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Somber Echoes News

Our first Seasonal Sale! - 20% off!

Get Somber Echoes for 20% off and experience a Greco-Roman & Sci-Fi mixed game where you need to find secrets, acquire upgrades, and dominate mighty foes through sheer combat prowess as you explore and conquer the horrors of the forsaken vessel Atromitos.

On sale until the 20th of March


Somber Echoes - Patch #4 - Early game adjustments

Balance changes to help ease players into the early parts of The Lower Residence, as well as removing some frustration throughout.

  • Added more Nyx crystals to help with health recovery in the early parts of Lower Residence.
  • Removed a few projectile based enemies in one of the early levels.
  • Moved the rest shrine in Plundered Market, to make it easier to spot.
  • Changed Nocturnal Pools to no longer do damage to the player. They will still move you to the previous “safe spot”.

Get Somber Echoes with a discount! ⚱️

Get Somber Echoes for 20% off and experience a Greco-Roman & Sci-Fi mixed game where you need to find secrets, acquire upgrades, and dominate mighty foes through sheer combat prowess as you explore and conquer the horrors of the forsaken vessel Atromitos.

On sale until the 27th of February.

Get the game here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1299290/Somber_Echoes/

Steam cloud save enabled - Disclaimer

Steam cloud save is now enabled.
Make sure you update to the latest update: 10.feb - 2025 or newer, as that added support.

A disclaimer for players using multiple computers/steam decks, etc.
To ensure you do not loose any progress, make sure you start the game on the platform you wish to keep the save from.
For extra safety, creating a local backup of the save files could be smart.

Save files can be found here:
Windows path:

Steamdeck/Linux path: home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1299290/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/SomberEchoes/Saved/SaveGames/

Somber Echoes - Patch #3

Bug fixes - Bosses and weapons
  • Fixed an issue with attacks lingering on Stymphalian Statue
  • Fixed an issue where the Arbiter weapon would in specific cases, do much more damage than intended.
Map updates(Icons/Readability)
  • Added icons for survivors
  • Updated the “quest” map icon to make it more visible
  • Fixed some instances of “quest” icons not being properly removed
  • Improved the color coding and contrast for the whole map
  • When a “quest” is unlocked, the map will focus on the exact location of it
Level transition stability
  • Fixed some edge cases where issues could arise from performing certain actions when transitioning
    between levels
Preparation for cloud save
  • In between step to prepare the game for cloud save activation
Game save state
  • Rescuing survivors will now save their state immediately
  • Unlocking a statue memory will now save its state immediately
  • Fixed some secret areas not saving their state after being hidden
  • Tweaks and polish applied to various cutscenes and animations
  • Updated icons for button press prompts in tutorials and hints
  • Added a tutorial for Aether Strips.