Hey, survivors! ❄️
As Winter is slowly but surely approaching, I thought it’s gonna be the perfect time to finally share with you some inside info about the current state of the game and what our future plans are. It’s gonna be a fully transparent statement from our side, so I highly encourage you to read it till the end. I will divide the announcement into separate sections for easier and more convenient navigation, because I feel it might be a pretty long devlog. So, let’s not waste more time, and jump straight into it, shall we? 👇

[h2]Current State of the Game 📈[/h2]
Currently, Winter Survival has three different game modes to offer:
Story Mode, Survival, and Cold Wave. Each one of them gives you a whole new experience and totally different approach to the game. For example in Story Mode you will
experience the story of Danny and his missing friends while learning step by step all of the necessary survival mechanics like building, hunting, and simply staying alive.

Right now there are two acts available for you to try and for those of you who have already experienced it, I highly suggest you to go through it once again, because
a lot has changed since the initial release into Early Access back in March 2024. And obviously that’s not all that we have to offer, but we’ll come back to it later on in this announcement.
Apart from the Story Mode, there are also survival and cold wave modes available. Survival offers you the opportunity to test your skills and master them to the perfection while staying alive as long as you can. Cold Wave however is aimed for the seasonal experts who have already learnt the ins and outs of the game and are looking to test their knowledge against the others. The idea is quite simple – the longer you stay alive while facing the ever-worsening weather, the higher your score will be. But the question is – how much are you willing to sacrifice to climb up the ladder?

[h3]Fixes and QoL improvements 🪱[/h3]
Obviously, content is one thing and fixing the game is the other, and we’re fully aware that we didn’t have quite the start we wanted and there were many of you who have experienced game breaking issues. But, thanks to your help and support we’ve managed to track most of those pesky bugs and problems. Since our EA launch back in March, we’ve managed to fix approximately five hundred bugs and adjust a plethora of different things to balance the game according to your feedback.
The icing on the cake is dozens of changes and general improvements that made their way into the game. To fully witness what we’ve managed to do, check our updated road map below. Rest assured, we’re still tracking your reports in Steam discussions, announcements, and on our discord server, so don’t hesitate and keep those comments coming, folks! 👍

[h2]What future holds for Winter Survival 🤔?[/h2]
Alrighty, since we’ve managed to cover the current state of the game, now it’s gonna be the high time to share some inside info about the future plans for the game. Let’s roll!
[h3]We’re working on ACT III 🔥[/h3]
Yes, you’ve heard that right! Currently we have a dedicated team that is focusing purely on bringing you the much anticipated ACT III for the story mode. Most of our efforts are put into the whole ACT III quest chain while working on brand-new features of which I cannot speak as of yet. It’s still quite a long journey till the end, but looking back in time we want to make sure that we deliver the best quality product possible to simply avoid any form of disappointment from your side.
Basically from now on we want to make sure that we're more than happy with the quality of the final product and only after that release it to you. No worries tho – the paratrooper makes sure that we work hard on a daily basis. Don't make him angry. You won't like him when he's angry!

[h3]Updates are on its way 👀[/h3]
I hope you’re still with me, because I promise that is the last thing we need to talk about. We understand that there are still issues, bugs, or problems – you name it – that we need to deal with. Having said that, till the end of a year you can expect two more game updates coming your way. We still do not have the exact date of the release, but as soon as I get that out from our producers, I’m gonna share that with you.
[h2]Stay up-to-date 📰[/h2]
Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. Right now, we’re waiting for your comments, so if you have any questions, suggestions, or simply would like to share your opinion with us, make sure to leave your answer in the comment section below. I’ll make sure to keep you folks updated on a regular basis regarding the progress we’ve made so far, but for now until the next devlog!