V1.4.0: Stalingrad fully reworked, new uniforms, new vehicles, and more!
[h2]Hi everyone,[/h2]
First, here's the changelogs for this update:
[h2]New Features[/h2]
•Fully reworked Stalingrad map for better quality and performance.
•Added 17 missions for the new Stalingrad campaign.
•Fully reworked British uniforms.
•Added Matilda tank.
•Reworked Panther driving vision port.
•Added setting to cap dead bodies count for performance.
•Auto transport vehicles can now be placed as static props.
•Added new setting to increase night moon light.
•Added variant of Mosin 91/30 with straight bolt.
•Reworked most of the soviet uniforms, gears and headgears.
•Added new soviet and german officer uniforms, vests and headgears.
•Added new soviet Telogreika uniform.
•Added new Bofors gun.
•Added some new vehicle camos.
•New drag injured soldiers anims.
•Added double tap to toggle lean.
•New TPS ADS anims system.
•Changes in AI in order to use the TPS ADS system.
•New auto-transport fishing boat.
•New soviet tram prop.
•New MC 200 and MC 202 Italian fighter planes.
•New TPS jump animations.
•New music for upcoming Tunisia camapign.
•Fully reworked Mosin animations (all variants)
•Updated localization.
•Small fixes in rigging.
•Fixes on aim-toggle system.
•Fixed the way AI uses Mission Editor waypoints.
•Fixes in maps.
•Fixes in missions.
•Fixed French boat driver uniform system.
•Fixed music volume.
•Various fixes in vehicles.
•Improved drag injured soldier system.
•Changes in gamepad key bindings.
•Fixes with multiplayer syncronization of lean.
•Improved collision system of aircraft carriers.
•Fixes in various missions.
•Async resources reload is now more reliable.
•Fixes in Shohatsu driver.
•Fixed a bug where sensitivity was not affecting TPS ADS.
•Fixed bug with calliope and other vehicles.
•New weapons damage formula based on kinetic energy of bullets.
•Fixes with polish names.
•Fixes with some weapons.
•Fixes with some vehicles.
•Building destruction smoke now follows wind direction.
•Fixed bullet crack sound when ADS with scoper Kar 98.
•Enter vehicle animation removed when switching seat inside a vehicle.
•Improved UI navigation with controller.
•Improved slider usage with controller.
•Trackpad and Gyro can now be used toghether trough Steam Input with gamepad that supports them.
•Smaller improvements in settings UI.
•New Enfield sounds
•Kos map updated
•Fixed a bug on OSX version where it was not possible to load an heightmap texture in map editor.
•Fixes with soviet medic helmet.
•Changes on Enfield rifle and Enfield revolver sounds.
•Various other smaller fixes from feedbacks on Discord.
We have finally managed to fully rework the Stalingrad campaign to ensure that even the first DLC, released back in 2022, can still compete with the latest game content!
[h2]This rework consist of:[/h2]
•A complete overhaul of the Stalingrad map to make it more historically accurate, visually appealing, and optimized.
•A full rework of the missions to make them more historically accurate and to increase the total number of missions to 17.
•Revisions of the Soviet uniforms.
•Updates to various Soviet weapon animations, including the addition of the Mosin M91/30 with a straight bolt.
•Improvements to various Stalingrad props, with a few new props added as well.
The Stalingrad campaign has now more content than ever, so if you still have to get the DLC, this is the right moment!
We are almost done adding new vehicles and props for the new free Tunisia campaign, and those are already accessible on the Map & Mission Editor. We now plan to make a few desert uniforms for British and German army. In the meantime, now that the Stalingrad campaign is fully reworked, we will also start focusing most of our map making efforts into making this map and it's missions.
As for the Second Sino-Japanese War DLC, we are almost done making the buildings and the uniforms for this campaign. Then we will also have to finalize the weapons, the vehicles, the map and the missions. This campaign will be finalized after the Tunisia campaign, and we hope to release it during the Fall.
All the changes up to this update are now being delivered to Xbox and Nintendo to wait for their approval which as usual should take around 10-15 days.
Also we can finally confirm that a Playstation 4 and Playstation 5 version of the game is being worked on and we hope to release this around Christmas.
As many know, we originally planned to rework the AI over a few weeks. However, we decided to make deeper changes than originally planned, leading us to work on the AI for a longer period and in parallel with other tasks. As a result, AI development has become a continuous process that will likely continue throughout the year.
The next big step will focus primarily on improving AI vehicle driving.
[h3]You can get Battle of the Bulge and France Invasion here[/h3]
[h3]You can get Normandy campaign here[/h3]
In case you didn't know we have defined a precise roadmap for the next months of development and you can read it here.
We keep improving all features of the base game and as always we will be going on listening to suggestions from people inside the Steam Discussions and the Discord server.
Thank you all,
First, here's the changelogs for this update:
Recent Changes
[h2]New Features[/h2]
•Fully reworked Stalingrad map for better quality and performance.
•Added 17 missions for the new Stalingrad campaign.
•Fully reworked British uniforms.
•Added Matilda tank.
•Reworked Panther driving vision port.
•Added setting to cap dead bodies count for performance.
•Auto transport vehicles can now be placed as static props.
•Added new setting to increase night moon light.
•Added variant of Mosin 91/30 with straight bolt.
•Reworked most of the soviet uniforms, gears and headgears.
•Added new soviet and german officer uniforms, vests and headgears.
•Added new soviet Telogreika uniform.
•Added new Bofors gun.
•Added some new vehicle camos.
•New drag injured soldiers anims.
•Added double tap to toggle lean.
•New TPS ADS anims system.
•Changes in AI in order to use the TPS ADS system.
•New auto-transport fishing boat.
•New soviet tram prop.
•New MC 200 and MC 202 Italian fighter planes.
•New TPS jump animations.
•New music for upcoming Tunisia camapign.
•Fully reworked Mosin animations (all variants)
•Updated localization.
•Small fixes in rigging.
•Fixes on aim-toggle system.
•Fixed the way AI uses Mission Editor waypoints.
•Fixes in maps.
•Fixes in missions.
•Fixed French boat driver uniform system.
•Fixed music volume.
•Various fixes in vehicles.
•Improved drag injured soldier system.
•Changes in gamepad key bindings.
•Fixes with multiplayer syncronization of lean.
•Improved collision system of aircraft carriers.
•Fixes in various missions.
•Async resources reload is now more reliable.
•Fixes in Shohatsu driver.
•Fixed a bug where sensitivity was not affecting TPS ADS.
•Fixed bug with calliope and other vehicles.
•New weapons damage formula based on kinetic energy of bullets.
•Fixes with polish names.
•Fixes with some weapons.
•Fixes with some vehicles.
•Building destruction smoke now follows wind direction.
•Fixed bullet crack sound when ADS with scoper Kar 98.
•Enter vehicle animation removed when switching seat inside a vehicle.
•Improved UI navigation with controller.
•Improved slider usage with controller.
•Trackpad and Gyro can now be used toghether trough Steam Input with gamepad that supports them.
•Smaller improvements in settings UI.
•New Enfield sounds
•Kos map updated
•Fixed a bug on OSX version where it was not possible to load an heightmap texture in map editor.
•Fixes with soviet medic helmet.
•Changes on Enfield rifle and Enfield revolver sounds.
•Various other smaller fixes from feedbacks on Discord.
Stalingrad rework
We have finally managed to fully rework the Stalingrad campaign to ensure that even the first DLC, released back in 2022, can still compete with the latest game content!
[h2]This rework consist of:[/h2]
•A complete overhaul of the Stalingrad map to make it more historically accurate, visually appealing, and optimized.
•A full rework of the missions to make them more historically accurate and to increase the total number of missions to 17.
•Revisions of the Soviet uniforms.
•Updates to various Soviet weapon animations, including the addition of the Mosin M91/30 with a straight bolt.
•Improvements to various Stalingrad props, with a few new props added as well.
The Stalingrad campaign has now more content than ever, so if you still have to get the DLC, this is the right moment!
Tunisia and the Second Sino-Japanese War
We are almost done adding new vehicles and props for the new free Tunisia campaign, and those are already accessible on the Map & Mission Editor. We now plan to make a few desert uniforms for British and German army. In the meantime, now that the Stalingrad campaign is fully reworked, we will also start focusing most of our map making efforts into making this map and it's missions.
As for the Second Sino-Japanese War DLC, we are almost done making the buildings and the uniforms for this campaign. Then we will also have to finalize the weapons, the vehicles, the map and the missions. This campaign will be finalized after the Tunisia campaign, and we hope to release it during the Fall.
Playstation release & Console Updates
All the changes up to this update are now being delivered to Xbox and Nintendo to wait for their approval which as usual should take around 10-15 days.
Also we can finally confirm that a Playstation 4 and Playstation 5 version of the game is being worked on and we hope to release this around Christmas.
AI rework
As many know, we originally planned to rework the AI over a few weeks. However, we decided to make deeper changes than originally planned, leading us to work on the AI for a longer period and in parallel with other tasks. As a result, AI development has become a continuous process that will likely continue throughout the year.
The next big step will focus primarily on improving AI vehicle driving.
Available content
[h3]You can get Battle of the Bulge and France Invasion here[/h3]
[h3]You can get Normandy campaign here[/h3]
Extra informations
In case you didn't know we have defined a precise roadmap for the next months of development and you can read it here.
We keep improving all features of the base game and as always we will be going on listening to suggestions from people inside the Steam Discussions and the Discord server.
Thank you all,