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  2. News
  3. Patch - Reworks in Map Editor and various improvements (05/05/2024)

Patch - Reworks in Map Editor and various improvements (05/05/2024)

Hello everyone,

This is a small patch conatining just a few but very interesting changes, expecially for map makers.

New features
•Added multi prop selection in Map Editor (Either with Shift+Click or using drag cursor box)
•New tools to deform terrain preserving prop elevation.
•New tools to move props preserving their elevation.
•New tools and shortcuts to manipulate and duplicate selected props.
•New selection outline effect for Map and Mission editor props.
•It's now possible to select props in Map and Mission editor by clicking on the prop itself instead of it's label.
•New hold breath sounds (Realistic difficulty)

•Now AI planes make sure to finish all the main weapon ammos before going to refill.
•Adjustments in missions.
•Fixes with AI spawning on top of bushes sometimes.
•Some improvements in sounds.