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Dungeon Tavern News


This update brings with it a pretty major overhaul of the existing game content- changing how some existing things work while fleshing out and improving other things.

  • RE-WORKED MAIN STORY FLOW: We moved around the timing of certain events and sequences in order to trim off some of the fat. We're attempting to enforce a clear distinction between the linear story sequences and the free roam sequences, as well as better present the changes in the day/night cycle. We recommend resetting your save data to check out the new story flow, but don't worry- we've built a cheat code system to let you recover your gallery unlocks! See further below in the patch notes. Additionally, the main story now continues until the end of Day 6!

  • BITS & BANTER: During each of the various free roam segments during the story, each tavern guest will have various things to say outside of their usual relationship building hangout sequence. Some of these are additional lore snippets, while others are tongue-and-cheek Easter Eggs. Additionally, you can now talk to characters that previously couldn't be interacted with, the Minotaur and the Bar Keeper. They don't have their own relationship levels, but they do have a bunch of things to say!

  • LEWD HAPPENINGS: A smattering of lewd events/animations have been added to some of the free roam sections in the main story. Should spice up those interactions!

  • COMPLETED CHARACTER RELATIONSHIPS: You can now get up to the maximum rank in all of the character relationship building levels! Previously this was capped at 3, but now all 5 are available. Some existing ones have also been re-worked. At level 3 and level 5 you can choose to initiate a sex scene (which use existing animations.) Ra'yan is an exception, he's a unique case for reasons you will discover in the story's conclusion. Speaking of story conclusions, the characters you max out your relationship with will have an impacting on the conclusion of the story when that is ready in the 1.0 update. Pick your friends wisely.

[h2]ART & ANIMATION:[/h2]
  • 2 NEW SEX ANIMATIONS - 2 Inge poses with 3 variants of guy each!

  • NEW FULL SCREEN CG- The sex scene you get with Serania after the attic has been unlocked now has it's own CG! It's not animated yet, but we will be pushing up a hotfix when the animation is available (sometime this weekend hopefully.) For the time being, the still CG is in, however.

  • Cheat Codes are now available- want to skip the grind and unlock everything in the gallery? We've added a handy way to easily unlock all animations- just input seraniaseesall into the cheat code box and have fun!
  • SKIP & AUTO- two highly requested features have been added, you can now easily skip text and also you can set the text to automatically advance at a comfortable reading pace, for hands free enjoyment!

  • Inge, from the Free-to-Play game, Overlewd will visit the tavern on Day 5 of the main story. In Sandbox mode, there is a 50% chance every day that Inge, Kreyton. or Bambi will spawn. What's more, Overlewd will be running a Dungeon Tavern themed event where players can earn various skins and even a sex CG based off of the characters from Dungeon Tavern! It's a lovely game with an art style we adore, go check it out, it's free!


This should be the last update before our 1.0 launch, which will bring with it the conclusion to the main story as well as additional & updated voice acting, among other things. We're putting a lot of effort into this conclusion and have made some unique assets for it, we can't wait to show it off!

However, even once we launch, that won't be the end of Dungeon Tavern. We still plan to bring in a couple of post-launch updates, such we further guest characters, and eventually a new campaign where players can experience the events of Dungeon Tavern's main story from Celeste's point of view! So keep an eye out, we've still got more stuff coming!

To top it off, Dungeon Tavern will be discounted for the next week! If you were on the fence, or wanted to get the game for a friend, now is the time to do it! The other titles in the TinyHat adult games label will also be discounted, so go check those out too!

February Development Preview- What's Coming Up Next?

[h2]The next patch will be available March 14th![/h2]

The usual stuff is planned- more main story content and a new guest character (bringing new animations and interactions also.) However, there's a bunch of stuff coming up that wasn't necessarily on the roadmap too, which will be interesting!

All of the writing for Day 7 and the end of the game is more or less done now, however that will not be ready until the Summer as the implementation will take some time- we're planning on doing something unique for the climax of the game. I don't want to hype it up too much, but we are drafting up art assets and gameplay mechanics that show up and are used only for the ending to help add to the "payoff" of the rest of the game's "build up."

Which means that for now, I've been reviewing the existing content in the game to see how I can make things better. We've been collecting and gathering feedback and I've come up with a bunch of changes that I think you guys are gonna like- for instance, before selecting a character to hang out with during "free time" sections, characters will have dialogue. This means you can check in on characters briefly, even if you don't choose to hang out with them. It also means you'll be able to talk to the bartender and minotaur, so they'll have a little bit more of a presence in the story!

We've also re-worked some of the story flow to try and streamline things better, to give you guys more of a chance to interact more often instead of just constantly getting stuck in forced story bits. We also have updated some of the presentation for existing systems so your decisions end up having a bit more of a clear impact on what's going on! Here's a rough overview of everything coming up-

[h2]March's Update - (Golden Days)[/h2]
  • Overlewd Crossover- Inge as a Tavern Guest
  • BDSM (Stockade) Animations
  • Main Story Day 6
  • Tavern Interaction Sex
  • Cheat Codes (Gallery Unlock)

In the meantime it is probably a good idea to announce some changes to how we want to handle the female protag route, where the story is told from Celeste's POV. We will NOT have this ready in time for launch- HOWEVER, I would like to think that we have a good reason why. The more I've been thinking about it, the more I think it makes sense to do Celeste's story as a post-launch free update, as a sort of 1.5 release. Even when the game enters 1.0, I'm sure there will still be some valuable player feedback and some things we can learn and improve from- having content goals to aim for after the game's "completion" will help us be able to further fine tune it as we grow as developers and artists, even after the main story is completed. Plus, it would allow us to focus on making her campaign larger and more fleshed out- think of it as our own "Shadows of the Erd Tree."

Hopefully any of this made sense. On paper it might not sound like the most enticing update, and it's kind of hard to show off how things look in still images- but I think once you guys have it in your hands you'll enjoy how all of the changes come together! I'm very happy with how things have been shaping up in my own playtesting sessions at least, I just hope you guys find it as fun also!


This has been an interesting update- there's been some stuff we thought we would get done in time that's still not done, but also plenty of stuff that we hadn't planned to come until later that managed to get done ahead of time.

For instance, when we pushed back the release date, the idea was to use the extra time to add more voice acting. However, due to scheduling conflicts, voice acting got pushed back. In it's place we worked on and managed to add brand new cumming variants to existing animations, as that has been a common request from you guys, to help the animations feel more organic and to finish off properly.

Day 5 of the story also got written, but hasn't been implemented yet. So keep an eye out, I hope to have supplementary smaller updates throughout November and December to round off additional content that is almost done, but didn't quite make the deadline.

The core mechanics and graphics of the new update are all done, thankfully- so it's just smaller pockets of content that need to be filled out in smaller patches.

0.4.2 (NEW, Nov 28th, 2024)
CUMMING ANIMATIONS- All animations except for the stockade animations how have cumming variations. Eat your heart out.

BAMBI HANGOUTS- Bambi now shows up during Day 4 of the story mode. You can choose to hang out with her to view some unique events. Hanging out with her (or Kreyton) does not advance the timeslot for the story mode, so please feel free to drop in and say hi!

2 NEW SEX ANIMATIONS- Percy & Bambi blowjob & standing animations. We somehow forgot to give Percy his sex animations with Bambi the last update- oops. That's fixed now.

DAY 5 STORY- Day 4 has been capped off with a potential sex scene with Serania. Day 5 has been added, with some potential gay content between Percy and Rayan.

As a heads up- the gallery has been reset. We left it unlocked from the start as a temporary measure while we dealt with issues people had reported about sandbox mode's stability. Now that we think sandbox mode is in a better place, we'd love for people to experiment, discover, and unlock animations to build out their gallery mode as intended.

  • RELATIONSHIP SYSTEM: Each day (usually) has two different sandbox phases where you can walk around the tavern freely and choose who to spend time with. Spending time with them will increase your relationship, unlocking new story segments. This system is incomplete, relationships cannot be maxed out yet, but the idea is to have this system affect which ending you get. Choose your friends wisely.

[h2]ART & ANIMATION:[/h2]

  • CUMMING ANIMATIONS- 5 existing animations have been given a "cumming" phase/animation to properly end them out, we will be adding similar cumming animations to the rest of the poses in the game over the course of the next couple of months

  • NEW FULL SCREEN ANIMATED CG- Izzy's DP scene on day 3 now features a full CG similar to the day 2 dream sequence. All of the other girls were featured in a CG, so we figured we should let Izzy get in on the fun too!

  • GUEST CHARACTER- Bambi, from the webcomic series, The Party will hang out in the outside area in sandbox mode (story mode content coming later.) There is a 50% chance every day that Kreyton or Bambi will spawn.

  • NEW TAVERN AREA- The Attic (shows up in sandbox mode)

  • Further Updated Gallery UI & presentation

  • Temporarily set the gallery to start unlocked for this update, so people can see the new content faster.

Last but not least, the game will be discounted for the next week! If you were on the fence, or wanted to get the game for a friend, now is the time to do it! The other titles in the TinyHat adult games label will also be discounted, so go check those out too!

September Development Preview- What's Coming Up Next?

[h2]The next patch will be available October 28th![/h2]

But wait, you might be saying- you guys said by the end of Summer! And yes, we did, the original idea was to have the update out by this time, September. We have most of the content ready to go- all of the new animations and art, but we wanted some extra time to see how much additional story & voice acting content we can get into this update. Sorry. The wait will be worth it though!

tl:dr; It's going to take us a little bit longer, but we're also hoping to add more than what was originally planned.

In the mean time, I figured I should show off what we've been working on! Some folks have been saying the game isn't being worked on due to the lack of updates, but we prefer to release larger update batches, every three to four months. This is because unlike most adult game project, we DON'T have a Patreon- We appreciate the freedom to cook with larger updates without having to worry about having some sort of monthly release.

Going forward I should probably include some sort of monthly dev log so you guys know we're still alive and kicking even if we don't have monthly builds- but yes, we're working on things still!

[h2]October's Update - (Demonic Influence)[/h2]
  • The Party/Clumzor Crossover- Bambi as a Tavern Guest
  • BDSM (Stockade) Animations
  • Main Story Day 5
  • Character Relationship System
Clumzor's been a good friend of mine for a while now. He has this fun, and very sexy, webcomic called The Party that is inspired by a certain popular tabletop roleplaying series. While thinking about who would make a good guest character for the tavern, I realized his character from the comic, Bambi, would actually be the perfect fit! So I asked him and got the OK. And here we are now.

I've avoided succubus/demon characters for the main Dungeon Tavern crew as I felt it would be "too obvious." Izzy fills that role as an Imp, but in an indirect way. Bambi thus covers a niche we don't have, while still being unique due to her design and role as a guest character.

Bambi will be receiving her own set of animations/interactions! As I said the new assets are already completed, but we're showing off the sketches as a preview, to save the full asset reveals for the update.

Additionally, there is a new room added to the tavern. The attic will be available to explore, and comes with a unique piece of furniture that allows for some new types of animations!

Characters will be able to engage in sexual activities while restrained in the stockade. Both oral and vaginal/anal animations will be available- brand new of course.

We'll be adding Day 5 of the main story- along with some other new story content. Some folks have been asking for more of the gay interactions to be weaved into the story mode- and I've been waiting until further into the story to do so, as I figured they would make more sense once Percy and Celeste have more thoroughly been immersed into the world and culture of the monster folk.

I think we're finally getting far enough into the plot to let some of those seeds start growing. Any sort of gay/lesbian story interactions will be optional, so you don't have to go down a gay route with Percy if you don't want to, but the temptation will be there, among others.

Lastly, the relationship & tavern free roam system will be implemented for the story mode. Now instead of simply selection a branching option of who to talk to- you will be able to walk around the tavern and check on your relationship levels with patrons, and choose who you would like to focus your attentions on.

Basically, think of it like, uhh a certain popular game franchise that sounds like "Purse Owner." We hope this helps the story mode experience feel more open and RPG-like. We have plans to have who you build relationships with affect which ending you get, once the game's story mode is completed.

Again, the new update is coming October 28th! Hope you guys are excited with what we have coming up!


While it's not quite time for the big new content update- that will be arriving later in Summer, we have been hard at work on a couple of new art assets- mainly on the audio side! We've got a brand new theme, an intro video, additional voice acting, and more!

  • Partial voice acting for Day 2 has been added.
  • An intro video has been added to the end of Day 1
  • The game has received a new title theme, it's a duet between Percival and Celeste!]
  • An adventure mode animation plays during the Day 2 sequence