Somber Echoes - Patch #3
Bug fixes - Bosses and weapons
- Fixed an issue with attacks lingering on Stymphalian Statue
- Fixed an issue where the Arbiter weapon would in specific cases, do much more damage than intended.
- Added icons for survivors
- Updated the “quest” map icon to make it more visible
- Fixed some instances of “quest” icons not being properly removed
- Improved the color coding and contrast for the whole map
- When a “quest” is unlocked, the map will focus on the exact location of it
- Fixed some edge cases where issues could arise from performing certain actions when transitioning
between levels
- In between step to prepare the game for cloud save activation
- Rescuing survivors will now save their state immediately
- Unlocking a statue memory will now save its state immediately
- Fixed some secret areas not saving their state after being hidden
- Tweaks and polish applied to various cutscenes and animations
- Updated icons for button press prompts in tutorials and hints
- Added a tutorial for Aether Strips.