Let's talk about the reworked combat system in Winter Survival đź‘Š
Hey, Survivors! ❄️
Welcome into the first announcement in 2025. How was your holiday? I hope you spend some time defeating your never-ending gaming backlog and you’re right now ready to face the challenges of a New Year.
As Winter Survival continues its journey through development, it’s time to focus on yet another core mechanic that we’ve managed to completely rework some time ago which is combat. 🪓
Our team has been hard at work overhauling how you face off against threats, so that every encounter feels more immersive, tactical, and rewarding. Let’s see what has been changed, shall we?

[h2]Refining the Core Combat Experience 🧠[/h2]
Since day one, our aim has been to capture the raw intensity of surviving in the cold wild. With your feedback in mind, we’ve reevaluated how combat functions. We wanted it to be challenging yet fair, empowering you to find multiple ways to defend yourself and make meaningful decisions in the heat of the moment.
[h3]Block Attacks 🛡️[/h3]
Gone are the days of just swinging wildly to keep enemies at bay. We’ve introduced a block mechanic that allows you to raise your guard and mitigate incoming damage. While you won’t entirely avoid harm, timing your blocks just right can tip the scales in your favor.

But watch your stamina — blocking still costs energy, and if you’re too tired, you might not hold up that guard in time.

[h3]Using Your Axe for Defense 🪓[/h3]
Your trusty axe isn’t just for chopping wood anymore — it can also help you block and parry enemy attacks. We heard from many players who wanted more versatility in their gear loadout, so we made sure your go-to tool could double up as a defensive option. It may be heavier and slower to maneuver than a spear, but its stopping power is unmatched.

[h2]Stay up-to-date đź“°[/h2]
And that’s gonna be it for today’s announcement. Hope you really like the changes we’ve made some time ago and right now you’re well prepared to face those pesky wolves (am I the only one who hates them? 🤔). As always, your feedback is invaluable to us so keep those comments coming and help us make Winter Survival an even better experience. Until the next devlog!