Patchnotes V3.62
The reminder quest for the summer festival now displays an info text at the beginning of the day, just like the auctions, so that you don't miss the event.
The Growth spell no longer works on dead plants or plants that do not grow at all during the season. For plants that do not bloom during the season, it only allows the plant to grow to the ‘fully grown’ stage.
Algae are now completely harvested during the picking process.
With the magic basket and the magic sickle, it is now sufficient for a plant in the harvesting area (3x3 fields) to be ripe in order to use the tool. Previously, you always had to centre the area on a plant that was ready for harvesting. Any information such as (germinates in X days) still only refers to the selected field.
After a time jump at a shrine, the collected info texts for natural events and other things that were spent in time and are no longer important are now deleted.
The icon for the algae oil recipe was displayed incorrectly in the shop and inventory. This has been corrected.
Gypsies were coming to Woddhome every day for up to a month after a world event without bringing their stall. This has been fixed.
The animation of lightning attacks on dragons and the lightning spell from the desert DLC still had the wrong animation. This has been changed.
The Destroy Vines of Death spell was not restoring the ground minimap correctly. This has been fixed
In the last update, a bug had crept in with the gifts from the NPCs to the player, which meant that you repeatedly did not receive a gift, although this was announced! This has been fixed.
The reminder quest for the summer festival now displays an info text at the beginning of the day, just like the auctions, so that you don't miss the event.
The Growth spell no longer works on dead plants or plants that do not grow at all during the season. For plants that do not bloom during the season, it only allows the plant to grow to the ‘fully grown’ stage.
Algae are now completely harvested during the picking process.
With the magic basket and the magic sickle, it is now sufficient for a plant in the harvesting area (3x3 fields) to be ripe in order to use the tool. Previously, you always had to centre the area on a plant that was ready for harvesting. Any information such as (germinates in X days) still only refers to the selected field.
After a time jump at a shrine, the collected info texts for natural events and other things that were spent in time and are no longer important are now deleted.
The icon for the algae oil recipe was displayed incorrectly in the shop and inventory. This has been corrected.
Gypsies were coming to Woddhome every day for up to a month after a world event without bringing their stall. This has been fixed.
The animation of lightning attacks on dragons and the lightning spell from the desert DLC still had the wrong animation. This has been changed.
The Destroy Vines of Death spell was not restoring the ground minimap correctly. This has been fixed
In the last update, a bug had crept in with the gifts from the NPCs to the player, which meant that you repeatedly did not receive a gift, although this was announced! This has been fixed.