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  3. Sleepless Nights Hotfixes

Sleepless Nights Hotfixes

Very quick fixes to address some community feedback!

[h2]Hotfix 0.2.1[/h2]
Fixed: Soft lock in story mode with black screen that never goes away
Fixed: Gallery Minotaur tab leading to CGs

[h2]Hotfix 0.2.2[/h2]
Fixed: Other instances of black screen in Story mode
Fixed: Paladin and Cleric can now drink pink potion
Fixed: Icorrect gallery image for Sorceress thighjob

[h2]Hotfix 0.2.3[/h2]
New: Izzy masturbation scene
Fixed: Imp Ranger/Brute bed scene not triggering
Fixed: Imp Paladin standing scene not triggering
Fixed: All issues related to Princess group scene
Fixed: Masturbation scene scale issues
Fixed: Girl on girl and boy on boy flirting showing unrelated scenes.
Fixed: Item trading resetting consumable charges
Changed: Status triggers when talking have been removed

[h2]Hotfix 0.2.4[/h2]
Fixed: Story mode not working on fresh playthrough
Fixed: Imp not being able to drink pink potion
Changed: Input detection for camera pan and zoom functionality in Sandbox. This might be a possible fix for people not being able to control the camera as expected if they have touch capable screens or touch capable periphery plugged into their gaming machine.

[h2]Hotfix 0.2.5[/h2]
Fixed: Izzy Ranger/Brute bed scene positioning
Fixed: Interactions triggered between floors firing off too early when taking stairs
Fixed: Izzy Ranger/Brute group scene not being triggerable
Changed: Gallery dropwdown font size is larger now
Changed: Flirt choice text to Join when a character can join a standing group scene
Changed: Active scenes are now automatically ended on time of day advancement

[h2]Hotfix 0.2.6[/h2]
Fixed: Day advancement getting stuck in some situations
Fixed: Minotaur interaction soft locking characters when interacting with no item held

Hotfixes for other reported issues are in the pipeline and coming to a Tavern Dungeon near you very soon.