V1.3.9: New uniforms, new vehicles, new animations, fixes and more!
[h2]Hi everyone,[/h2]
First, here's the changelogs for this update:
[h2]New Features[/h2]
•Reworked most of the soviet uniforms, gears and headgears.
•Added new soviet and german officer uniforms, vests and headgears.
•Added new soviet Telogreika uniform.
•Added new Bofors gun.
•Added some new vehicle camos.
•New drag injured soldiers anims.
•Added double tap to toggle lean.
•New TPS ADS anims system.
•Changes in AI in order to use the TPS ADS system.
•New auto-transport fishing boat.
•New soviet tram prop.
•New MC 200 and MC 202 Italian fighter planes.
•New TPS jump animations.
•New music for upcoming Tunisia camapign.
•Improved drag injured soldier system.
•Changes in gamepad key bindings.
•Fixes with multiplayer syncronization of lean.
•Improved collision system of aircraft carriers.
•Fixes in various missions.
•Async resources reload is now more reliable.
•Fixes in Shohatsu driver.
•Fixed a bug where sensitivity was not affecting TPS ADS.
•Fixed bug with calliope and other vehicles.
•New weapons damage formula based on kinetic energy of bullets.
•Fixes with polish names and localization.
•Fixes with some weapons.
•Fixes with some vehicles.
•Building destruction smoke now follows wind direction.
•Fixed bullet crack sound when ADS with scoper Kar 98.
•Enter vehicle animation removed when switching seat inside a vehicle.
•Improved UI navigation with controller.
•Improved slider usage with controller.
•Trackpad and Gyro can now be used toghether trough Steam Input with gamepad that supports them.
•Smaller improvements in settings UI.
•New Enfield sounds
•Kos map updated
While in the last couple of updates we didn't do a lot of progresses with AI, as we focused a bit more on Stalingrad rework, free Tunisia campaign and Sino-Japanese war DLC, AI this is still a very big focus for this year.
People that have been playing Easy Red 2 before 2024 I'm sure can clearly see big differencies on how AI troops behave and perform today, however we want to put the same amount of effort on vehicle's AI trough the rest of this year.
As announced recently, we wanted to re-make it not only with better performance, but also bring it more up to line with the Easy Red 2 standard in terms of map and mission design. Now, it's featuring at least 14 totally new missions made from the ground up on a whole new map.
We are going to start testing Stalingrad rework in public BETA during next days, and we expect it to be fully released during the second half of this month.
Tunisia production is underway, and you can expect it to release within a couple of months after the Stalingrad rework is out (we'll have a more precise time frame once that is the case). Probably, by the end of this summer! Some locations it will include will be Tunis, Bizerte, Kasserine, Sidi Bou Zid, Faid Pass, and some more!
As for the Second Sino-Japanese War DLC mentioned in previous update posts, it may take at least a few months to get out due to the sheer amount of content that's going to be included with it. We can tell you now at the very least it will include the 5th largest city in the world at the time-- the great Shanghai.
Notice that the assets for the upcoming Stalingrad remake and Tunisia campaign are being added before the release of the campaign, so the Map Makers can already make use of them and can give us feedbacks inside our Discord server.
As soon as Stalingrad reowork will be ready to be released, we will send new updates to console versions featuring all the changes up to the latest version of the game, so of course also including the Stalingrad rework itself, this update and last few updates.
We also are officially working on Playstation 4 and Playstation 5 porting of the game as requested by many of you. It's still very early to plan when a release will be possible, but we hope this is something that could be completed around Christmas.
[h3]You can get Battle of the Bulge and France Invasion here[/h3]
[h3]You can get Normandy campaign here[/h3]
In case you didn't know we have defined a precise roadmap for the next months of development and you can read it here.
We keep improving all features of the base game and as always we will be going on listening to suggestions from people inside the Steam Discussions and the Discord server.
Thank you all,
First, here's the changelogs for this update:
Recent Changes
[h2]New Features[/h2]
•Reworked most of the soviet uniforms, gears and headgears.
•Added new soviet and german officer uniforms, vests and headgears.
•Added new soviet Telogreika uniform.
•Added new Bofors gun.
•Added some new vehicle camos.
•New drag injured soldiers anims.
•Added double tap to toggle lean.
•New TPS ADS anims system.
•Changes in AI in order to use the TPS ADS system.
•New auto-transport fishing boat.
•New soviet tram prop.
•New MC 200 and MC 202 Italian fighter planes.
•New TPS jump animations.
•New music for upcoming Tunisia camapign.
•Improved drag injured soldier system.
•Changes in gamepad key bindings.
•Fixes with multiplayer syncronization of lean.
•Improved collision system of aircraft carriers.
•Fixes in various missions.
•Async resources reload is now more reliable.
•Fixes in Shohatsu driver.
•Fixed a bug where sensitivity was not affecting TPS ADS.
•Fixed bug with calliope and other vehicles.
•New weapons damage formula based on kinetic energy of bullets.
•Fixes with polish names and localization.
•Fixes with some weapons.
•Fixes with some vehicles.
•Building destruction smoke now follows wind direction.
•Fixed bullet crack sound when ADS with scoper Kar 98.
•Enter vehicle animation removed when switching seat inside a vehicle.
•Improved UI navigation with controller.
•Improved slider usage with controller.
•Trackpad and Gyro can now be used toghether trough Steam Input with gamepad that supports them.
•Smaller improvements in settings UI.
•New Enfield sounds
•Kos map updated
AI rework
While in the last couple of updates we didn't do a lot of progresses with AI, as we focused a bit more on Stalingrad rework, free Tunisia campaign and Sino-Japanese war DLC, AI this is still a very big focus for this year.
People that have been playing Easy Red 2 before 2024 I'm sure can clearly see big differencies on how AI troops behave and perform today, however we want to put the same amount of effort on vehicle's AI trough the rest of this year.
Stalingrad rework
As announced recently, we wanted to re-make it not only with better performance, but also bring it more up to line with the Easy Red 2 standard in terms of map and mission design. Now, it's featuring at least 14 totally new missions made from the ground up on a whole new map.
We are going to start testing Stalingrad rework in public BETA during next days, and we expect it to be fully released during the second half of this month.
Tunisia and the Second Sino-Japanese War
Tunisia production is underway, and you can expect it to release within a couple of months after the Stalingrad rework is out (we'll have a more precise time frame once that is the case). Probably, by the end of this summer! Some locations it will include will be Tunis, Bizerte, Kasserine, Sidi Bou Zid, Faid Pass, and some more!
As for the Second Sino-Japanese War DLC mentioned in previous update posts, it may take at least a few months to get out due to the sheer amount of content that's going to be included with it. We can tell you now at the very least it will include the 5th largest city in the world at the time-- the great Shanghai.
Notice that the assets for the upcoming Stalingrad remake and Tunisia campaign are being added before the release of the campaign, so the Map Makers can already make use of them and can give us feedbacks inside our Discord server.
Console Updates
As soon as Stalingrad reowork will be ready to be released, we will send new updates to console versions featuring all the changes up to the latest version of the game, so of course also including the Stalingrad rework itself, this update and last few updates.
We also are officially working on Playstation 4 and Playstation 5 porting of the game as requested by many of you. It's still very early to plan when a release will be possible, but we hope this is something that could be completed around Christmas.
Available content
[h3]You can get Battle of the Bulge and France Invasion here[/h3]
[h3]You can get Normandy campaign here[/h3]
Extra informations
In case you didn't know we have defined a precise roadmap for the next months of development and you can read it here.
We keep improving all features of the base game and as always we will be going on listening to suggestions from people inside the Steam Discussions and the Discord server.
Thank you all,