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Tiny Combat Arena News

Steam Workshop has been added to Tiny Combat Arena!

Hello! As a former modder, Tiny Combat Arena was always built with modding in mind. The layout of the game's files are plainly accessible, and tools were released a little over year to allow for importing of new 3D models into the game, which dramatically expanded what could be done.

[h2]The Modding Community[/h2]

It's been awesome and heartwarming to see a modding community build over time for Tiny Combat. However, mods had little in the way of discoverability, with no central location to download and share them, until now.

Workshop support was something I was putting off as a post-1.0 update, but at the insistence of, and with some programming support provided by, MicroProse, it was able to get done much sooner. In the long run I think that was the right decision.

[h2]Accessing Workshop[/h2]

The easiest way to access the Workshop is through the Workshop tab that now appears on the game's page in your Library. It can also be accessed directly through the Community tab.

[h2]The Mod Manager[/h2]

New in this patch is the Mod Manager. It's pretty self-explanatory, but it can be used to check the mods you have installed both locally and from Workshop. The mod load order can be adjusted, in case you need one mod to have its data loaded first so it be overwritten correctly by another mod. The Mod Manager will also tell you if you there is an asset conflict between mods.

Local mods can still be installed into the Mods folder the same as they used to, and this is something you will need to do if you want to create your own mods. Uploading mods to Steam Workshop is also done through this menu, as is updating your mods to Workshop.

[h2]Preview: Northern Germany Work Continues[/h2]

This patch was almost entirely concerned with Workshop support, so none of the convoy, helicopter, and terrain work that is being developed in parallel is making it in. I'm very excited about the variety of missions the new terrain will allow, but it's facing some challenges right now with regards to handling the scale of the map, with some pretty amazing optimizations as well.

In the meantime though, here's a few more WIP screenshots of the upcoming Northern Germany terrain!


New Features:
- New modding window to manage mods ingame
+ Set load order
+ See description with thumbnails
+ Enable/disable mods
- New Mod tools which export whole mods instead of just asset bundles

This is an abbreviated version of the changelog. The full changelog can be found in its own post here:
https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1347550/view/605276452911318161 Workshop Changelog


New Features:
- Added Ural 375D supply truck
- Added arena map cursor, used for navigation with gamepad
- Arena map cursor points towards Arena objectives
- New modding window to manage mods ingame
+ Set load order
+ See description with thumbnails
+ Enable/disable mods
- New Mod tools which export whole mods instead of just asset bundles
- Added "Loading..." bootstrapper scene to make the transition from the Unity logo to the splash screen logos smoother
+ Unity changed their licensing so the Unity logo is unfortunately back ;_;

- Gamepad now has default controls for for moving map screen camera
- Added new controls specific to photo mode for better controller support
+ Photo Mode: Zoom In/Out (D-Pad up/down)
+ Photo Mode: Hide UI (A button)
+ Photo Mode: Take Photo (X button)
- Updated Steamworks SDK to 1.57
- Photo mode controls box changes depending on last touched input
- World position display on top right of Photo Mode
- A new control scheme has been created for the Steam Deck as the new official default scheme
+ Back buttons are used as camera shortcuts
+ A trackpad based menu allows for expanded camera controls
+ The right trackpad is already configured to function as a mouse for menu navigation
- Added move to top/bottom buttons for mod manager sorting
- The mod specific panels (View, Upload, Update) have more consistent styling
- Better logging for various Workshop mod related things
- If updating a mod fails, the error message show's the mod's Steam ID
- Added toggles to set what gets updated when updating the Workshop mod (defaults to only content)

- When a mod is unsubscribed from, it is deleted when the game is reset on its first try
- Fixed mods not downloading after a certain number of subscribed mods reached
- Mod loading status is shown whenever mods are being downloaded, and not only once on startup
- Mods are downloaded ONLY on game start, not every time data is reloaded

- Fixed typo on the mod description JSON from "Description:" to "Description" Patch Notes (Tester's branch only)

New Features:
- Added Ural 375D supply truck
- Added arena map cursor, used for navigation with gamepad
- Arena map cursor points towards Arena objectives

- Gamepad now has default controls for for moving map screen camera
- Added new controls specific to photo mode for better controller support
+ Photo Mode: Zoom In/Out (D-Pad up/down)
+ Photo Mode: Hide UI (A button)
+ Photo Mode: Take Photo (X button)
- Updated Steamworks SDK to 1.57
- Photo mode controls box changes depending on last touched input
- World position display on top right of Photo Mode
- A new control scheme has been created for the Steam Deck as the new official default scheme
+ Back buttons are used as camera shortcuts
+ A trackpad based menu allows for expanded camera controls
+ The right trackpad is already configured to function as a mouse for menu navigation Hotfix Changelog

- Fixed stuck loading screen caused by using the Random setting for wing selection in Strike Instant Action
- Fixed Toramaru cliff having incorrect physics material
- Fixed turrets with "LimitTraverse" property not traversing at all
- Fixed reversed zoom input axis for map zoom Hotfix

- Added M1A1 and T-72 formations for use in instant action

- Fixed "disable" objectives not completing correctly
- Arena Demo missions objectives are more descriptive

Balance Changes:
- T-80s in Instant Action T-80 formation reduced from 3 groups of 4 to 2 groups of 3.
- Reduced damage of M256 250 -> 200
- Reduced damage of 125mm USSR 275 -> 220