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Dungeon Tavern News

v0.3.2 - Sex SFX & More

In between larger content updates, we still want to make improvements to the game readily available! As such, he's a smaller update that includes a bunch of features that we've heard requested previously!

  • Some of the missing voicelines from the end of Day 1 have been added
  • Sex scenes in the story, sandbox, and gallery have been given SFX & moans

  • Flirt will trigger foreplay animations by default, with no prior preparation needed
  • Character move speed has been doubled (makes camera a bit choppy in controller mode but we will will look into smoothing this out soon)
  • Characters only now have 1 favorite item instead of 2
  • Sex animations can be triggered by making someone horny by gifting the their favorite item
  • The bar has been made uninteractable, so it doesn't get in the way of talking to the bartender

[h3]0.3.2a Minor Update:[/h3]
  • Beds are automatically used for sex scenes if you are in a room with one
  • Fixed an issue with Serania's hangout not properly firing
  • Fixed some UI issues when sending characters on adventures
  • Fixed incorrect icon showing for beer

[h3]0.3.2b Minor Update:[/h3]
  • Zoom no longer resets when swapping characters
  • Cleaned up and optimized Lead code, fixing some errors with the Lead interaction
  • Fixed an issue with story mode not loading in some situations

[h3]0.3.2c Minor Update:[/h3]
  • Fixed an issue where A/E button prompt would show for multiple interactions at the same time
  • Fixed an issue with controller/keyboard choice selections
  • Fixed an issue with animations when toggling characters mid-animation

[h3]0.3.2d Minor Update:[/h3]
  • Improved screen stutter when in sandbox mode with controller/keyboard
  • Fixed an issue with Serania's hangout 2 choice on day 3
  • The stairs on floor 1 are now 1 object instead of 2, and give you a choice of going up or down
  • Fixed an issue with command inputs showing incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue with zoom in/out when switching characters
  • Fixed an issue with story mode failing to load in some situations
  • Improved Lead commmand stability
  • Fixed an issue with command inputs showing incorrectly

[h3]0.3.2e Minor Update:[/h3]
  • Further improved camera functionality when using controller input
  • Further improved stability and functionality in sandbox mode
  • Finished adding in the remaining lines for Day 1, all of the Day 1 lines are now voiced


We've been hard at work with this update- not only adding tons of new content for you all to enjoy, but also overhauling and re-tooling a lot of what currently exists. We've taken the feedback we've received on the game so far and hope this update goes a long ways in making the game feeling intuitive and enjoyable!

NOTE, old saves are not compatible with this update. We are working to make sure that we can get to a point where future updates will not require save wipes, but for the time being, new saves will be required for this update. We overhauled a lot of the story content and added voice acting, so you'll want to see the new content anyways!

  • Story content up until Day 4 has been added
  • Previously existing days have been reworked and given additional content
  • Story mode has some more branching choices- setting the framework for the relationship system coming in a future update

[h2]ART & ANIMATION:[/h2]
  • 12 new sex animations have been added, including gay, lesbian, and futa animations!
  • Tavern environment assets have been updated and overhauled

  • New outside area added to the tavern
  • Guest character Kreyton, from Cloud Meadow will hang out in the new outside area (Kreyton lesbian animations will be added at a later date)
  • New consumable item- the donut
  • Characters can now give items as gifts, influencing the emotions of other patrons
  • Characters now have favorite items that will make them willing to do sexual activities
  • Treasure can be traded for beer, meat, or donuts with special NPCs

  • Keyboard & Controller support has been added
  • Steam Deck compatibility has been improved, we want the game to feel like a native console game on Steam Deck

  • Further Updated Gallery UI & presentation
  • Temporarily set the gallery to start unlocked for this update, so people can see the new content faster.

  • Partial voice acting has been added to the game! It is mostly in Day 1, but we will be adding voice acting to other parts of the game as the lines become available.

  • Steam Trading Cards are now available- collect a full set to redeem special collectibles for your Steam profile such as emotes and backgrounds!
  • Cloud Saves are now supported on PC and Linux

Last but not least, the game will be discounted for the next week! If you were on the fence, or wanted to get the game for a friend, now is the time to do it! The other titles in the TinyHat adult games label will also be discounted, so go check those out too!

Celeste's hangout scene during the first day is now voiced
Updated some UI colors and fixed some presentation for console glyphs
Swapped the toggle command on input on controllers to X instead of Y

Fixed pixellation on Serania's group scene in Sandbox
re-enabled masturbation as an option for characters next to an existing sex scene

Added some animations to various UI elements

Giving a character an item they hate shows an angry emote
Fixed an issue with story mode content showing in sandbox

Updated some incorrect assets showing when going on an adventure

Fixed the missing gallery cards
Fixed wrong choice being shown for discussing Serania's proposition
More bug fixes

Moving disables the interaction menu.
Fixed visible UI when going on an adventure
More bug fixes

Fixed some minor bugs pointed out.

Development Preview- What's Coming Up Next?

[h2]UPDATE: Both patches will be arriving on April 30th!!![/h2]

Heya guys! Just wanted to check in and give an update on how development has been going and where we are in relation to the roadmap and milestones we set out. As I have outlined previously, we would like to drop a major content update once per quarter, and our last update was in December, meaning that April is when we plan to release the next big themed update.

That being said, we've decided to break the update into two separate updates, releasing the first one in March, with the second one coming out as intended in April, so that we can get updates out to you guys faster.

[h2]March's Update - (Controller & Steam Deck Support)[/h2]
  • Reworks to Character Interactions & Navigation
  • Controller Support
  • Steam Deck Support
  • Steam Trading Cards

This one is more focused on gameplay and core mechanics than it is content. We've been exploring ways we can make the game easier to understand and less annoying to navigate. We also want to give people more ways to play, based off of feedback we've received. This one might not be as fabulous as the update planned in April, but we think this will go a long ways towards a better base for future content and improvements to come.

[h2]April's Update - (Mean and Green)[/h2]
  • Cloud Meadow Crossover- Kreyton as a Tavern Guest
  • Gay & Lesbian Animations
  • Main Story Day 3
  • Character Side Story Interactions

This is the big one! We've partnered with our friends over at Cloud Meadow and are excited to announce that our first tavern guest will be a character from their game! Kreyton is a green, towering, ogre woman whose stature is sure to shake things up, being bigger than any of the other characters (except maybe minotaur.) Pictured below are early sketches for some of the animations we want to do with her, which would allow us to make use of her size.

Originally we wanted Camellia to be the guest character- if you were curious about whose silhouette that was in the roadmap. However we ended up deciding that she didn't quite fit the monstrous look of the other tavern patrons enough.

We made other deviations from the roadmap as well, but ones I think you guys will like! We've been so invigorated by the game's reception at launch that we bumped up the schedule for new animations between the existing cast. As such, the Gay & Lesbian animations will be arriving earlier than outlined on the roadmap. Check out how they're shaping up so far!

Lastly, we'll be adding Day 3 of the main story- along with some other new story content. This has taken us longer than expected because we wanted to go back and add more choice to the main story. The idea will be that during each main "time period", the player will be able to choose which character they interact with, which will play some dialogue and story unique to that character and time period. This adds some more character interactions in between main story segments so that you can get to know them better as the story progresses.

In the future we want to add relationship tracking depending on how much time you spend with characters, which will influence what ending you get- but for now we're just focusing on getting the story content in. The quarterly update in the Summer will be more focused on adding in more RPG mechanics and stats tied to these character side stories.

Sleepless Nights Hotfixes

Very quick fixes to address some community feedback!

[h2]Hotfix 0.2.1[/h2]
Fixed: Soft lock in story mode with black screen that never goes away
Fixed: Gallery Minotaur tab leading to CGs

[h2]Hotfix 0.2.2[/h2]
Fixed: Other instances of black screen in Story mode
Fixed: Paladin and Cleric can now drink pink potion
Fixed: Icorrect gallery image for Sorceress thighjob

[h2]Hotfix 0.2.3[/h2]
New: Izzy masturbation scene
Fixed: Imp Ranger/Brute bed scene not triggering
Fixed: Imp Paladin standing scene not triggering
Fixed: All issues related to Princess group scene
Fixed: Masturbation scene scale issues
Fixed: Girl on girl and boy on boy flirting showing unrelated scenes.
Fixed: Item trading resetting consumable charges
Changed: Status triggers when talking have been removed

[h2]Hotfix 0.2.4[/h2]
Fixed: Story mode not working on fresh playthrough
Fixed: Imp not being able to drink pink potion
Changed: Input detection for camera pan and zoom functionality in Sandbox. This might be a possible fix for people not being able to control the camera as expected if they have touch capable screens or touch capable periphery plugged into their gaming machine.

[h2]Hotfix 0.2.5[/h2]
Fixed: Izzy Ranger/Brute bed scene positioning
Fixed: Interactions triggered between floors firing off too early when taking stairs
Fixed: Izzy Ranger/Brute group scene not being triggerable
Changed: Gallery dropwdown font size is larger now
Changed: Flirt choice text to Join when a character can join a standing group scene
Changed: Active scenes are now automatically ended on time of day advancement

[h2]Hotfix 0.2.6[/h2]
Fixed: Day advancement getting stuck in some situations
Fixed: Minotaur interaction soft locking characters when interacting with no item held

Hotfixes for other reported issues are in the pipeline and coming to a Tavern Dungeon near you very soon.


We've almost doubled the amount of animation content in the game! On top of that, due to popular demand, Izzy the Imp is now a fully playable character! We've also gone ahead and incorporated a bunch of other quality of life changes based off of feedback we've received- trying to sand down as many of the little annoyances as we can.

Furthermore, we've changed the way the sex animations are handled- they now play until the player chooses to stop them, and can also be interacted with by some characters. We hope this will allow you guys to better enjoy the content currently in the game, as well as empower you to come up with your own kinky scenarios and interactions between the characters!

While we had originally planned to introduce some new story content with this update- we've decided to delay Day 3 for a little bit, but for a good reason. We came up with an idea that will allow us to make the story more interactive, past simple visual novel choices. We will go into more detail about this in a future news post, but we're very excited to share what we've come up with!

Last but not least, the game will be discounted for the next week as a part of the Steam Winter Sale! If you were on the fence, or wanted to get the game for a friend, now is the time to do it! The other titles in the TinyHat adult games label will also be discounted, so go check those out too!

NOTE, old saves are not compatible with this update. We are working to make sure that we can get to a point where future updates will not require save wipes, but for the time being, new saves will be required for this update.

    [h2]ART & ANIMATION:[/h2]
  • Over 16 new sex animations have been added
  • A new full screen animated CG has been added

  • Izzy the Imp is now a fully playable character in the sandbox. Rejoice, imp lovers!
  • Paladin, Cleric, and Imp are now able to go on adventures and bring back loot
  • Consumables such as beer and love potions can be used twice before disappearing
  • Doors are temporarily disabled, to make navigating the tavern easier
  • Sex animations now stay active until players end them (they were previously on a timer)
  • Characters can choose to masturbate to nearby sexual activities
  • Group sex can be triggered by some characters when selecting a currently ongoing sexual activity

  • Overhauled gallery UI/presentation
  • Added the animation CGs to the gallery (they start unlocked for now)

    [h2]SOUND AND AUDIO:[/h2]
  • Some additional sound effects have been added to the game