Workshop Changelog

New Features:
- Added Ural 375D supply truck
- Added arena map cursor, used for navigation with gamepad
- Arena map cursor points towards Arena objectives
- New modding window to manage mods ingame
+ Set load order
+ See description with thumbnails
+ Enable/disable mods
- New Mod tools which export whole mods instead of just asset bundles
- Added "Loading..." bootstrapper scene to make the transition from the Unity logo to the splash screen logos smoother
+ Unity changed their licensing so the Unity logo is unfortunately back ;_;
- Gamepad now has default controls for for moving map screen camera
- Added new controls specific to photo mode for better controller support
+ Photo Mode: Zoom In/Out (D-Pad up/down)
+ Photo Mode: Hide UI (A button)
+ Photo Mode: Take Photo (X button)
- Updated Steamworks SDK to 1.57
- Photo mode controls box changes depending on last touched input
- World position display on top right of Photo Mode
- A new control scheme has been created for the Steam Deck as the new official default scheme
+ Back buttons are used as camera shortcuts
+ A trackpad based menu allows for expanded camera controls
+ The right trackpad is already configured to function as a mouse for menu navigation
- Added move to top/bottom buttons for mod manager sorting
- The mod specific panels (View, Upload, Update) have more consistent styling
- Better logging for various Workshop mod related things
- If updating a mod fails, the error message show's the mod's Steam ID
- Added toggles to set what gets updated when updating the Workshop mod (defaults to only content)
- When a mod is unsubscribed from, it is deleted when the game is reset on its first try
- Fixed mods not downloading after a certain number of subscribed mods reached
- Mod loading status is shown whenever mods are being downloaded, and not only once on startup
- Mods are downloaded ONLY on game start, not every time data is reloaded
- Fixed typo on the mod description JSON from "Description:" to "Description"