1. Mech Engineer
  2. News
  3. Patch


  • ///Buffs
  • Increased armor for Holo mechs from 1 to 6.
  • Cyborgs will ignore the relation to the squad leader and always obey.
  • ///Nerfs
  • Lowered damage for fire pools made with the fire weapon mod by 20%.

  • To represent how armor works on bosses, an additional bar of armor value was added under their health bar.
  • Tornado will no longer be able to pick up the orbital gun in its whirl.
  • Turrets should no longer be able to stuck in the walls.
  • Enemy turrets and Ovums that spawn during pause should keep their inertia and continue to move after unpause.
  • Multiple fire pools made by the weapon's fire mod will properly deal damage to the entity at the same time. Before it sometimes didn't count damage if there was more than one pool.

  • Fixed crash on the weapon testing screen, caused by too many projectiles.
  • Fixed rare crashes in the volcanic areas.
  • Fixed inability to select mechs in slots 5-8 by clicking on their cards on the interface during battle.
  • Map destructions will be saved only on retreat or defeat. It should lower the save file size and prevent file corruption.
  • For every last save will be created a backup file that should help you restore your save if something corrupts it during rewriting.
  • Fast repair is no longer usable if you don't have enough resources.
  • Fixed game freeze/slowdown for players, who use SteelSeriesGG or similar software. Resulted in slightly changed pilot's voice effects.
  • Railgun should properly display heat from shots on the mech's side stats in the construction table.
  • Fixed wrong time formatting in save file's titles
  • Lowered amount of particles that appear from kinetic projectiles dealing damage to enemies. Too much railgun damage resulted in a decrease in fps.
  • Fixed issue with not saving ammo ratio for mechs.
  • Fixed display for found items after finishing a city mission
  • Fixed the rare chance of the mech turning into a ghost after death if it had damage points before the start of the battle.

  • The following LUA functions are available within obj_battle_map
  • The following LUA functions are deleted from obj_battle_map

If your save files are not working correctly or something has broken with this update, please use the oneversionback branch, leave a message in the forums or join the Mech Engineer Discord to get support in the #bugs channel.