaos in AK-xolotl! For a limited time, grab it at 50% off!


But that’s not all—introducing the brand-new AK-xolotl + Below the Stone bundle! Don’t miss out—check it out today!

PATCH NOTES 2.2.0 + Online Beta Patch #11🚨

Hey Pond residents! We’ve just rolled out the Build 2.2.18184.0.11, QoL updates and fixed issues. Dive into the details below and check out the exciting balance changes we've made—your gameplay just got a whole lot better! A quick note, this patch ONLY applies to PC players, consoles will be updated later with all of these fixes.

[h2]⬆️ Updates[/h2]

  • ✨ Implemented Shiny Skins

[h2]🛠️ Bug Fixes:[/h2]

  • 🪙 Flame Snail now spawns as intended.
  • 🐋 Fixed visual issue during Killer Calves wave attack spawns a pink trail
  • 🍩 Improved Mine Gast and Killer Calves Donut Attack performance
  • 🔫 Partially fixed multiple performance issues with Killer Calves attacks.
  • [Local Co-Op] Equipped items no longer appear in the HUD during a run
  • [Local Co-Op] Weapon pedestal on the HUB VFX color changed to match the player's crosshair color

[h2]🎮 Online Patch #11:[/h2]
Beta Build: 2.2.18302.0.4
This Patch #11 we improved stability during the online gameplay, also expect a better sync between quests and interactions and lots of fixed issues.

  • ➕ Player 1 can now see the regenerating animation when Player 2 abandons the run.
  • 🏪 Fixed exploit where Shops auto-restore by restarting the game
  • 🐔 Fixed issue where P2 interacts with the Chicken NPC disables other interactions on the hub
  • 🔫 Fixed issue where after a few runs, P2 was unable to change weapons on the HUB
  • 🥚 Fixed Issue where the Pen is closed if P2 picks the first egg
  • 🖥️ Monitor's Refresh rate no longer affect Bullet speed
  • 🦴 Fixed Issue where Bone Box shoots smaller bones after a while.
  • ⚙️ Fixed issue where P2 couldn’t aim when playing with a gamepad
  • 🔫 Fixed multiple issues that caused duplicated bullets
  • ⚙️ Cold Soul and Canceller items VFX now work correctly
  • ❤️‍🩹 Fixed issue where P2 has Menacing Mask but heals P1 
  • 🔫 Fixed multiple issues cause by Laser Type weapons
  • ⚙️ Axolotls now have idle animation on P2 screen (Visual issue)
  • 😾 Hell’o Kitty Horizontal attack now works correctly for P2
  • ⚙️ Pressing the “ESC” key twice no longer blocks interactions with NPCs for P2
  • ⚙️ Fixed companion Behaviors
  • 🔫 D-pad Shots and Bone-Box no longer reduce the size of Bullets
  • ⚙️ Equipped items no longer appear in the HUD during a run
  • ⚙️ Fixed visual issue where P1 didn’t have running animation on P2 screen
  • 💬 Fixed Issue where NPC voices looped for P2 if they spam the Talk Button
  • ⚙️ Fixed menu & sub-menu issues for P2 where it closed automatically
  • 💣 Fixed visual bug where P2 sees bombs squished
Sync Issues:

  • 🔁 Fixed some discrepancies on the Mine Gast's Donut and Bomb attacks
  • 🔁 Fixed discrepancies when upgrading or modding weapons on the Blacksmith
  • 🔁 Improved Lag issues for P2 when dashing and shooting
  • 🔁 Fixed multiple issues during the C’thulotl “Doubles” phase

To access the Beta, make sure to join our Discord server for more information, follow the latest progress, and report any bugs you encounter. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve the game!

🔗 https://discord.gg/ak-xolotl

There you will find all the information about how to access the Beta, and the channels to give your feedback and thoughts.
This is a Beta access, this test will not represent the final product state, you may encounter bugs and issues that will be corrected in the final version.

Thank you for your feedback and continued support! Your reports help us squash those pesky bugs and make AK-xolotl an even better experience.

Happy hunting, and see you at the Pond!

PATCH NOTES - Online Beta Patch #10🚨

[h2]🎮 Online Patch #10:[/h2]
Hey Pond Residents!
We’ve just rolled out the Beta Build: 2.0.18160.0.395, with QoL updates and fixed issues. Dive into the details below and check out the exciting balance changes we've made— On this Patch #10 we improved the stability on the online gameplay, also expect a better sync between quests and interactions.

  • 🎯 Fixed aiming issues when switching from controller to MnK
  • 🪙 P2 no longer gets extra nuggets when entering an un-progressed game (right after tutorial)
  • 😾 Fixed issue where Hell’o Kitty has 4 arms for one of the players.
  • 🔴 Fixed issue where Danmaku effect might be lost when reviving a player.
  • 🐍 Fixed Visual bug where Sock’it Snake has its head flip when doing the fireball attack.
  • 🐙 Eye-Tentacle from C’thulotl first phase now appears correctly for P2
  • 👻 Mine Ghast circle attack bullets are no longer duped for Player 2
  • 👻 Mine Ghast bombs have the correct range for Player 2.
  • ❤️‍🩹 Players can no longer use the heal ability on ghost mode.
  • ⚙️ Fixed softlock when P2 press “Esc” during a NPC menu.
  • 🔫 Partially fixed issue where P2 Bullets disappear while reloading.
  • ⚙️ Fixed softlock when both players pause the game at the same time.
  • ⚙️ Fixed softlock when both players open the menu at the same time.
  • ⚙️ Improved P2 movement lag.
  • ❤️‍🩹 Fixed visual issue where Player 2 didn’t have a hurt animation or VFX when hit
Sync Issues:

  • 🚪 Fixed issue where entering two rooms at the same time, loads both rooms.
  • 🔟 Pendant Item damage numbers are now synched
  • 🔟 Artifact Item damage numbers are now synched
  • 🐋 Partially Fixed issues with Killer Calves attacks.

[h3]Some Known Issues:[/h3]

  • P2 aiming might be broken when playing with controller
  • Issues with interacting with Nugget NPC (Lobby's Hen 🐔) when starting a new save

To access the Beta, make sure to join our Discord server for more information, follow the latest progress, and report any bugs you encounter. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve the game!

🔗 https://discord.gg/ak-xolotl

There you will find all the information about how to access the Beta, and the channels to give your feedback and thoughts.
This is a Beta access, this test will not represent the final product state, you may encounter bugs and issues that will be corrected in the final version.

Thank you for your feedback and continued support! Your reports help us squash those pesky bugs and make AK-xolotl an even better experience.

Happy hunting, and see you at the Pond!

PATCH NOTES 2.0.18074.0.382 + Online Beta Patch #9🚨

Hey Pond residents! We’ve just rolled out the Build 2.0.18074.0.382, QoL updates and fixed issues. Dive into the details below and check out the exciting balance changes we've made—your gameplay just got a whole lot better! A quick note, this patch ONLY applies to PC players, consoles will be updated later with all of these fixes.

[h2]🛠️ Bug Fixes:[/h2]

  • 🪙 Solved the issue that capped the gained nuggets per run
  • 💥 Hammerhead now works as intended when equipping Piercing Shots
  • 🖥️ Monitor Refresh rate no longer affects player recoil
  • 💰 Chaos Runs item reward doesn't drop the Normal Bag item anymore by default
  • ❤️ Fixed bug where pink bullets dealt 2 HP after losing a shield
  • 🪧 Fixed issue that avoided interacting with the tutorial Sus Sign
  • 🌊 Fixed issues where player couldn't dash over some water ponds
  • ✨ Difficulty no longer auto-selects if the mouse is over any of the options.
  • 🐙 Fixed bug where C'thulotl boss didn't deal damage on 1st phase
  • 🪙 Starting a new run no longer resets the coin number
  • 🎧 Improved Audios in General

[h2]🎮 Online Patch #9:[/h2]
On this Beta Build: 2.0.18079.0.372 we improved the stability on the online gameplay, reducing the amount of Lag between the players, also expect a better sync between quests and interactions. Also, players can now use different monitor resolutions without aiming desynchronization.

  • 🎯 P2 no longer have their aim locked after a loading screen
  • ❤️ Fixed bug where too many hearts appeared on the HUD
  • 👻 Fixed issue where if P2 restart when P1 is dead, they restart in a combat room
  • 🔫 Fixed issue where P2 last Mag didn’t shoot
  • ❤️ Fixed Visual bug where enemies spawned with 0 HP
  • 🦴 Fixed Bug where Buckbone moved while attacking on P2 screen
  • 🐙 C’thlotl clones now disappear when dying as intended
  • 👻 Players can no longer use the healing ability while on ghost mode
  • 🦖 Fixed Tea-Rex “Spit attack” duplicated projectiles
  • 🚼 Fixed multiple Axolittle Pen Issues
  • 🔫 Single Shot weapons now work as intended for player 2
  • 📕 P2 can now see P1 Axopedia correctly during runs
  • 🔫 Fixed issue where both players randomly have an infinite burst of bullets
Sync issues solved:

  • 🎯 Players’ aim, on different resolutions, are now Synced
  • 🗺️ Improve the quest progression sync between P1 & P2
  • 🌪️ Chaos trials modifiers are now sync for both players
  • 🔫 Fix shooting desync and Delay from P2 on P1 screen
  • 🐙 Fixed C’thulotl 2nd phase synchronization
  • 🔫 Fixed explosive bullets location synchronization
  • 🐟 Fixed sync issue where Chipz “wave attack” is only visible to P2
  • 🧰 Fixed ammo and weapon mod drop sync issue when recycling weapons
  • 📕 Journal menu is now sync, both players should see P1 Journal Data

To access the Beta, make sure to join our Discord server for more information, follow the latest progress, and report any bugs you encounter. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve the game!

🔗 https://discord.gg/ak-xolotl

There you will find all the information about how to access the Beta, and the channels to give your feedback and thoughts.
This is a Beta access, this test will not represent the final product state, you may encounter bugs and issues that will be corrected in the final version.

Thank you for your feedback and continued support! Your reports help us squash those pesky bugs and make AK-xolotl an even better experience.

Happy hunting, and see you at the Pond!